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"This book centers on The Gospel of the Lots of Mary, a previously unknown text preserved in a fifth- or sixth-century Coptic miniature codex. It presents the first critical edition and translation of this new text. My book is also a project about religious praxis and authority, as I situate the manuscript within the context of practices of and debates around divination in the ancient Mediterranean world."--Preface, p. [vii].
This volume brings together studies of a diverse collection of sources ù patristic texts, apocrypha, medicinal treatises, hagiography, pseudepigrapha, papyri, and more ù illuminating how children mediated the relationship between Christian thought and society in late antiquity.
English summary: This volume comprises 13 papers on John Chrysostom, most of which were published during the last four decades (the first and the last were unpublished up to now). The golden mouth was already the focus of Adolf Martin Ritter's postdoctoral project on Charisma as interpreted by John Chrysostom and his time, completed in 1970 and published in Gottingen in 1972, which served as a starting point and a background for many of the discussions in these Studia Chrysostomica. Since the author is accustomed to placing a lot of emphasis on the discussion with other positions, this collection not only provides far-reaching insights into the actual academic discussion on John Chrysostom but also documents the progress of the author's thinking as far as this Church Father and the chances and difficulties of understanding him are concerned. German description: Die 13 Studien uber Johannes Chrysostomus (ca. 349-407), dem bereits die Gottinger Habilitationsschrift Adolf Martin Ritters gewidmet war, sind seit 1969 entstanden und die meisten seit 1971 veroffentlicht worden; die erste und die letzte waren bislang unveroffentlicht. Sie beleuchten, nicht unkritisch, eine der Lichtgestalten der Kirchengeschichte, und das unter ganz unterschiedlichen, nicht zuletzt methodologischen, Aspekten. Dem Autor ist vor allem an dem Forschungsgesprach gelegen, das oft genug in Ansatzen stecken bleibt, daher nimmt dieses in den Studien einen breiten Raum ein. Wahrend die teilweise schon vor langer Zeit veroffentlichten Studien meist in der Substanz unverandert vorliegen, ist die Forschungsdiskussion (Sozialethik, Verstandnis des Monchtums bei Chrysostomus) an besonders strittigen Punkten bis in die Gegenwart fortgesetzt worden.
Liturgical papyri are prime witnesses to the history of liturgy and the religious and theological currents in late antique Egypt. These items from the third to ninth century preserve hundreds of Greek and Coptic hymns, prayers, and acclamations, most otherwise unknown but some still recited by the Coptic Church. Agnes T. Mihalyko offers the first extensive introduction to the liturgical papyri, facilitating the reader's access to them with a detailed inventory of edited manuscripts and an extensive discussion of their date and provenance. She also examines liturgical papyri as the first preserved liturgical manuscripts, describing their material features, the ways they were used, the early history of the liturgical books, and their languages. She reveals how liturgical texts were written down and transmitted and locates these important manuscripts in the book culture of late antique Egypt.
Der Band enthält dreizehn Aufsätze aus den Jahren 1990-97, die teils in deutscher und teils in englischer Sprache verfaßt sind. Der Titel zeigt die schwerpunktmäßige Thematik der Einzelstudien an: die urchristliche Literatur in der Auseinandersetzung mit Antike und Christentum. Eine erste Gruppe ist der Erforschung des historischen Jesus gewidmet, eine zweite den Problemen der Entstehung des Christentums, eine dritte der nichtchristlichen religiösen Welt des Hellenismus (besonders Magie, Heroenkult, Hermetik). Im vierten Teil erörtert Hans Dieter Betz die berühmten orphischen Goldplättchen und lenkt zu Paulus zurück. Den Abschluß bildet eine grundsätzliche Darstellung der Problematik von Antike und Christentum.
The consensus view asserts Augustine developed his later doctrines ca. 396 CE while writing Ad Simplicianum as a result of studying scripture. His early De libero arbitrio argued for traditional free choice refuting Manichaean determinism, but his anti-Pelagian writings rejected any human ability to believe without God giving faith. Kenneth M. Wilson's study is the first work applying the comprehensive methodology of reading systematically and chronologically through Augustine's entire extant corpus (works, sermons, and letters 386-430 CE), and examining his doctrinal development. The author explores Augustine's later theology within the prior philosophical-religious context of free choice versus deterministic arguments. This analysis demonstrates Augustine persisted in traditional views until 412 CE and his theological transition was primarily due to his prior Stoic, Neoplatonic, and Manichaean influences.
The religious revolution of late antiquity and its intertwined religious history are reflected in a broad array of new forms of religious belief and practice, of which Christianity is only the most perceptible one. It is represented in the passage from polytheistic systems to monotheistic and dualist ones, as well as in the move from rituals centred upon sacrifices in temples to rituals established upon scriptures, in churches, synagogues, or mosques. This double dynamism of beliefs and rituals sheds light on the transformations of religious ethos. Guy G. Stroumsa's two-part volume reflects this double argument. The essays all focus on central aspects, such as in Part I on mental aspects of religion in the Roman Empire, as expressed in early Christian texts and traditions, and in Part II on religious communication across the empire's cultures and communities.