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„Sozomena“ bedeutet auf Griechisch „Gerettetes“. Die Reihe widmet sich der Erschließung von Texten, die aus der griechischen und römischen Antike nur durch ausserordentliche Fund-Umstände erhalten geblieben sind - allen voran durch Papyri, von denen Tausende in Universitäten und Bibliotheken unentziffert vorhanden sind. Die Reihe soll hauptsächlich Texte edieren und interpretieren, aber auch die Methoden der Erschließung diskutieren. Verschiedene Buchtypen werden daher hier veröffentlicht: Texteditionen, Kommentare, Monographien und Sammelbände. Die Hauptsprache der Publikationen ist Englisch, daneben auch Deutsch und Italienisch. Herausgegeben werden die Sozomena von Alessandro Barchiesi (Harvard, MA), Robert Fowler (Bristol), Dirk Obbink (Oxford und Ann Arbor, MI) und Nigel Wilson (Oxford) im Namen der Herculaneum Society, die zur Förderung der Erschließung des wichtigsten Fundkomplexes antiker Papyri gegründet wurde: der Villa dei Papiri im Pompeji benachbarten antiken Herculaneum mit ihren zum Teil noch nicht ausgegrabenen Schätzen an Textrollen.
The book is the third and concluding part of the investigation on Submerged literature in ancient Greece and beyond. The book expands the inquiry to a comparative perspective, in order to test the validity and usefulness of the hermeneutical approach in other fields and cultures. The comparative case studies deal with gnostic text, Qumran texts, the Hebrew Bible, Early Christianity, Cuneiform Texts, Arabic-Islamic literature, ancient Rome, Medieval China, and contemporary southern Italy. The volume tackles themes and questions relating to author and authorship, cultural translation and transmission, the interaction between orality and literacy, myth and folktale. A particular emphasis is given to anthropological themes and methods. In this vein, the book further explores dynamics of emergence and submersion in ancient Greece, including cultural trends promoted respectively by Sparta and Athens. The volume provides the reader with a wide range of tools and methodological suggestions to reconstruct literary phenomena and cultural processes in a given historical epoch and context, as well as offering new insights for both classical and comparative studies.
This volume deals with the submerged literature of ancient Greece; that is, all the texts produced for socially relevant events that have contributed to the configuration and articulation of ancient Greek culture as we know it. In particular, the hermeneutic tool of submerged literature may shed new light on the dynamics behind the 'emersion' or 'submersion' of certain texts during different periods. The category of submerged literature is extended here to include preserved and lost texts as well as those texts that can be reconstructed through investigation. The volume investigates the manifold speech acts that we know of through various sources and that, either from the outset or over the course of time, have been placed at the edge of diffusion, conservation and transmission. The essays contained in the volume deal with questions of hermeneutics, philology and methodology, as well as with epic cycles, lyric poetry, tragedy, comedy, satyr drama, and mime. By approaching these genres from the perspective of submerged literature, the book tries to provide a more precise contextualization of the texts within the communication system of ancient Greece. The book thus presents a new line of research and a series of studies that take a fresh look at the texts and all archaeological and iconographic sources relating to Greek culture, taking into account the results of ethnographic and anthropological research. This extensive investigation examines unique ancient Greek orality and literacy dynamics using a new hermeneutic frame that will hopefully reshape our understanding of ancient Greek culture.
The book is the second volume of a series of studies dealing with the Submerged literature in ancient Greek culture (s. vol. 1: G. Colesanti, M. Giordano, eds., Submerged Literature in Ancient Greek Culture. An Introduction, Berlin-Boston, de Gruyter, 2014). It is a peculiar starting point of the research in the field of Greek culture, since it casts a light on many case studies so far not yet analyzed as literary products subjected to the process of submersion: e.g. oracles, philosophy, phlyax play, epigrams, Aesopic fables, periplus, sacred texts, mysteries, medical treatises, dance, music. Therefore the book investigates the complex and manifold dynamics of ‘emergence’ and ‘submersion’ in ancient Greek literary culture, dealing especially with matters as the interaction between orality and literacy, the authorship, the cultural transmission, the folklore. Moreover, the book offers the reader new stimulating approaches in order to reconstruct the wide frame which contained the overall cultural processes, including the literary products subjected to the submersion, in a chronological span going from Greek archaic age to the Imperial age.
In the last decades the field of research on ancient Greek scholarship has been the object of a remarkable surge of interest, with the publication of handbooks, reference works, and new editions of texts. This partly unexpected revival is very promising and it continues to enhance and modify both our knowledge of ancient scholarship and the way in which we are accustomed to discuss these texts and tackle the editorial and exegetical challenges they pose. This volume deals with some pivotal aspects of this topic, being the outcome of a three-year project funded by the Italian Ministry for Education, University and Research (MIUR) on specific aspects of the critical re-appraisal of Homer, Hesiod, Pindar, and Aeschylus in Greek culture throughout antiquity and the Middle Ages. It tackles issues such as the material form of the transmission of the exegesis from papyri to codices, the examination of hitherto unexplored branches of the manuscript evidence, the discussion of some important scholia, and the role played by the indirect tradition and the assimilation of the exegetical heritage in grammatical and lexicographical works. Some strands of the ancient and medieval scholarship are here re-evaluated afresh by adopting an interdisciplinary methodology which blends modern editorial techniques developed for ‘problematic’ or ‘non-authorial’ medieval texts with current trends in the history of philology and literary criticism. In their diversity of subject matter and approach the papers collected in the volume give intended readers an excellent overview of the topics of the project.
This volume proposes a multidisciplinary approach to the history of Ancient Greek. Each of its ten papers offers a methodological example of how the study of Greek can be greatly enhanced by a truly multidisciplinary perspective in which the analysis of language interacts with epigraphy, textual philology and comparative linguistics, yet without neglecting the role that linguistic features play in the texts in which they are used, and hence in the culture which produced both. The first four papers tackle epic language, addressing eccentric pronouns and formulas, the role and semantics of the middle perfect, and the development of hexameter poetry in the colonial West. The next two papers are devoted to lyric poetry and its linguistic influence in Greek literature and tackle fragments by Corinna and Epicharmus respectively. The remaining four contributions look into a variety of topics spanning from early Ionic prose to the diachronic development of the Greek lexicon and its reception in Byzantine lexicography. They all provide examples of how Greek literary language evolved across the centuries, how it was perceived by ancient scholars, and what contribution modern linguistic approaches can provide to our understanding of both these issues.
This book demonstrates that the carefully chosen Greek words in Persius’ programmatic passages play a significant role in the context of his literary criticism: they allow him to express his objection to the Graecizing poetic compositions of his day more convincingly, while facilitating intertextual dialogues with many writers. Greek words that occur in programmatic passages throw into relief various pathologies of poetry which Persius disapproves of and which contribute effectively to a justification of his rejection. However, this practice, which does not continue into the rest of his work, where Greek words are incorporated into the satirist’s thought more harmoniously, appears to serve specific expediencies and should not be considered characteristic of Persius’ attitude towards Greek culture in general. Besides, the satiric persona adopts a positive stance regarding Greek philosophy or comedy and criticizes the ignorant critics of Greek culture, while many aspects of Greek thought enrich his own poetry in several passages. Thus, despite the intensity with which he turns against the Graecizing compositions of his day, generalizations regarding an anti-Hellenic stance on Persius’ part should be deemed unfounded.
The book takes its lead from academic Annamaria Pagliaro’s experience straddling Australia and Italy over a thirty-year period. As both former colleagues and collaborators of Pagliaro, we editors intend to open a kaleidoscope of perspectives on the international research landscape in the fields of Italian and Anglophone studies, starting from Pagliaro’s own contribution to the creation of relations between the two cultures in the period that saw her work transnationally as Director of the Monash University Prato Centre (2005-2008).