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Research has shown that the risk of athletic injury increases with increased psychological stress and that social support can help reduce risk of injury. Collegiate athletic trainers spend a considerable amount of time with and build unique relationships with the athletes with whom they work. However, no research is available on specific factors that cause an athlete to turn to an athletic trainer for social support. An electronic survey was developed and sent to 938 local collegiate athletes to determine if, how, and why student athletes utilize athletic trainers for social support. The results from this study found that the more satisfied student athletes are with the level of social support provided by an athletic trainer, the more likely they are to confide in one (No injury prime: b=0.79, t(31)=7.20, p=
Student-athletes as a subgroup on college campuses experience challenges related to their dual identities. Similarly, to their non-athlete peers, student-athletes face stress related to enrollment in addition to stressors related to athletic participation. The institution, individual athletic departments, and the NCAA govern participation in collegiate athletics, and have the ability to greatly affect the culture and experience of being a student-athlete. The combination of student and athlete identities imposes a need for this subgroup to be monitored and acknowledged by the overarching entity that is athletic departments. Although there are some models of best practices in supporting student-athlete mental health, the varying degrees of supports is call for concern. In a quantitative analysis, this study surveyed NCAA athletic department personnel from a variety of institutions. Using one-way ANOVA and multiple regression analysis’ to identify participant’s respective institution’s mental health supports, NCAA division, financial aid, and money allocation were evaluated. Participants included in this study mostly consisted of athletic academic staff and athletic administration through the National Association of Academic and Student-Athlete Development Professionals listserv. The findings of this study presented a discrepancy between supports provided and NCAA division and money allocated. The study also found a significant difference between providing a support and mandating the use of supports. .
Psychological concerns such as athlete burnout and diminished well-being have become an increasing problem collegiate student-athletes are faced with due to substantial academic and athletic demands. The first purpose of this study was to determine if the association exists between athlete burnout and well-being in female collegiate student-athletes. The second purpose was to determine if grit and social support have a main or buffering-effect on well-being and athlete burnout in female college student-athletes. The study utilized a quantitative, cross-sectional design through the administration of a web-based survey. A convenience sample of 174 NCAA Division I, female collegiate student-athletes from one Southeastern institution was utilized for the study. A correlation analysis presented a significant negative, moderate correlation (r=-0.58, p
This research was a descriptive exploratory quantitative study that examined the potential role of social work support for college student athletes in the San Fernando Valley. This research gathered survey data on student athlete’s basic demographics, their current and past exposures to risk and protective factors and their attitudes towards help seeking behavior. The sample consisted of 35 student athletes. Results indicated that there was a strong negative relationship between peer risk factors and help seeking behavior. Further student individual risk factors were related to school and peer risk factors. Students with higher individual protective factors, also had higher family, school, peer and community protective factors and a stronger tendency to seek help when needed. Social work professionals could be a great asset to the Athletic Department supporting student athletes holistically by helping them reach their full academic, athletic and mental potential.
This book will change the way we understand the future of our planet. It is both alarming and hopeful. James Gustave Speth, renowned as a visionary environmentalist leader, warns that in spite of all the international negotiations and agreements of the past two decades, efforts to protect Earth's environment are not succeeding. Still, he says, the challenges are not insurmountable. He offers comprehensive, viable new strategies for dealing with environmental threats around the world. The author explains why current approaches to critical global environmental problems - climate change, biodiversity loss, deterioration of marine environments, deforestation, water shortages, and others - don't work. He offers intriguing insights into why we have been able to address domestic environmental threats with some success while largely failing at the international level. Setting forth eight specific steps to a sustainable future, Speth convincingly argues that dramatically different government and citizen action are now urgent. If ever a book could be described as essential, this is it.
Introduction: Adolescents and young adults experience a high level of mental health conditions.These disorders appear to be increasing in number and severity. The prevalence rate for 18-25-years-olds is 8.7% in 12 months. Mental health conditions are treatable, yet many people do not seek professional help. Seeking help from a professional source is particularly important for preventing, early detection, treatment, and recovery from mental health conditions. Purpose: The purpose of this mixed-methods study is to demonstrate the prevalence of depression, explore student-athletes attitudes towards seeking mental health help, understand what factors may influence help-seeking behaviors, and explore the athlete's perceptions of the role that athletic trainers play in the assessment and referral process. Methods: An exploratory, concurrent mixed methods design was used. Survey data from the ATSPPH-SF and PHQ-9 were collected from collegiate student-athletes. A phenomenological approach will guide the qualitative research process. Semi-structured interviews will be audiotaped, transcribed, and analyzed using an interpretive thematic analytical approach. Study Participants: National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) student-athletes participating at the Divsion III (DIII) level. Results: The prevalence of depression was almost 42% in the study population. There was no relationship between PHQ-9 scores and sex. Attitudes towards seeking help were generally positive. Females tend to have more favorable attitudes than males, but this finding was not statistically significant. There was no relationhship between PHQ-9 scores and ATSPPH-SF scores. Barriers to help-seeking included perceived seriousness, stigma, lack of time, accessibility, prefer to handle issues on own, and cost. Facilitators to help-seeking included perceived and nee-problems that were serious enough to warrant help and a supportive network. Clinical Importance: As we continue to address the mental health crisis, it is imperative to understand what prevents student-athletes from seeking professional psychological help and develop supportive programs to help them overcome these barriers. Certified athletic trainers, coaches, and other athletic personel need to understand the seriousness of untreated mental health conditions and be educated to recognize when an athlete may be struggling with issues beyond their control. Knowing when to refer a student-athlete to a professional is essential in preventing potential unnecessary and irreversible consequences.
Resilience in sport has been defined as "the role of mental processes and behavior in promoting personal assets and protecting an individual from the potential negative effect of stressors" (Fletcher & Sarkar, 2012, p. 675). Fletcher and Sarkar's (2012) found that various psychological factors were indicative of athlete resilience such as achievement motivation, social support, focus, confidence, and positive personality. To date, sport psychology researchers have dominantly examined resilience as an individual construct (e.g., Galli & Vealey, 2008; Fletcher & Sarkar; Wagstaff, Sarkar, Davidson, & Fletcher, 2016). However, it is also important to consider how athlete resilience might develop and operate in relationships with important others (e.g., coach). Narrative inquiry (Smith & Sparkes, 2009) was used in this study to explore the stories of seven NCAA Division I student-athletes' lived experiences of how the coach-athlete relationship influenced their ability to be resilient through major stress. Semi-structured interviews were conducted that asked participants about their respective coach-athlete relationship, how power and sociocultural factors influenced this relationship, and in turn, influenced student-athlete resilience. Braun and Clarke's (2006) thematic analysis was used for data analysis, which revealed the following themes: (a) Student-athlete core resilience, (b) The W.O.A.T., (c) The G.O.A.T., (d) W.O.AT. coach behaviors, (e) G.O.A.T. coach behaviors, (f) The W.O.A.T., the G.O.A.T., and student-athlete resilience, (g) The effect of coach major stress on student-athlete resilience, and (h) The relational shift: From bad to better, good to great. It is hoped that the findings of this study will be used as a powerful method from which coaches can emotionally connect with the participants' stories in order to better understand how they might operate within the coach-athlete relationship to influence student-athlete resilience.