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Ladies and gentlemen, dear colleagues, welcome to Kemer to the NATO Advanced Study Institute Structure and Dynamics of Elementary Matter. We have chosen Kemer as the place of our NASI because it is located in a be- tiful and hospitable surrounding. This part of the Mediterranean at the Turkish Riviera is a historic region where many cultures meet (e.g., the Oriental and the Greek and Roman European cultures) and where you ?nd numerous places which played a role in ancient science and in early Christianity. Moreover, with the hotel Ceylan Inter-Continental we have found a most excellent me- ing place, directly located at the beach, equipped with wonderful swimming pools and restaurants – an absolutely ?rst-class location. Our NASIwill deal withthemost recent developmentsin high-energyheavy ionphysicsandinthesearchforsuperheavynuclei–tworatherdistinctareasof research. Indeed, we want to bring two very active communities of nuclear and high-energy physics into close contact. The meeting is both a school and has also the character of a conference: A school because there are many advanced students, many of which are themselves already top researchers and who are contributing with their own research in seminars and posters. It is also a c- ference because new results in the exciting and wonderful ?elds of low- and high-energy heavy ion physics will be presented. We are mainly focussing on the topics of superheavy elements and of hot and dense nuclear matter.
This textbook, now in its third edition, provides a formative introduction to the structure of matter that will serve as a sound basis for students proceeding to more complex courses, thus bridging the gap between elementary physics and topics pertaining to research activities. The focus is deliberately limited to key concepts of atoms, molecules and solids, examining the basic structural aspects without paying detailed attention to the related properties. For many topics the aim has been to start from the beginning and to guide the reader to the threshold of advanced research. This edition includes four new chapters dealing with relevant phases of solid matter (magnetic, electric and superconductive) and the related phase transitions. The book is based on a mixture of theory and solved problems that are integrated into the formal presentation of the arguments. Readers will find it invaluable in enabling them to acquire basic knowledge in the wide and wonderful field of condensed matter and to understand how phenomenological properties originate from the microscopic, quantum features of nature.
This book is the first of a three-volume series written by the same author. It aims to deliver a comprehensive and self-contained account of the fundamentals of the physics of solids. In the presentation of the properties and experimentally observed phenomena together with the basic concepts and theoretical methods, it goes far beyond most classic texts. The essential features of various experimental techniques are also explained. The text provides material for upper-level undergraduate and graduate courses. It will also be a valuable reference for researchers in the field of condensed matter physics.
The International Conference on Nuclear Physics at the Turn of the Millennium: Structure of Vacuum and Elementary Matter, held on March 10th to March 16th, 1996 at Wilderness/George, South Africa, is in honor of the 60th birthday of Prof Walter Greiner. Topics included: Supercritical Fields and Pair-Production in Heavy-Ion Collisions; Superheavy Nuclei, Exotic Nuclear States and Decays; Superdense Matter in Relativistic Heavy-Ion Collisions: Collective Flow, Particle Production and the Nuclear Equation of State, Phase Transitions in QCD, Strange Matter and Signatures of the Quark Gluon Plasma.
The 1984 Advanced Study Institute on "Electronic Structure, Dynamics and Quantum Structural Properties of Condensed Matter" took place at the Corsendonk Conference Center, close to the City of Antwerpen, from July 16 till 27, 1984. This NATO Advanced Study Institute was motivated by the research in my Institute, where, in 1971, a project was started on "ab-initio" phonon calculations in Silicon. I~ is my pleasure to thank several instances and people who made this ASI possible. First of all, the sponsor of the Institute, the NATO Scientific Committee. Next, the co-sponsors: Agfa-Gevaert, Bell Telephone Mfg. Co. N.V., C & A, Esso Belgium·, CDC Belgium, Janssens Pharmaceutica, Kredietbank and the Scientific Office of the U.S. Army. Special thanks are due to Dr. P. Van Camp and Drs. H. Nachtegaele, who, over several months, prepared the practical aspects of the ASI with the secretarial help of Mrs. R.-M. Vandekerkhof. I also like to. thank Mrs. M. Cuyvers who prepared and organized the subject and material index and Mrs. H. Evans for typing-assist ance. I express particular gratitude to Mrs. F. Nedee, who, like in 1981 and 1982, has put the magnificent Corsendonk Conference Center at our disposal and to Mr. D. Van Der Brempt, Director of the Corsendonk Conference Center, for the efficient way in which he and his staff took care of the practical organization at the Conference Center.