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If you are a true believer, Satan hates you because you bear the image of Christ and because you were snatched from his power. You deserted Satan and he wants you back. While we should not overestimate Satans power, to our peril we underestimate an enemy who is living, intelligent, resourceful and cunning. Every Christian is in a battle, which is fierce, spiritual and necessary. It is a battle between the kingdom of darkness and the kingdom of the Lord Jesus Christ. We need to know the enemy his personality, his strategies, his weaknesses, his defeat on Calvary and his final judgement. In a day when society has, in many ways, placed itself under Satans rule, when certain branches of the church are preoccupied with deliverance ministries, while others deny the devils existence, Dr Beekes book is a sober, practical perspective on this vital subject. He states, we must know our enemy ... we must know how to withstand him and what spiritual weapons to take up against him. We must defeat him by faith, through lives that bear fruit and spread the truth.
In a day when society has in many ways placed itself under Satan’s rule, when Satanism is flourishing in Western nations, when certain branches of the church are preoccupied with “deliverance ministries,” and when others deny the devil’s existence, Fighting Satan is a sober, practical perspective on this vital subject. Joel R. Beeke states, “We must know our enemy. We must know how to withstand him and what spiritual weapons to take up against him. We must defeat him by faith through lives that bear fruit and spread the truth.” With questions for reflection and discussion at the close of each chapter, Fighting Satan is ideal for group and individual Bible study. Table of Contents: Part One – Knowing the Enemy: The Personality and History of Satan 1. Satan in the Bible 2. Satan in Church History, Today, and the Future Part Two – Knowing Satan’s Weaknesses: Fighting Him Defensively and Offensively 3. Building an Unyielding Defense 4. Building an Attacking Offense Part Three – Knowing Satan’s Strategies: His Devices and Their Remedies 5. Satan’s Strategies and Skill 6. Confronting Four Major Strategies of Satan Part Four – Knowing Satan’s Defeat in Our Personal Lives, Churches, and Nations 7. Our Challenge as Believers 8. Our Challenge as Church Members 9. Our Challenge as Citizens
First published in 1652, Thomas Brooks' "Precious Remedies Against Satan's Devices" offers insights into the snares and schemes of the devil which are timely and relevant for today. Though centuries have passed since its writing, this timeless classic remains an amazing work of teaching on the thousands of ways Satan seeks to destroy every Christian and the thousands of ways God has provided every Christian to defeat Satan's nefarious schemes. In true Puritan style, this book is a serious tome in which the author minces no words and gets straight to the point. The good news is that, though Satan is vicious in his drive to destroy God's people, he can and must be withstood! As this book explain, God makes victory possible by strengthening His people to overcome the Tempter. An earnest, passionate, and deadly serious author, Brooks spared no effort or source to persuade and plead with his readers. His method is to lead off with one of Satan's devices (some lie that Satan seeks to impress upon us) and then show the reader various ways to combat that particular device (the remedies). Like other Puritan books of his day, Brook's writing is solidly Biblical. Almost every remedy Brooks offers reminds the reader of some Biblical truth-urging them to think on it, consider, ponder and soak it in. Instead of some magic mantra or special prayer tactic, Brooks simply shines the light of Scriptures on the problems each Christian will face. Brooks was fond of quoting "wise heathens" (such as Zeno and Seneca) in his writing. His willingness to draw from non-Biblical sources is a good example of just how broadminded the Puritans really were, even as they walked the straight and narrow. The free use of Biblical truth from the lips of pagan authors shows a breadth of thinking and outlook often unattributed to Christian authors of such unbending theology and purpose.
Ephesians 6:11-13. 11)Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. 12) For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, [c] against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. 13) Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.
There's only one way to overcome a spiritual terrorist. The war on terror is out of balance. Billions of dollars and cutting-edge weaponry pitted against faceless zealots. Cunning foes who fight dirty. Though inferior in strength, they remain surprisingly deadly. In spiritual terms, this conflict perfectly illustrates our vulnerability to Satan's attacks. He exploits every advantage to destroy us--and his advantages are considerable. He's a lot smarter than we are, he knows our weak points, he's invisible, and he breaks all rules. How can we possibly defend ourselves against such an adversary? The only way to overcome such a deadly foe is to know what Scripture says on the matter. Ray Pritchard tackles this challenge in Stealth Attack. By drawing upon the teaching and examples of Jesus, Peter, Paul, and others, he offers practical steps for outmaneuvering the most shameless and stealthy foe imaginable.
Everyone who chooses to walk by the Christian way of life is exposed to a spiritual warfare. The Temptation of Jesus reveals how even Jesus Christ was subjected to this eternal war. Written by Lucy Femmer, this book uses Jesus’ wilderness experience to remind Christians of their role in the war between Satan and God and how they can prevail in the daily grind and peril of the battle. Thought-provoking and inspirational, this is a timely and necessary volume for every Christian. The reading experience unravels to a journey that ultimately leads to a deeper understanding of redemption, justification and sanctification.
As a born again Christian, the moment you got saved you entered into a spiritual war against a demonic host whose sole purpose is to destroy you and extinguish your effectiveness for Jesus Christ. This is The Satanic War on the Christian and it's been raging on for the last 6,000 years. But many Churches refuse to talk about this conflict let alone equip others who are in the midst of it. Therefore, this four volume book study, The Satanic War on the Christian, not only reveals the shocking reality of this supernatural battle we are in as Christians, but it also exposes the seductive weapons, traps, and attacks the devil and his evil emissaries use against us to keep us from becoming a mighty army for Almighty God. In this book, The Satanic War on the Christian Vol.4 The Protection from Satan & Demons you will have your eyes opened to such spiritual truths as God's Armor is Designed for War, Victory, and to Wear and it also includes a Belt, Breastplate, Shoes, Shield, Helmet, Sword and requires Prayer.
From the beginning, the devil envied God and longed to be adored. He revolted against God and was cast out of heaven. From the beginning, there has been a fight between God and the devil. This is the Genesis of Spiritual Warfare. In the Garden of Eden, the devil succeeded in seducing Adam and Eve. The first created beings lost all the gifts God had given them and were cursed. The Lord Jesus had to come to give Himself so that all creation may be set free from the curse of the law and sin. Even after the crucifixion of Jesus, the devil is still fighting God's people like never before. Are you confronting a spiritual war that appears too enormous to win? Are you a wounded or injured Christian soldier? Have you been almost vanquished by the devil? Satan knows he can limit your effectiveness as a Christian if he can trick you into believing you are nothing but a product of your past, vulnerable to sin, prone to failure, and governed by your habits. Winning Spiritual Warfare: Armed Against Satan provides practical hands-on expertise against the enemy Satan, and conquering the techniques of the devil. In plain, easy-to-understand words, author Andrew Stevens teaches you what you can do to experience the complete triumph and freedom bought by Christ. If you are on the spiritual battlefield, don't fail to receive this book.