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The Nobel Symposium in 2003 on String Theory and Cosmology was a gathering of many of the most active and distinguished scientists in the world, including Stephen Hawking, 2004 Nobel Prize winner David Gross, and Andrei Linde. The experts, comprising both theoreticians and experimentalists, were given the opportunity to discuss the present status of their respective subjects. Throughout the symposium, special attention was given to the connections between the fields: the questions posed ranged from ”Can cosmology be used to test string theory?” to ”Can string theory answer deep questions about cosmology?” The symposium marked a new era in the understanding of the science of the very small and the very large. This book is a unique document that reflects upon the state of fundamental physics at a historically important moment in time.
Supernovae and dark energy / J. L. Tonry -- Studying dark energy with Supernovae : now, soon, and the not-too-distant future / S. Perlmutter -- What have we learned from cosmic microwave background fluctuations? / D. N. Spergel -- Quintessential ideas / P. J. Steinhardt -- Prospects of inflation / A. Linde -- A non singular universe / S. Hawking -- Unconventional scenarios and perturbations therein / G. Veneziano -- Holographic cosmology 3.0 / T. Banks and W. Fischler -- Bouncing universes in string theory? / J. Polchinski -- Remarks on tachyon driven cosmology / A. Sen -- Beyond inflation : a cyclic universe scenario / N. Turok and P. J. Steinhardt -- Creating naked singularities and negative energy / G. T. Horowitz -- Filtering gravity : modification at large distances? / G. Dvali -- Cosmological singularities in string theory / D. Kutasov -- Where do we stand in fundamental (string) theory / D. J. Gross
String theory is a model of fundamental physics whose building blocks are one-dimensional extended objects called strings, rather than the zero-dimensional point particles that form the basis for the standard model of particle physics. The phrase is often used as shorthand for Superstring theory, as well as related theories such as M-theory. By replacing the point-like particles with strings, an apparently consistent quantum theory of gravity emerges. Moreover, it may be possible to 'unify' the known natural forces (gravitational, electromagnetic, weak nuclear and strong nuclear) by describing them with the same set of equations. Studies of string theory have revealed that it predicts higher-dimensional objects called branes. String theory strongly suggests the existence of ten or eleven (in M-theory) space-time dimensions, as opposed to the usual four (three spatial and one temporal) used in relativity theory.
Current students of philosophy or armchair philosophers... Want the answer to the Primordial Existential Question: Why is there something rather than nothing? While history has produced no shortage of attempted answers, clearly none is the answer. Now comes the unique perspective of acosmism to provide a complete and plausible answer. After a lifetime of reflection, acosmist Sherman O'Brien offers this analysis of the issues and a thoughtful, reasoned answer to philosophy's most vexing question. The acosmic answer requires no faith whatsoever, either in supernatural or unexplained causes; in fact, it discourages it. Acosmism rejects both traditional religion and philosophically neglectful science. As a metaphysical system, it is based on an epistemological insight, with implications for immortality, determinism, ethics, and ultimate purpose. Reasoned wholly from the ground up, its conclusion is the very meaning of existence. The solution to the Omniscience Riddle becomes the key to understanding how the question is best stated and understood. This book represents one person's effort to make sense of what is true and what only seems to be so. Why is there something rather than nothing? What is your potential role in the entirety of experience? This foray into acosmism offers a path to the genuine understanding of both existence and reality. Note: the main text constitutes roughly two-thirds of the total pages, the remainder being mostly endnotes.
Strings and superstrings; Algebras, lattices and strings 1986; Geometrical methods in the quantum theory of fields and strings; The heterotic string theory; Covariant quantization and the three-reggeon vertex; Supersymmetric theories of particles and interactions; Superstring phenomenology. Some remarks about string field theory; A new formulation of string theory. Covariant field theory of the interacting string; Diagonalization of the free open spining string and critical dimensions of nonlinear sigma models; Field theory of strings; The n-loop string amplitude; Strings in background fields; Strings and superspace; Orbifolds and twisted strings; Higher curvature supergravity and superstrings. Gravity from strings; Strings from gravity. The density matrix of the universe; A new class of topological terms; Random dynamics; A new hipothesis on the nature of quark and gluon confinement; Eternally existing self-reproducing inflationary universe; Superspace actions and duality transformations for N=2 tensor multiplets; Consistency of anomalies in SUSY gauge theories; Directions in string theory; The future of string theory; Superstring theory: closing talk.
Nobel Symposium 129 on Neutrino Physics was held at Haga Slott in Enköping, Sweden during August 19-24, 2004. Invited to the symposium were around 40 globally leading researchers in the field of neutrino physics, both experimental and theoretical.The dominant theme of the lectures was neutrino oscillations, which after several years were recently verified by results from the Super-Kamiokande detector in Kamioka, Japan and the SNO detector in Sudbury, Canada. Discussion focused especially on effects of neutrino oscillations derived from the presence of matter and the fact that three different neutrinos exist. Since neutrino oscillations imply that neutrinos have mass, this is the first experimental observation that fundamentally deviates from the standard model of particle physics. This is a challenge to both theoretical and experimental physics. The various oscillation parameters will be determined with increased precision in new, specially designed experiments. Theoretical physics is working intensively to insert the knowledge that neutrinos have mass into the theoretical models that describe particle physics. The lectures provided a very good description of the intensive situation in the field right now. The topics discussed also included mass models for neutrinos, neutrinos in extra dimensions as well as the “seesaw mechanism,” which provides a good description of why neutrino masses are so small.This book is A4 size and in full color.
String phenomenology offers a bridge between the excitement and novelty that typified theoretical physics in recent years and experimental reality. The First International Conference on String Phenomenology concentrated on cosmological and phenomenologically oriented applications of string theory. The aim was to bring together experimental and theoretical physicists to discuss the triumphs and challenges that high energy physics faces in its attempt to uncover the next layers of fundamental matter and interactions. The main theme was the application of string theory, but the conference also accommodated alternative approaches to physics beyond the Standard Model. The conference featured plenary talks reviewing the major topics, as well as parallel sessions for contributed papers describing new results in the major areas of the conference. It covered diverse topics, from collider and neutrino physics to fibre bundles on CalabiOCoYau three folds. The proceedings have been selected for coverage in: . OCo Index to Scientific & Technical Proceedings (ISTP CDROM version / ISI Proceedings)."
This volume presents the progress made in the study of the Seesaw mechanism and of its implications over the past 25 years, as well as the recent theoretical developments in the understanding of the measured pattern of neutrino masses and mixings. Observable implications of the Seesaw mechanism like leptogenesis or lepton flavour violation in supersymmetric theories are discussed, and the key aspects of the vast experimental program aimed at determining the neutrino parameters and properties are reviewed. The book provides an up-to-date and in-depth perspective on neutrino masses and on the associated physics in the Seesaw scenario.
String phenomenology offers a bridge between the excitement and novelty that typified theoretical physics in recent years and experimental reality. The First International Conference on String Phenomenology concentrated on cosmological and phenomenologically oriented applications of string theory. The aim was to bring together experimental and theoretical physicists to discuss the triumphs and challenges that high energy physics faces in its attempt to uncover the next layers of fundamental matter and interactions. The main theme was the application of string theory, but the conference also accommodated alternative approaches to physics beyond the Standard Model. The conference featured plenary talks reviewing the major topics, as well as parallel sessions for contributed papers describing new results in the major areas of the conference. It covered diverse topics, from collider and neutrino physics to fibre bundles on Calabi-Yau three folds.The proceedings have been selected for coverage in:• Index to Scientific & Technical Proceedings (ISTP CDROM version / ISI Proceedings)