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Most people feel that they suffer from stress at some time or another, whether in the home, the workplace, within the family or amongst colleagues or friends. It has almost become part of living in today's fast-paced world. Thoroughly researched and written in an accessible style, Sleep — The CommonSense Approach looks at stress in all its forms. The author Brenda O'Hanlon believes that it is not so much a question of how to rid our lives of stress, but how to harness it, exploit it and control it. She recognises that more often than not, stress can be managed by the individual. She provides a useful checklist to assess your level of stress and goes on to discuss stress management, relaxation techniques, nutrition and diet, medication and other remedies. Lists of useful addresses and further reading are also included. The CommonSense Approach series is a series of self-help guides that provide practical and sound ways to deal with many of life's common complaints. Each book in the series is written for the layperson, and adopts a commonsense approach to the many questions surrounding a particular topic. It explains what the complaint is, how and why it occurs, and what can be done about it. It includes advice on helping ourselves, and information on where to go for further help. It encourages us to take responsibility for our own health, to be sensible and not always to rely on medical intervention for every ill. Other titles in the series include Depression – The CommonSense Approach, Menopause – The CommonSense Approach and Sleep – The CommonSense Approach. Stress – The CommonSense Approach: Table of Contents Foreword by Professor Anthony Clare Did You Know That ... ? - All About Stress - Life Even Crises — the Pecking Order - Behaviour/Personality Types and the Stress Equation - Are You In Trouble? - Stress Management - Stress Busters Round Up - Time Management — Practical Tips - Exercise - Nutrition and Diet - Medication - Alternative Therapies - Stress Management Techniques - Centres of Expertise - Choosing A TherapistUseful Addresses
Most people feel that they suffer from stress at some time or another, whether in the home, the workplace, within the family or amongst colleagues or friends. It has almost become part of living in today's fast-paced world.
The dynamics of 21st century life have created a social environment full of stressful situations. A Journal of The American Psychological Association noted that stress in the workplace has reached a critical point, and studies suggest that the most common aspects of our lives, such as relationships and daily activities, often cause the greatest degrees of stress. This book provides a comprehensive look at what professionals know about coping with stress, drawing upon research to assert which methods of coping seem to be effective and which do not. The book begins with a discussion of the nature of stress, looking at the effects of stress in daily life, considering some of the ways researchers study stress, and examining how the human body reacts to stressful events. The book then turns to the ways psychologists conceptualize, measure and study coping mechanisms, and to specific techniques, beginning with those that appear to be ineffective in reducing stress such as obsessing and ruminating about the problem and proceeding to those that appear effective such as seeking social support, exercise and improving interpersonal skills. For individuals considering professional help, the final chapters present some basic information about medications, psychotherapy and alternative medicine approaches.
Difficulty with sleeping is one of the most common complaints that people make to their GP. In Sleep – The Commonsense Approach, Brenda O'Hanlon gives a clear and commonsense explanation of sleep, how much we actually need and of common sleep disorders, She gives well-researched and practical advice on how to get a better night's sleep, what help is available, and discusses the proven benefits of complementary medicines and therapies. Sleep – The CommonSense Approach is packed with sensible guidance and information, and also includes lists of useful addresses and further reading. It is a must for anyone who finds that a good night's sleep is hard to come by. The CommonSense Approach series is a series of self-help guides that provide practical and sound ways to deal with many of life's common complaints. Each book in the series is written for the layperson, and adopts a commonsense approach to the many questions surrounding a particular topic. It explains what the complaint is, how and why it occurs, and what can be done about it. It includes advice on helping ourselves, and information on where to go for further help. It encourages us to take responsibility for our own health, to be sensible and not always to rely on medical intervention for every ill. Other titles in the series include Depression – The CommonSense Approach, Menopause – The CommonSense Approach and Stress – The CommonSense Approach. Sleep – The CommonSense Approach: Table of Contents Foreword by Dr Chris Idzikowski Did You Know That ... ? - All About Sleep - How Much Sleep Do We Need? - Common Sleep Disorders - How to Get A Better Night's Sleep - Getting Help - Sleep Clinics - Autogenic Training, Homeopathy and Acupuncture - Complementary Medicine and Therapies: Herbal Medicine and AromatherapyUseful Addresses
No two children experience the toilet-training process in exactly the same way. While some kids might be afraid to even go near the bathroom, others may know when to go...but still never seem to make it there in time. This helpful guide takes the stress out of this challenging rite of passage, giving parents much-needed advice to help them identify what approach will work for their child’s temperament. The book distinguishes between common childhood personality types, providing easy techniques tailor-fit for all kinds of kids, whether they’re stubborn or willful, clinging to diapers, afraid to move on, or just late-bloomers. The book shows how to:determine a child’s readiness to begin potty training • gradually move children past their existing comfort zone, without causing undue pressure • handle accidents and temporary setbacksThis straight-talking guide enables readers to help every child make this important life transition free of worry and in the way that’s right for him or her.
Even without the word manager in your title, you manage people every day of your life. You manage expectations at work and at home with your family, friends, and business associates. Author Terry T. J. Jenkins has been supervising employees for decades, and he has also excelled at managing his personal affairs. In this step-by-step guidebook, he shares the lessons hes learned from climbing the corporate ladder and in his daily life. Success starts with commonsense approaches that few people take when working with team members. You will learn how to acquire the right tools to manage people and events; when it makes sense to make a lateral move in order to meet your ultimate objectives; why its so important to keep your promises; how to communicate better with others. Youll also find practical strategies on dealing with stress, hiring the right people, and achieving goals. Forget about the technical manuals and complicated theories that promise to lead you to success. Instead, improve your relationship with the people you manage at work and elsewhere with A Commonsense Approach to Dealing with People.
The dynamics of 21st century life have created a social environment full of stressful situations. A Journal of The American Psychological Association noted that stress in the workplace has reached a critical point, and studies suggest that the most common aspects of our lives, such as relationships and daily activities, often cause the greatest degrees of stress. This book provides a comprehensive look at what professionals know about coping with stress, drawing upon research to assert which methods of coping seem to be effective and which do not. The book begins with a discussion of the nature of stress, looking at the effects of stress in daily life, considering some of the ways researchers study stress, and examining how the human body reacts to stressful events. The book then turns to the ways psychologists conceptualize, measure and study coping mechanisms, and to specific techniques, beginning with those that appear to be ineffective in reducing stress such as obsessing and ruminating about the problem and proceeding to those that appear effective such as seeking social support, exercise and improving interpersonal skills. For individuals considering professional help, the final chapters present some basic information about medications, psychotherapy and alternative medicine approaches.
Headaches – The CommonSense Approach is a clear, concise and accessible guide that will empower headache sufferers to become their own 'headache detective'. Ninety per cent of adults have had a headache at some time in their lives. Almost twenty per cent suffer from chronic headaches, with migraines comprising eight per cent of these. Headaches are responsible for more visits to the GP — and for more drugs bought — than any other condition. Where this conventional approach seems not to be working, the world of alternative health has excelled. Thoroughly researched and written in an engaging style, Pat Thomas discusses who gets headaches and why. She helps track down their causes and details a huge variety of solutions, from stress relief and diet to alternative remedies such as herbs, aromatherapy, massage, acupuncture and hypnotherapy. Including helpful charts, useful addresses and further reading, this book itself will be a welcome relief for the many headache sufferers out there. The CommonSense Approach series is a series of self-help guides that provide practical and sound ways to deal with many of life's common complaints. Each book in the series is written for the layperson, and adopts a commonsense approach to the many questions surrounding a particular topic. It explains what the complaint is, how and why it occurs, and what can be done about it. It includes advice on helping ourselves, and information on where to go for further help. It encourages us to take responsibility for our own health, to be sensible and not always to rely on medical intervention for every ill. Other titles in the series include Depression – The CommonSense Approach, Stress – The CommonSense Approach and Sleep – The CommonSense Approach. Headaches – The CommonSense Approach: Table of Contents - What are Headaches? - What Type of Headache? - Tracking Down the Cause - Relief from Stress - The Food Factor - Is Your Home Giving You a Headache? - Herbal Remedies - Homeopathy - Acupuncture - Hypnotherapy - Osteopathy and Chiropractic - Aromatherapy - Children's Headaches
'This book is full of wisdom ... and should be required reading for all women of childbearing age.' Marsden Wagner, M.D., M.S.P.H. Among women there used to be a 'common' sense of what was appropriate, effective and safe in pregnancy and birth. Today, common sense has given way to expert opinion. Pat Thomas's excellent guide hopes to restore a little balance. It will provide women with the resources they need not only to cope with, but to enjoy their pregnancy. Pat Thomas treats pregnancy as a state of health, suggesting practical guidelines for a good diet and gentle exercises while offering sensible advice for common complaints that may occur. She also deals with the mother's emotional wellbeing both during and after pregnancy and looks sympathetically at the role of the man and how it can be enhanced to the benefit of both parents. Written in a supportive and easy style, the book includes helpful nutritional charts, useful addresses and further reading. The CommonSense Approach series is a series of self-help guides that provide practical and sound ways to deal with many of life's common complaints. Each book in the series is written for the layperson, and adopts a commonsense approach to the many questions surrounding a particular topic. It explains what the complaint is, how and why it occurs, and what can be done about it. It includes advice on helping ourselves, and information on where to go for further help. It encourages us to take responsibility for our own health, to be sensible and not always to rely on medical intervention for every ill. Other titles in the series include Depression – The CommonSense Approach, Headaches – The CommonSense Approach and Stress – The CommonSense Approach. Pregnancy – The CommonSense Approach: Table of Contents Foreword by Dr Marsden Wagner - Pregnancy is a State of Health - Diet — Your First Priority - Exercise and Rest — Finding the Balance - Natural Alternatives During Pregnancy - Common Complaints - When a 'Problem' Isn't a Problem - A Word About Your Partner - Looking Ahead to Labour - The BabymoonEssential Vitamins Essential Minerals Further Reading