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This vital handbook covers stress & trauma associated with the law enforcement & criminal justice professional. Includes: Anatomy of a Breaking Point; From Stress to Burn Out; Learning to Cope; Post Trauma; Cures, Rehabilitation & Treatment; & Psychological Testing for Police Recruits in addition to related topics dealing with this growing problem.
Provides a comprehensive and up-to-date look at a number of law enforce. stress programs that have made serious efforts to help departments, individual officers, civilian employees, and officers' families cope with the stresses of a law enforce. career. The report is based on 100 interviews with mental health practitioners, police administrators, union and assoc. officials, and line officers and their family members. Provides pragmatic suggestions that can help every police or sheriff's dep't. reduce the debilitating stress that so many officers experience and thereby help these officers do the job they entered law enforcement to perform -- protect the public.
"Good policing is not impossible. The reactions that have been associated with stressors are not inevitable. Many officers retire in good physical and emotional health and 100 back on their careers with pleasure. In a situation where stressers have led to maladaptive behavior on the part of individuals or organizations, change is called for. Change must be constant, as social conditions in the world around us vary. The police represent a force for the order necessary for society to function. It is not an easy job, but it is one that is worth doing well."
This training manual is designed to help administrators, managers, and supervisors foster a safer, more pleasant work environment and groom well-adjusted, more proficient officers.
This compilation of articles on job-related stress in policing addresses the complexities of the stress syndrome among police officers and advocates the incorporation of a stress intervention and management component into police officer training programs. The volume is designed for practical use by police officers and administrators. Articles are arranged in topical sections and begin with an orientation and introduction to the general subject, providing terminology and background to some of the principle psychological, physiological, and social consequences of stress. Job stress and some of its more destructive manifestations in police officers, such as alcoholism, divorce, other family problems, and suicide are examined. In addition, specific and unique stress experienced by women and minorities in law enforcement is also discussed. Recommendations are given concerning the most effective ways that both the officer and the law enforcement agency can deal with these problems. Articles on stress and the police administrator concern factors in the managerial task and function that contribute to stress. Among them are upward mobility with accompanying loss of supportive relationships among colleagues, family, and friends; the risks of decisionmaking with consequences affecting the lives of many people; and political pressures in balancing resources against goals and objectives. Under the topic of stress and the family, articles look at the toll exacted on wives, children and relatives of police personnel by the stressful aspects of police work, of which the high divorce rate is but the most visible consequence. The concluding section presents organizational and individual programs for coping with stress, illustrated by stress control and counseling programs available to officers, administrators, and families in the police departments of Miami, Dallas, and Chicago. A retirement counseling program for police officers is also discussed because of the unique nature of police retirement, which occurs early and isolates former officers from agency friends and informal peer groups that have served as a source of personal support. Tabular data and endnotes accompany individual articles. The appendix contains a listing of police stress training films. An index is also supplied.
This book offers researchers, police practitioners, and policymakers a platform for organizational reform and an understanding of how the police organization creates stress, which contributes to reduced officer performance. This book, based on an in-depth study exploring the relationship between perceived organizational stressors and police performance, indicates which features of the police organization generate the most stress affecting performance, and provides a model of organizational stress that applies to police agencies. While much stress research portrays the operation of policing as the greatest source of contention among officers, this research shows the ever-present rigid hierarchical design of the police agency to be contributing factor of stress that affects performance. Ideal for scholars, police personnel, and policymakers who are interested in how the police organization contributes to lower officer performance, this book has implications for policing agencies in the United States and worldwide.
The objective of this book is to demonstrate how adopting a career perspective can provide a more comprehensive conceptualization of traumatic stress processes as they apply to police officers and agencies and provide a framework that can be used to guide research and intervention agenda in ways that reflect the changes that can occur over the course of a police career that can span decades. The book examines the nature and effectiveness of the police role in dealing with adverse events as they unfold within a career perspective. It begins with pre-employment experiences and their implications for operational well-being and concludes with a discussion of the implications of a police career for disengagement or retirement from this role. It draws upon empirical research to provide an evidence-based approach to traumatic stress risk management and well-being in contemporary policing. Based on state-of-the-art research, the book provides a framework that police agencies can use to develop their officers and their organizations in ways that enhance their capability to confront an increasingly uncertain future in ways that maximize the interests of front-line policing. Areas of discussion include incorporation of police trauma into a life-career course perspective; changing context and nature of police work; recruitment, selection, and socialization in the context of critical incident and terrorist work; changing gender balance; training in uncertain times; managing risk and vulnerability; organizational context; family dynamics; inter and intraorganizational teams; health and mental health; consequences of long-term exposure to hazards; and disengagement and retirement. The text will be of significant interest to police organizations and agencies whose officers face a high risk of experiencing disaster and traumatic stress, law enforcement managerial and supervisory personnel, human resource and health and safety professionals, and mental health professionals and consultants. The text will also be relevant to those researching traumatic stress, disaster stress, and emergency management as well as other protective services.
As we approach the 21st century, there is a discernable shift in policing, from an incident-driven perspective to a proactive problem solving stance often described as "community policing." In this volume a panel of 21 psychologists examine the changing directions in policing and how such changes impact on psychological service delivery and operational support to law enforcement agencies. The book describes existing and emerging means of providing psychological support to the law enforcement community in response to police needs to accommodate new technology, community-oriented problem solving technology, crime prevention, and sensitivity to community social changes. Senior psychologists who are sworn officers, federal agents and civilian employees of federal, state and local law enforcement agencies comprise the team of chapter authors. Their perspectives encompass their collective experience "in the trenches" and in law enforcement management and administrative support roles. They discuss traditional applications of psychology to police selection, training and promotion processes, and in trauma stress management and evaluation of fitness for duty. Concerns related to police diversity and police family issues are also addressed, as are unique aspects of police stress management. Additional chapters are dedicated to establishing psychological service functions that currently are less familiar to police agencies than they are to other government and private sector service recipients. These chapters are devoted to police psychologists as human resource professionals, as human factors experts in accommodating to new technology and to new legal requirements, as organizational behavioral experts, and as strategic planners. This text is recommended reading for two groups: *police and public safety administators whose work takes them--or should take them--into contact with police psychologists; *practicing and would-be police psychologists concerned with the emerging trends in the application of psychology to police and other public safety programs.