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Cross-linking mass spectrometry maps the structural topology of protein complexes by using the distance between linked residues as spatial constraints, complementing other structural biology techniques. However, the identification of cross-linked peptides scales poorly with the number of proteins analyzed. Our lab has previously developed MS-cleavable cross-linkers to enable the separation of cross-linked peptides prior to sequencing, enabling peptide identifica- tion using standard peptide search databases. We describe the design and implementation of platform and application named XLTools for the automated identification of MS-cleavable cross-linked peptides. XLTools supports open and proprietary data formats and common peptide search databases, facilitating its integration into existing workflows. Furthermore, we developed peak-picking and validation algorithms to enable the accurate quantitation of cross-linked peptides in complex samples. We demonstrate the application of XLTools to the quantitative analysis of the 26S proteasome cross-linked in vivo and in vitro.
Presents a wide variety of mass spectrometry methods used to explore structural mechanisms, protein dynamics and interactions between proteins. Preliminary chapters cover mass spectrometry methods for examining proteins and are then followed by chapters devoted to presenting very practical, how-to methods in a detailed way. Includes footprinting and plistex specifically, setting this book apart from the competition.
Chemical cross-linking mass spectrometry elucidates protein structures and protein-protein interactions by establishing distance constraints between residues pairs. Interpreting the mass spectra of covalently linked peptide pairs is more challenging than identifying peptides in proteomics. This dissertation presents improvements in methodology for identifying cross-linked peptides and their application to probing protein interacting surfaces.
The 26S proteasome maintains cellular homeostasis by modulating the degradation of ubiquitinated proteins. Its 19S regulatory subcomplex topology had remained elusive for over three decades until recent in vitro cryo-electron microscopy studies in the yeast 26S proteasome. Though successful in determining in vitro tertiary structures in yeast, we must eventually elucidate peptide-level details in the homologous human 26S for physiologically relevant translational information. The development of alternative in vivo strategies is required. Over the past decade, protein cross-linking coupled with mass spectrometry (XL-MS) has quickly become recognized as a promising new technology for the characterization of protein topologies. Identification of residues that are covalently cross-linked together can determine sites of interaction interfaces. These interfaces can be used in subsequent modeling analyses akin to distance constraints generated in other structural biology techniques. Though powerful, this strategy is hindered by complicated analysis of cross-linked peptides, the lack of specialized and comprehensive computational analysis tools, and the need for efficient in vivo cross-linking methods to investigate physiological inter-actions. A practical XL-MS workflow must address these issues by simplifying the sequencing and/or the identification of cross-linked species during MS, providing streamlined tools for cross-linked peptide identification, and providing membrane permeable capabilities for in vivo study. My development of an integrated XL-MS methodology during my doctoral studies has overcome these three obstacles by providing a rapid and accurate workflow to identify cross-linked peptides in vivo. From proof-of-concept, our methods evolved to allow for the first successful application of probabilistic 19S topology characterization and the first human in vivo XL-MS data. Here, I present an integrated workflow to provide rapid MS raw file-to-result analysis of cross-linked peptides using our novel CID-cleavable reagents, our Thermo Scientific Orbitrap MS instrumentation, and my comprehensive analysis software.
This monograph reviews all relevant technologies based on mass spectrometry that are used to study or screen biological interactions in general. Arranged in three parts, the text begins by reviewing techniques nowadays almost considered classical, such as affinity chromatography and ultrafiltration, as well as the latest techniques. The second part focusses on all MS-based methods for the study of interactions of proteins with all classes of biomolecules. Besides pull down-based approaches, this section also emphasizes the use of ion mobility MS, capture-compound approaches, chemical proteomics and interactomics. The third and final part discusses other important technologies frequently employed in interaction studies, such as biosensors and microarrays. For pharmaceutical, analytical, protein, environmental and biochemists, as well as those working in pharmaceutical and analytical laboratories.
Proteins are the most active molecules in living bodies. They catalyze chemical reactions, provide structural support for cells and allow organisms to move. Their function is intrinsically linked to their folded structure. Resolving the structures of proteins and protein complexes is crucial for our understanding of basic biological processes and diseases. Cross-Linking Mass Spectrometry (XL-MS) is a method to gain structural insights into protein complexes. The field of XL-MS data analysis software is not yet as established as many other methods in proteomics. XL-MS analysis software has significant room for improvement in terms of sensitivity, efficiency and standardization of file formats and workflows to facilitate interoperability and reproducibility. In this thesis we present a new XL-MS search engine, OpenPepXL. We develop an algorithm that scores all candidate cross-linked peptide pairs and is efficient enough to be used on a standard desktop PC for most applications. OpenPepXL supports the standardized XL-MS identification file format defined as a part of the MzIdentML 1.2 specifications that were developed in collaboration with the Proteomics Standards Initiative. We benchmark OpenPepXL against other state-of-the-art XL-MS identification tools on multiple datasets that allow cross-link validation through structures or other means. We show that our exhaustive approach, although not the quickest one, is superior in sensitivity to other tools. We suggest this is due to some tools improving their processing time by discarding too many candidates in early steps of the data analysis. We apply XL-MS analysis with OpenPepXL to multiple protein complexes related to meiosis and the type III secretion system. The first project involved several proteins with unknown structures, some of which are expected to be at least partially intrinsically disordered and therefore difficult to investigate using most traditional structural research methods. Unfortunately, we could not find cross-links between the interaction sites we were interested in the most, but we were able to identify many others in these complexes and gained some structural insights. In the second project we used the photo-cross-linking amino acid pBpa to test very specific hypotheses about interactions within the type III secretion system. We were not able to gain any new structural information yet. However, we could confirm that this is a viable approach. It is possible to identify cross-links between a pBpa residue incorporated into a protein sequence and a residue it cross-links to on a residue level resolution.
The understanding of the events taking place in a cell, a biological fluid or in any biological system is the main goal of biology research. Many fields of research use different technology to assess those events. Mass spectrometry is one of those techniques and this undergoes constant evolution and adaptation to always enhance the accuracy of the information provided. Proteomics provides a large panel of data on protein identity and protein expression that were made possible by mass spectrometry. For several years now mass spectrometry has become central to performing proteomic research, however this powerful tool is under constant evolution to be more sensitive and more resolute. More importantly mass spectrometry became a field of research focusing on new applications. Indeed, the complexity in biological systems relies on the changes of expression of transcription of proteins but also on the post-translational modification of proteins, the structure of proteins and the interaction between proteins, amongst others. As of now, several investigations tried to improve the quantification of proteins by mass spectrometry, the determination of post-translational modifications, the protein-protein and protein-nucleic acids interaction or the proteins structures. This book is structured as follows: after a brief introduction of the usual and most popular applications for mass spectrometry in proteomics, the most recent research and developments in mass spectrometry-based methodologies will be explored.
Mass spectrometry-based methods for protein-ligand identification have expanded classical techniques for the bioanalytical characterization of small molecule target engagement and their modes of action. In the last decade, a series of techniques have coupled mass spectrometry readout, structure-function framework, and thermodynamic stability to expand the suite of proteomics techniques for protein-ligand interactions. Although these methods have proven powerful, due to the complex nature of these large-scale studies, having multiple avenues of assessment is critical for the proper evaluation of clinical value. In this work, the interfacing of these protein-denaturation experimental designs with cross-linking mass spectrometry sample workflows is investigated to better understand the protein topologies in these protein-ligand large-scale analyses. The developed method, protein-denaturation and quantitative cross-linking mass spectrometry, offers another strategy in the unbiased assessment of protein target engagement studies. Additionally, from a basic science perspective, this method also provides data in understanding the molecular principles of protein folding in structure-(dys)function studies. First, I validated a proof-of-concept of protein-denaturation with quantitative cross-linking mass spectrometry in a standard protein and known ligand. Then, I adapted and assessed the viability of this method on the proteome-level scale. Although this method has much room for optimization for tackling large-scale studies, its data provides promise with smaller complex proteomes. Overall, quantitative cross-linking mass spectrometry during protein unfolding is a reliable assay that can be used alone or provide complementary information to the current generation of protein-denaturation mass-spectrometry methods for generating target-engagement atlases.
Cross-linking mass spectrometry is a rapidly evolving technique for obtaining structural information about proteins and protein complexes in their near native state in a high-throughput manner. Cross-linked peptides are challenging to identify due to being low abundance analytes that produce complex fragmentation spectra. While cross-links can provide valuable structural data, these challenges mean that current technologies can sample only a small portion of the protein structures and assemblies that exist in complex systems.In this work I demonstrate three new technologies I developed to enhance cross-linking mass spectrometry experiments. The first section describes the development of the cross-linking search tool, Mango, which enables identification of cross-links in complex samples generated from a variety of cross-linkers. The next section discusses the development of a tetrameric cross-linker and its application in studying the mitochondrial interactome from murine hearts. Higher dimensional cross-linkers move experiments from binary interactions to ternary and quaternary interactions, helping to better characterize interfaces composed of many proteins. The final section describes the development of software to facilitate liquid chromatography coupled to tandem mass spectrometry experiments in a Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance array mass spectrometer by automating ion selection, ion transfer, and analog signal processing for each cell which allows for parallel acquisition of high-resolution mass spectra. While this hardware has been previously described, modifications to the instrument’s ion handling and analog signal processing enable cross-linking experiments to be carried out with parallel detection and an enhanced duty cycle.
This volume explores the use of mass spectrometry for biomedical applications. Chapters focus on specific therapeutic areas such as oncology, infectious disease and psychiatry. Additional chapters focus on methodology as well as new technologies and instrumentation. This volume provides readers with a comprehensive and informative manual that will allow them to appreciate mass spectrometry and proteomic research but also to initiate and improve their own work. Thus the book acts as a technical guide but also a conceptual guide to the newest information in this exciting field. Mass spectrometry is the central tool used in proteomic research today and is rapidly becoming indispensable to the biomedical scientist. With the completion of the human genome project and the genomic revolution, the proteomic revolution has followed closely behind. Understanding the human proteome has become critical to basic and clinical biomedical research and holds the promise of providing comprehensive understanding of human physiological processes. In addition, proteomics and mass spectrometry are bringing unprecedented biomarker discovery and are helping to personalize medicine.