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As our understanding of complex social, economic, and technological systems improves, it is increasingly apparent that a full account of a system's macroscopic level properties requires us to carefully explore the structure of local, pairwise interactions that take place at the microscopic level. Over the past two decades, networks have emerged as the de facto representation of such systems, leading to the genesis of the interdisciplinary field of network science. During this same period, we have witnessed an explosion of participation and consumption of social media, advertising, and e-commerce on the internet; an ecosystem that is the embodiment of and whose success is fundamentally coupled to the use and exploitation of complex networks. What are the processes and mechanisms responsible for shaping these networks? Do these processes posses any inherent fairness? How can these structures be exploited for the benefit of strategic actors? In this dissertation, I explore these questions and present analytical results couched in a theory of strategic decision making -- algorithmic game theory. First, research is presented on the pairwise inequality that is inherent to strategic models of network formation. The network formation games that we consider model the creation of communication links between rational, self-interested individuals. We use the inequality ratio, defined as the ratio between the highest and lowest costs incurred by individual players in a given outcome, to quantify pairwise inequality. Tight upper bounds for the inequality ratio are derived for pure Nash equilibrium outcomes of the network formation games, and the relationship between inequality and efficiency (outcomes that are globally optimal) is characterized. Next, a multi-level network formation game modeled on the sociological principle of networked social capital is introduced and analyzed. Motivated by the observation that networks found in nature are rarely isolated from one another, this research examines a scenario in which individuals form intra-group links to maximize group cohesion and inter-group links to maximize their group's standing relative to other groups. Our model formulation draws heavily from the empirical research of sociologist Ronald S. Burt and his theory of structural holes, and we derive constructive proofs of the existence of equilibrium outcomes. Departing from the topic of network formation games, I next present research on the strategic seeding of opinions in social networks. This work, which is best introduced in terms of a political election, involves candidates (players) each choosing subsets of voters (nodes in a social network) to seed opinions that are subsequently spread through the voters' social connections by a dynamic process. After the opinions have been allowed to diffuse for a predetermined amount of time, the voters' opinions are aggregated in an election. Voters cast their votes probabilistically, where the probability that they choose a particular candidate is proportional to that voter's opinion toward the candidate relative to their opinion toward the other candidates. Players -- each representing a single candidate -- strategically choose a set of seed nodes that will maximize the probability that their candidate will win the election. We establish the guaranteed existence of pure Nash equilibrium outcomes in the special case where the opinion dynamics are allowed sufficient time to converge to a consensus opinion. We prove that this guarantee does not carry over to cases where the dynamics are not given sufficient time to reach a consensus. We also derive bounds on the budget multiplier, which characterizes the extent that any initial inequality (in terms of players' respective seed budgets) is amplified by the opinion dynamic over the social network into greater inequality in players' utilities. Finally, we analyze the computational problem of finding a player's best response (pure) strategy, proving that it is NP-complete but approximable to within a (1 - 1/e) factor of optimal by a simple greedy algorithm. The concluding chapter of this dissertation presents my work on algorithm instance games, which are a class of games that I have identified as being characterized by having outcomes that are derived from strategy profiles algorithmically. Primarily a conceptual contribution, this research identifies a class of games that includes algorithmic mechanism design as a special case. Two variants of a simple game from this class that is based on the Set Cover optimization problem are presented and analyzed to demonstrate how algorithmic design decisions can influence strategic behavior.
The Econometric Analysis of Network Data serves as an entry point for advanced students, researchers, and data scientists seeking to perform effective analyses of networks, especially inference problems. It introduces the key results and ideas in an accessible, yet rigorous way. While a multi-contributor reference, the work is tightly focused and disciplined, providing latitude for varied specialties in one authorial voice. Answers both 'why' and 'how' questions in network analysis, bridging the gap between practice and theory allowing for the easier entry of novices into complex technical literature and computation Fully describes multiple worked examples from the literature and beyond, allowing empirical researchers and data scientists to quickly access the 'state of the art' versioned for their domain environment, saving them time and money Disciplined structure provides latitude for multiple sources of expertise while retaining an integrated and pedagogically focused authorial voice, ensuring smooth transition and easy progression for readers Fully supported by companion site code repository 40+ diagrams of 'networks in the wild' help visually summarize key points
Networks of relationships help determine the careers that people choose, the jobs they obtain, the products they buy, and how they vote. The many aspects of our lives that are governed by social networks make it critical to understand how they impact behavior, which network structures are likely to emerge in a society, and why we organize ourselves as we do. In Social and Economic Networks, Matthew Jackson offers a comprehensive introduction to social and economic networks, drawing on the latest findings in economics, sociology, computer science, physics, and mathematics. He provides empirical background on networks and the regularities that they exhibit, and discusses random graph-based models and strategic models of network formation. He helps readers to understand behavior in networked societies, with a detailed analysis of learning and diffusion in networks, decision making by individuals who are influenced by their social neighbors, game theory and markets on networks, and a host of related subjects. Jackson also describes the varied statistical and modeling techniques used to analyze social networks. Each chapter includes exercises to aid students in their analysis of how networks function. This book is an indispensable resource for students and researchers in economics, mathematics, physics, sociology, and business.
Imagine a world where everybody is calculative in building relationships. In this book I model such a scenario and ask how this behavior affects the structure of social networks. Applications include friendship networks, personal business networks, R&D collaborations, strategic alliances, and trade among countries. After discussing the formal modeling approach, I put a focus on two types of linking goals. One is the gain of access to information and support by having many other actors in close reach; the other one is the bargaining position that is attained by being a broker for others. It turns out that the interaction of two goals leads to non-trivial dynamics of the network structure. Moreover, it can be observed that a typical feature of friendship networks is destroyed by incentives for advantageous network positions. Finally, I turn to a focal problem in strategic network formation: there is a general conflict between stability, based on individual interest, and efficiency, based on collective welfare. I study the sources of inefficiency by analyzing the external effects of link formation.
When Murat Sertel asked us whether we would be interested in organizing a special issue of the Review of Economic Design on the formation of networks and groups, we were happy to accept because of the growing research on this important topic. We were also pleasantly surprised at the response to our request for submissions to the special issue, receiving a much larger number of sub missions than we had anticipated. In the end we were able to put together two special issues of insightful papers on this topic. Given the growing interest in this topic, we also decided (with encouragement from Murat) to combine the special issues in the form of a book for wider dissemination. However, once we had decided to edit the book, it was natural to move beyond the special issue to include at least some of the papers that have been influential in the literature on the formation of networks. These papers were published in other journals, and we are very grateful to the authors as well as the journals for permission to include these papers in the book.
We use a laboratory experiment to explore dynamic network formation in a six-player game where link creation requires mutual consent. The analysis of network outcomes suggests that the process tends to converge to the pairwise-stable (PWS) equilibrium when it exists and not to converge at all when it does not. When multiple PWS equilibria exist, subjects tend to coordinate on the high-payoff one. The analysis at the single choice level indicates that the percentage of myopically rational behavior is generally high. Deviations are more prevalent when actions are reversible, when marginal payoff losses are smaller and when deviations involve excessive links that can be removed unilaterally later on. There is, however, some heterogeneity across subjects.
This book explores the creation of 'learning networks' and shedslight on how they function:- real versus virtual forms ofinteraction, collaboration versus competition in the learningprocess, and joint value creation versus individual valueappropriation in networks. Written by international experts in the field of globalstrategy. Contributions have been selected for their insights andinterdependence between organizational learning and networks. Looks at topics such as real versus virtual forms ofinteraction, collaboration versus competition in the learningprocess, and joint value creation versus individual valueappropriation in networks.
Social and economic networks play an increasingly significant role in people's lives. The formation of such networks do not only provide exchange of material or monetary benefit, but also transmission of information. By creating direct links and indirect connections with others, on one hand the delivery of goods and financial transfers are made such as in trade networks or in buyer-seller networks, and on the other hand agents learn valuable, payoff related information from own observation or peer reviews. For this dissertation I studied network formation and related problems from various aspects. These studies have pointed to overlooked but crucial factors in the information structure among strategic agents and the process of information acquisition, which once taken into account have produced theoretical predictions in stark contrast to the existing literature, and have reconciled long-existing inconsistency between theory and data. Chapter 1 studies the problem of social learning through observation. Social learning is the study of how dispersed information gets aggregated in a society of strategic agents, and what kind of structure of information acquisition the society needs to facilitate efficient information aggregation. The existing literature always assumes that the observation structure is exogenous, in other words, the structure of who observes whose actions is exogenously given by some deterministic or stochastic process. However, it is more natural or realistic to assume that observation is costly and strategic. My study takes this alternative assumption and shows that in contrast to the condition of expanding observation -- meaning to observe a close predecessor -- in the literature, a sufficient and necessary condition for the highest level of social learning with costly endogenous observation is infinite observation, i.e. to observe an arbitrarily large number of predecessor. Endogenous observation also brings about a great difference in terms of individual behavior and social welfare. Chapter 2 addresses the question of how networks form and what their ultimate topology is, under the much more natural yet hardly adopted assumption of incomplete information: agents do not know in advance -- but must learn --the value of linking. This study shows that incomplete information has profound implications for the formation process and the ultimate topology. Under complete information, the network topologies that form and are stable typically consist of agents of relatively high value only. Under incomplete information, a much wider collection of network topologies can emerge and be stable. Moreover, even with the same topology, the locations of agents can be very different: an agent can achieve a central position purely as the result of chance rather than as the result of merit. All of this can occur even in settings where agents eventually learn everything so that information, although initially incomplete, eventually becomes complete. The ultimate network topology depends significantly on the formation history, which is natural and true in practice, and incomplete information makes this phenomenon more prevalent. Chapter 3 again provides an analysis of the network formation process, but in another understudied strategic environment -- one where agents are foresighted and care about both current and future payoffs. The related theoretical literature has often adopted a framework with homogeneous agents, and predicted that in generic cases it is impossible to sustain efficient networks even if such a network generates a positive payoff for every agent. However, these predictions are contradicted by data from existing real-life networks. This study analyzes a dynamic model allowing for agent heterogeneity and foresight, and establishes a Folk Theorem of networks, characterizing the set of sustainable networks in equilibrium for patient agents, and find that efficient networks can be sustained in equilibrium as long as it guarantees every agent a positive payoff. In the widely studied connections model which adopts a particular class of this valuation structure, a full characterization of efficient network is presented, which turn out to bear a striking resemblance in topology to networks observed in real life.