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Rather than attempt to give a complete review of strangeness production in all kinds of experiments, I will dwell on the most interesting and promising aspects of the experimental results from nucleus-nucleus (A + A) experiments, using p + p//bar p/ + p and p + A//bar p/ + A data only as reference when needed. In this paper I will try: to identify the important features of the reaction mechanism; to understand the mechanisms; to learn about quark-gluon plasma formation by comparing nucleus-nucleus collisions with p-nucleus, /bar p/-nucleus, p + p and /bar p/ + p collisions; to see if there is any definite evidence yet supporting quark-gluon plasma formation; and to suggest further needs for experimental and theoretical study. 32 refs., 8 figs.
In experiments with oxygen (60 and 200 GeV/N) and sulphur (200 GeV/N) ions at CERNSPS, large energy densities of the order of 2--3 GeV/fm3 have been observed, which according to QCD calculations, satisfy necessary conditions for the formation of a quark gluon plasma (QGP) phase. Under such conditions, colour would no longer be confined to hadronic dimensions, and quarks and gluons will propagate freely throughout an extended volume. Somehow lower energy densities, of the order of 0.7--1 GeV/fm3, were observed in AGS experiments with 15 GeV/N silicon beams and heavy targets. These energy densities might be adequate for investigations of the pre-equilibrium stage, during which the momentum space distribution has been degradated from its initial value but is not yet thermal. First experimental results, available now, show promise of seeing signs of a new phase of matter. In this review the current status of the selective experimental results on strange-particle production, which are relevant to equilibration and QGP formation in nucleus-nucleus collisions, is presented.
Production of strange particles in proton-proton interactions is systematically suppressed relative to the production of non-strange particles. A first order goal of experiments on strangeness production in nucleus-nucleus collisions is to find out if strangeness is suppressed in a way similar to the p-p interactions or whether the nuclear environment changes the behaviour. This paper investigates this possibility. 13 refs., 1 tab.