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Drak, Crown Prince of Vallia, Dray Prescot's son, is sore beset on three sides. For one, he is leading an army of liberation against the usurper Alloran who had seized part of Vallia and was grinding Drak's troops down with blackest magic and most villainous mercenaries. For two, he is the target of a marriage plot by an allied queen, whose forces he needs desperately. For the third, he is in love with Silda, daughter of his father's loyal friend, Seg the Bowman. And Silda is now in Alloran's camp, a black leather swordswoman commanding the usurper's do or die guards! Magic, mystery, treason, warfare and romance make a heady concoction, and before this adventure is over, Drak will have had his fill of it all! Storm over Vallia is the thirty-fifth book in the epic fifty-two book saga of Dray Prescot of Earth and of Kregen by Kenneth Bulmer, writing as Alan Burt Akers. The series continues with Omens of Kregen.
On the magnificent and mysterious, beautiful and terrible world of Kregen, a planet orbiting Antares four-hundred light-years from Earth, much may be achieved and much lost. Far more than merely a strong sword arm is required for victory. Far more than a cunning and devious brain is needed to secure success. The island Empire of Vallia, sundered by internal dissension and invasion, is gradually reestablishing itself after the Times of Troubles, but the grouping of continents and islands called Paz are threatened by the Shanks, fish-headed reivers from over the curve of the world. Dray Prescot’s task is to unite all of Paz in alliance against the aggressors, but not all the people of Paz are willing to forget their old enmities. But in the passionate, shrewd, charismatic figure of Delia of Delphond, and his family and blade comrades, Prescot possesses riches past the mundane dreams of empire. Werewolves of Kregen: Having at last returned to his home empire, to his wife and his friends, Dray Prescot will learn that the vengeance of his defeated enemies has unleashed nine occult curses against Vallia. The first curse, the plague of murderous werewolves, takes Dray by surprise. Could his valor and courage stand up against an unprecedented onslaught of warring witchcraft? Witches of Kregen: When his new army was ready to march against the witch hordes, it rained frogs! That's the sort of thing Dray Prescot is up against in the war of the Nine Unspeakable Curses! He was struggling to gather together his shattered empire when the witchcraft hit. But he has wizards on his side, too, and very soon it becomes a battle of sheer courage, quick wits, and fast flying. Storm over Vallia: Drak, Crown Prince of Vallia, Dray Prescot's son, was sore beset on three sides. For one, he was leading an army of liberation against the usurper Alloran who had seized part of Vallia. For two, he was the target of a marriage plot by an allied queen, whose forces he needed desperately. For the third, he was in love with Silda, daughter of his father's loyal friend, Seg the Bowman. And Silda was now in Alloran's camp... Omens of Kregen: Dray Prescot must conquer the bloodthirsty forces of the would be king of North Vallia, while at the same time protecting the realm from the evil witch Csitra. Journeying to the witch's dark Maze of Coup Blag, Dray and his comrades must meet the challenge of this realm of traps and treasures, where death waits around every turn, and a wizardly battle of destruction is the price of winning free... Warlord of Antares: His empire endangered by the diabolical schemes of Csitra, Dray Prescot has been summoned by the powerful Star Lords who warn of a dread menace approaching from the South. Dray must take on all challengers to become the Warlord of Kregen, uniting his people against the dual threat of Csitra's deadly magic and a seemingly unstoppable invasion by the Shanks... This edition contains a glossary to the Witch War cycle.
The most popular game among the many peoples of Kregen, world of Antares, is one that resembles chess, called Jikaida. Jikaida is a battle of wits and war game pieces that suited well the tension charged atmosphere that enveloped Dray Prescot. For reconquering Vallia was assuming the aspect of such a game - move versus countermove, horde against horde! Then Dray Prescot found himself no longer in control of just a game - he had become a living chessman on a real-life board at the dreaded arena of Jikaida City. There every move was accompanied by bloodshed and behind every game might hang the fate of a city, an island, or even a nation!
In the first Havilfar Cycle omnibus, Dray Prescot was launched headlong into a brand-new series of adventures upon the planet of Kregen, that marvelous and beautiful, mystical and terrible world four hundred light-years away beneath the Suns of Scorpio. Now Hamal, the greatest power in Havilfar, is bent on conquest, and Prescot hates the Hamalese because he slaved in their diabolical Heavenly Mines. His mission is to discover the secrets of the Hamalese airboats for his own people. Bladesman of Antares: The problem with being a spy is that you have to make friends with the enemy. Dray Prescot, Earthman, who had become prince of Vallia, was the kind of man who always stood by his friends. So in his quest to learn the war secrets of Hamal, empire of the aircraft-makers, Dray found himself not only becoming comrade to some of its greatest warriors but of championing the very life of its cruelly beautiful queen. Although Dray's devotion to his glorious princess Delia never flags, his mission, and his life, is perilously balanced upon the razor-edged blades of loyalty versus duty... Avenger of Antares: For a brief but wonderful moment it seemed as if Dray Prescot was on the road to victory, but he has not fulfilled the mission of the unseen Star Lords, and until he does there can be no escape from peril! And peril arrives in the form of hideous sea raiders, in the sharp edges of the dueling blades of a swordsman enemy, and in the horrid rites of the underground cult of the Silver Leem. Armada of Antares: All of the electrifying aspects of Dray Prescot's adventurous life on Kregen were to climax when the armies of Havilfar made their move toward his adopted homeland. But he has yet to fully solve the secret of their mysterious air fleets. Armada of Antares is the culmination of his experiences on Kregen so far. A peril-pitched novel of an alien world stirred up to a life-or-death frenzy. This edition contains a glossary to the Havilfar Cycle.
The brightest star in the Constellation Scorpio is the brilliant double sun Antares, around which orbits the inhabited planet called Kregen. Kregen is an Earthlike world, but strange, far stranger, than ours. For it is the scene of a conflict between galactic powers who utilize its many human nations and its astonishing variety of humanoid peoples as their battleground. Dray Prescot of Earth had been a tool of those powers, but courage and ingenuity had won him a high role in the Vallian Empire and a certain independence of his own. Thus when a mysterious monster cult began to undermine the empire and when his own beloved princess became a victim of those secret schemers, Prescot had to go into action. Secret Scorpio launches a new cycle in the magnificent history of Kregen and brings Prescot at long last into direct confrontation with the forces that had once dared make him their pawn.
The world Kregen circles the twin suns of Antares, far distant from the skies of Earth. Yet Kregen is the ground on which the Earthman Dray Prescot must stand and fight for all he holds dear. For Prescot is the unwilling battle arm of the mysterious Star Lords who contend for that planet with the powerful Savanti. Yet Prescot's ambitions are his own, for he has inherited the remnant of a shattered empire and must fight to bring hope and freedom to all its peoples. By his side stands his princess, Delia of the Blue Mountains, and a band of stalwart companions of many races and species. But arrayed against him are flying armadas, armed hordes, the wizardry of a super scientist, and, most shocking of all, the fury and steel claws of his own daughter, Dayra!
Dray Prescot, Earthman of Kregen, that wonderful world circling the twin suns of Antares, had risen high in the empire of Vallia, but luck could not always sustain him. When, at last, all the forces opposed to his lands, his princess, his emperor, and to him personally, converged, it was to produce the darkest hour of his long career. For treason struck at the court, while rebel armies marched from the backlands, the war fleets of enemy nations were aloft, and the uncanny wizardry of a master scientist launched a spell of doom for all Prescot held dear. With his back to the wall, Dray Prescot faced that time of peril with unflinching will... until the cruelest blow of all was struck: his warrior daughter Dayra rode in the vanguard of his foes!
Together, the three books in this volume make up the first part of the Havilfar Cycle of the Saga of Dray Prescot of Earth and of Kregen. Dray Prescot is launched headlong into a brand-new series of adventures upon the planet of Kregen, that marvelous and beautiful, mystical and terrible world four hundred light-years away beneath the Suns of Scorpio. A new life opens for Dray, but that new life is cruelly different from all he expected and dreamed, hurling him into fresh adventure and danger among peoples and places far removed from those he knows and loves. Dray Prescot's saga has been aclaimed as the best planetary adventure series since Burroughs stopped writing about Barsoom. Manhounds of Antares: Will Dray Prescot be able to remain a prince of proud Vallia or will he become just another human victim of the hunters and manhounds of the mysterious Southern Continent? For that is the enigmatic fate that the Star Lords have suddenly confronted him with. They want someone freed from the terrified pack of human prey among whom Prescot finds himself. But who it is and how it is to be done, they have left to Dray to work out... Arena of Antares: Never a man to leave something half done, Dray Prescot knows his task on the mysterious continent of Havilfar is far from complete. There are cruel conquerors to be overthrown, the pursuit of the manhounds and their masters to continue, and there is the dreaded arena. Can he survive the life of a gladiator against the killers and monsters of a spoiled queen while the Star Lords wait for his mission to continue? Fliers of Antares: Dray Prescot confronts his most baffling task while he is a hunted and harried wanderer of the continent of Havilfar. That task is to discover the means by which the aircraft of that continent's most advanced civilization operate. Prescot is no scientist, but fulfill his task he must or he will never return to the princess and homeland he has won. So, for Dray Prescot there is but one course. With a whole continent against him, with time itself conspiring to balk him, the secrets of an unknown science must be made his...
Fame and fortune may await the winners of the life and death game called Jikaida, but for Dray Prescot his triumphs seemed only to bring infamy and misfortune. An Earthman transposed to the distant world that circles the twin suns of Antares, Prescot had to find a way out of his Jikaida City exile - for his homeland needed him in its hour of danger. But it seemed that fate now would place him in an even more terrifying game - a treasure hunt played out in the illusion webbed catacombs of a haunted valley where desperate men came to find fortunes at the risk of their followers lives and their own sanity.