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The stories of Srimad Bhagavata Mahapurana are as timeless as they are captivating. In this book the world renowned author captures the essence of this epic in a lucid style. He enlightens us with the tales of the Lord that are as sacred as the water of the Ganga and as sweet as ambrosial nectar! The book inspires you to walk on the path of dharma and emphasises that the easiest and shortest way to reach God is the way of bhakti. Settle down for another magnificent session of story-telling with Rev. Dada: let him enchant you with his rapturous account of the great avataras, with Krishna leela being the jewel in the crown!
Even after he has composed the awesome Mahabharata, the Maharishi Vyasa finds no peace. Narada Muni says to him, Ordinary men will be delighted by your work, but what about the Sages of heaven and earth? You have described the human life, its strife and its ends, but you have not yet described the Lord himself. You must turn your great gift to that task; only then will you find peace. Veda Vyasa composes the Bhagavata Purana, in eighteen thousand slokas and twelve kandas. He teaches it to his illumined son Suka, who narrates the Secret Purana to Yudhishtira s heir, King Parikshit, on the banks of the Ganga. The Bhagavata Purana is a living embodiment of the Lord Narayana and claims to bestow moksha merely by being heard. Just before Krishna, the Avatara, leaves the world, Uddhava says to him, leave us a tangible form, Lord, in which we can find you, touch you, and be near you. Krishna enters the Bhagavata Purana with all of his being. This book is a full literary rendering of the Bhagavata Purana, bringing all the wonder, wisdom and grace of the Book of God to the modern reader.
First Ebook Edition - March 2016
Know the Rishis and RishikÄ s, the early creations and their descendents, the wise men and women of the unknown and unfathomable eons, that were the embodiments of knowledge and sublimity, purity and humanity and compassion and humility. They were great scientists, discoverers, and research guides; and inventors of food-grain to fruits and flowers; of ploughs and yoke to Ä€yurveda and herbal medicines; from boats and ships to road-transports and planes; of everything that we possess today, from celestial bodies to metaphysics, geometry, trigonometry, algebra and photography, and numerous other things. We are proud of them and their gifts. Know the Rishis and RishikÄ s that knew and taught all about the earth and universe; planets and constellation; climate, seasons and meteorology, clouds, rain, water, fire, space and soil. They gave us the ways of constructing huts and Ä shramas to temples and palaces, and made us know the physical body and spiritual self, the outer reality and the inner truth, and taught us the ways of health, wealth, peace, pleasure and prosperity.
This book published by Advaita Ashrama, a publication house of Ramakrishna Math, Belur Math, India is an explanation of select verses of Srimad Bhagavata, the great devotional scripture. The focus of the text has been in presenting the episodes connected with Lord Krishna from the Bhagavata, The original text and translation of these select verses has also been given.
A seamless blend of fable and philosophy, the Bhagavata Purana is perhaps the most revered text in the Vaishnava tradition. It brings to life the legends of gods, asuras, sages and kings-all the while articulating the crucial ethical and philosophical tenets that underpin Hindu spiritualism. The narrative unfolds through a series of conversations and interconnected stories. We are told how the sage Vyasa was inspired by Narada to compose the Bhagavata Purana as a means to illumine the path to a spiritual life. We learn of the devotion of Prahlada, the austerity of Dhruva, and the blinding conceit of Daksha. Also recounted are tales of the many incarnations of Vishnu, especially Krishna, whom we see grow from a beloved and playful child to a fierce protector of the faithful.
A good story can teach us more about life than an entire book of proverbs. Revered Dada J.P.Vaswani is a raconteur 'par excellence' whose informal talks, discourses and books are liberally interspersed with thought provoking stories, captivating anecdotes and tales from myths and scriptures around the globe. A hundred of these memorable stories have been judiciously selected from Rev. Dada's endless repertoire, neatly packaged with a thought for your reflection and a practical exercise. Happy reading and happy reflections!
The ‘Srimad Bhagwal’ itself is believed to be the gem among all the sacred Puranas as it emphasises on the devotion to Lord. Vishnu’s incarnation, Lord Krishna. It is believed to have been authored by the great sage Vedavyasa when he felt a great unrest troubling his soul after authoring the Mahabharat. Although this Purana itself is believed to be a part of Skanda Purana, it is its lyrical beauty and devotion to Krishna that made it most popular. It enlists 22 incarnations of Lord Vishnu, while other sacred accounts of the Sanatana Dharma believe that there were nine incarnations and one is yet to come. Normally in the Purana, the tales or stories frequently overlap with each other giving emphasis on a different point. Owing to paucity of space, many of the stories have been given a brief mention in this work with the footnote guiding to the sources, to get the full story in the other Puranas. There are also certain variations in the details of the stories which have been also marked within parenthesis. Also, many details mentioned in this Puran which may appear uninteresting, have been deliberately left out. Some of the stories which are well- known have been skipped. For example, the Ramakatha or the details about other incarnations popularised by other sacred sources. The main emphasis in culling out the stories has been on those stories that reveal the basic moral fiber of our ethos. These stories have been recreated keeping in mind the comprehension of our young learners and hence making these stories more logical. This work is only an attempt to make our society recapture its roots. That is why the language and style have been used with great care so as to make the stories readable and comprehensive. It is hoped that our discerning readership will accord it a warm welcome. Lastly, the author wishes to record his gratitude to Narenderji of Diamond Pocket Books whose crusade to publish the gems of our cultural and religious ethos has few parallels in the field of publishing.
From the flat earth to the sun's chariot - traditional spiritual texts seem wedded to outmoded cosmologies that show, at best, the scientific limitations of their authors. The Bhagavata Purana, one of the classical scriptures of Hinduism, seems, at first glance, to be no exception. However, a closer examination of this text reveals unexpected depths of knowledge in ancient cosmology. Mysteries of the Sacred Universe shows that the cosmology of the Bhagavata Purana is a sophisticated system, with multiple levels of meaning that encode at least four different astronomical, geographical, and spiritual world models. By viewing the text in the light of modern astronomy, Richard Thompson shows how ancient scientists expressed exact knowledge in apparently mythological terms. Comparison with the ancient traditions of Egypt and the Near East shows early cultural connections between India and these regions - including a surprisingly advanced science. However, quantitative science is only part of the picture. Mysteries of the Sacred Universe also offers a clear understanding of how the spiritual dimension was integrated into ancient Indian cosmology.
101 Stories that make up this most absorbing, educative and uplifting book have been lovingly chosen from the perennial treasure of Dada J.P. Vaswani’s witty anecdotes and stories. Each story is a gem-containing a precious pearl of strength and wisdom. Each story can fill you with faith, patience, fortitude and the courage to face the challenges of life in the right spirit. You can’t stop reading once you start, for you feel you have taken a breath of fresh air, or had a stimulating drink. Just try and see!