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This paper studies the association between a firm's stock returns and subsequent top management changes. Consistent with internal monitoring of management, there is an inverse relation between the probability of a management change and a firm's share performance. This relation can result from monitoring by the board, other top managers, or blockholders. However, unless share performance is extremely good or bad, logit models have no predictive ability. No average stock reaction is detected at announcement of a top management change.
This paper examines the relationship between a (Real Estate Investment Trust's) REIT's stock returns and top management changes. The results indicate an inverse relationship between the probability of a management change and a REIT's recent stock price performance. This is consistent with internal monitoring of management activities by the board of directors, other top managers or large block shareholders.
Dieser Grundlagenführer in Sachen Wall Street war über sechs Auflagen hinweg das perfekte Standardwerk für Neulinge im Anlagengeschäft und Wall Street Trainees. Seit Erscheinen der 6. Auflage 1992 hat sich die Wall Street jedoch so nachhaltig verändert, daß eine Neuauflage zwingend notwendig wurde. Diese 7. Auflage wurde umfassend aktualisiert und behandelt die neuesten Entwicklungen für Investitionen: NYSE, NASDAQ, Aktien weltweit, Wall Street Online, neue SEC Vorschriften (Börsenaufsicht), Wachstumsbereiche wie Derivatmärkte, Index-Fonds, etc. Ein einfach geschriebener Leitfaden mit verständlichen Beispielen und umfangreichen Definitionen. (10/98)
Using management earnings forecasts over the period 1996-2010, I find that the sensitivity of forecast revisions to contemporaneous stock returns is increasing in the amount of investors' private information in prices. This effect remains after controlling for various confounds and is robust to the use of mutual fund redemptions as a shock to price changes that is exogenous to fundamental news. Furthermore, investors' private information helps managers improve their forecast accuracy. Together, these findings suggest that stock prices contain information that managers do not otherwise have regarding firms' fundamentals, and that managers incorporate this information in their earnings forecasts.