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Stochastic transport is a widely studied phenomenon among physicists. This includes diffusive processes like Brownian motion which have helped describe numerous systems ranging from the spreading of dye molecules in a liquid to the spreading of human populations. Transport behavior can be affected by properties such as the local curvature of a surface or the dynamics of a network on which the transport takes place. A quantitative characterization of these factors is critical for a deeper understanding of transport in such cases and is of much interest to the study of random walk theory, stochastic processes, and anomalous diffusion in general. In this dissertation, we aim to accomplish this aim by focusing on two specific cases - (i) anomalous diffusion of a random walker on curved surfaces and (ii) transport of cargo on dynamic filament networks. Levy walks are a class of anomalous diffusion studied in Euclidean space. In many cases of interest, transport takes place on surfaces with non-zero Gaussian curvature. We take the first steps towards studying how surface curvature affects anomalous transport described by Levy walk statistics. We develop a computational model to simulate Levy walks along geodesics in Euclidean, spherical, and hyperbolic spaces. By comparing our numerical results to a Taylor expansion of the mean-squared displacement (MSD) in powers of curvature around the Euclidean case, we can establish the validity of a generalized expression for MSD of anomalous diffusion with curvature corrections. The transport of cargo within cells is a critical physiological process. Many new studies consider the impact on transport of the morphology of the networks of filaments. One aspect that has received less attention is the growth/shrinkage and dynamic turnover of these networks. We study transport of cargo carried by myosin motors on dynamic actin network. Use a stochastic simulation model accounting for both active and passive transport and incorporate the dynamics of the actin network. We show how treadmilling speed of actin filament affect cargo transport, motor attachment/detachment rates and network density. We show the existence of filament dynamics in physiological regimes that optimize cargo transport and how it can be tuned.
The first part of the book provides a pedagogical introduction to the physics of complex systems driven far from equilibrium. In this part we discuss the basic concepts and theoretical techniques which are commonly used to study classical stochastic transport in systems of interacting driven particles. The analytical techniques include mean-field theories, matrix product ansatz, renormalization group, etc. and the numerical methods are mostly based on computer simulations. In the second part of the book these concepts and techniques are applied not only to vehicular traffic but also to transport and traffic-like phenomena in living systems ranging from collective movements of social insects (for example, ants) on trails to intracellular molecular motor transport. These demonstrate the conceptual unity of the fundamental principles underlying the apparent diversity of the systems and the utility of the theoretical toolbox of non-equilibrium statistical mechanics in interdisciplinary research far beyond the traditional disciplinary boundaries of physics. Leading industry experts provide a broad overview of the interdisciplinary nature of physics Presents unified descriptions of intracellular, ant, and vehicular traffic from a physics point of view Applies theoretical methods in practical everyday situations Reference and guide for physicists, engineers and graduate students
This book grew out of the Random Transformations and Invariance in Stochastic Dynamics conference held in Verona from the 25th to the 28th of March 2019 in honour of Sergio Albeverio. It presents the new area of studies concerning invariance and symmetry properties of finite and infinite dimensional stochastic differential equations.This area constitutes a natural, much needed, extension of the theory of classical ordinary and partial differential equations, where the reduction theory based on symmetry and invariance of such classical equations has historically proved to be very important both for theoretical and numerical studies and has given rise to important applications. The purpose of the present book is to present the state of the art of the studies on stochastic systems from this point of view, present some of the underlying fundamental ideas and methods involved, and to outline the main lines for future developments. The main focus is on bridging the gap between deterministic and stochastic approaches, with the goal of contributing to the elaboration of a unified theory that will have a great impact both from the theoretical point of view and the point of view of applications. The reader is a mathematician or a theoretical physicist. The main discipline is stochastic analysis with profound ideas coming from Mathematical Physics and Lie’s Group Geometry. While the audience consists essentially of academicians, the reader can also be a practitioner with Ph.D., who is interested in efficient stochastic modelling.
In this book, the optimal transportation problem (OT) is described as a variational problem for absolutely continuous stochastic processes with fixed initial and terminal distributions. Also described is Schrödinger’s problem, which is originally a variational problem for one-step random walks with fixed initial and terminal distributions. The stochastic optimal transportation problem (SOT) is then introduced as a generalization of the OT, i.e., as a variational problem for semimartingales with fixed initial and terminal distributions. An interpretation of the SOT is also stated as a generalization of Schrödinger’s problem. After the brief introduction above, the fundamental results on the SOT are described: duality theorem, a sufficient condition for the problem to be finite, forward–backward stochastic differential equations (SDE) for the minimizer, and so on. The recent development of the superposition principle plays a crucial role in the SOT. A systematic method is introduced to consider two problems: one with fixed initial and terminal distributions and one with fixed marginal distributions for all times. By the zero-noise limit of the SOT, the probabilistic proofs to Monge’s problem with a quadratic cost and the duality theorem for the OT are described. Also described are the Lipschitz continuity and the semiconcavity of Schrödinger’s problem in marginal distributions and random variables with given marginals, respectively. As well, there is an explanation of the regularity result for the solution to Schrödinger’s functional equation when the space of Borel probability measures is endowed with a strong or a weak topology, and it is shown that Schrödinger’s problem can be considered a class of mean field games. The construction of stochastic processes with given marginals, called the marginal problem for stochastic processes, is discussed as an application of the SOT and the OT.
This book grew out of the Random Transformations and Invariance in Stochastic Dynamics conference held in Verona from the 25th to the 28th of March 2019 in honour of Sergio Albeverio. It presents the new area of studies concerning invariance and symmetry properties of finite and infinite dimensional stochastic differential equations.This area constitutes a natural, much needed, extension of the theory of classical ordinary and partial differential equations, where the reduction theory based on symmetry and invariance of such classical equations has historically proved to be very important both for theoretical and numerical studies and has given rise to important applications. The purpose of the present book is to present the state of the art of the studies on stochastic systems from this point of view, present some of the underlying fundamental ideas and methods involved, and to outline the main lines for future developments. The main focus is on bridging the gap between deterministic and stochastic approaches, with the goal of contributing to the elaboration of a unified theory that will have a great impact both from the theoretical point of view and the point of view of applications. The reader is a mathematician or a theoretical physicist. The main discipline is stochastic analysis with profound ideas coming from Mathematical Physics and Lie's Group Geometry. While the audience consists essentially of academicians, the reader can also be a practitioner with Ph.D., who is interested in efficient stochastic modelling.
This volume offers a unique and accessible overview of the most active fields in Stochastic Geometry, up to the frontiers of recent research. Since 2014, the yearly meeting of the French research structure GDR GeoSto has been preceded by two introductory courses. This book contains five of these introductory lectures. The first chapter is a historically motivated introduction to Stochastic Geometry which relates four classical problems (the Buffon needle problem, the Bertrand paradox, the Sylvester four-point problem and the bicycle wheel problem) to current topics. The remaining chapters give an application motivated introduction to contemporary Stochastic Geometry, each one devoted to a particular branch of the subject: understanding spatial point patterns through intensity and conditional intensities; stochastic methods for image analysis; random fields and scale invariance; and the theory of Gibbs point processes. Exposing readers to a rich theory, this book will encourage further exploration of the subject and its wide applications.
Most of the natural and biological phenomena such as solute transport in porous media exhibit variability which can not be modeled by using deterministic approaches. There is evidence in natural phenomena to suggest that some of the observations can not be explained by using the models which give deterministic solutions. Stochastic processes have a rich repository of objects which can be used to express the randomness inherent in the system and the evolution of the system over time. The attractiveness of the stochastic differential equations (SDE) and stochastic partial differential equations (SPDE) come from the fact that we can integrate the variability of the system along with the scientific knowledge pertaining to the system. One of the aims of this book is to explaim some useufl concepts in stochastic dynamics so that the scientists and engineers with a background in undergraduate differential calculus could appreciate the applicability and appropriateness of these developments in mathematics. The ideas are explained in an intuitive manner wherever possible with out compromising rigor. The solute transport problem in porous media saturated with water had been used as a natural setting to discuss the approaches based on stochastic dynamics. The work is also motivated by the need to have more sophisticated mathematical and computational frameworks to model the variability one encounters in natural and industrial systems. This book presents the ideas, models and computational solutions pertaining to a single problem: stochastic flow of contaminant transport in the saturated porous media such as that we find in underground aquifers. In attempting to solve this problem using stochastic concepts, different ideas and new concepts have been explored, and mathematical and computational frameworks have been developed in the process. Some of these concepts, arguments and mathematical and computational constructs are discussed in an intuititve manner in this book.
These notes are in part based on a course for advanced students in the applications of stochastic processes held in 1978 at the University of Konstanz. These notes contain the results of re cent studies on the stochastic description of ion transport through biological membranes. In particular, they serve as an introduction to an unified theory of fluctuations in complex biological transport systems. We emphasize that the subject of this volume is not to introduce the mathematics of stochastic processes but to present a field of theoretical biophysics in which stochastic methods are important. In the last years the study of membrane noise has become an important method in biophysics. Valuable information on the ion transport mechanisms in membranes can be obtained from noise analysis. A number of different processes such as the opening and closing of ion channels have been shown to be sources of the measured current or voltage fluctuations. Bio logical 'transport systems can be complex. For example, the transport process can be coupled to other processes such as chemical reactions and take place in discontinuous structures of molecular dimensions. Furthermore, since there are strong electric fields or high concentration gradients across biological membranes ion transport processes of biological relevance are mostly processes far from equilibrium. For these reasons the development of new theoretical concepts has been necessary. The concept of transport in discrete systems has turned out to be more appropriate than continuum models.
This volume and "IStochastic Processes, Physics and Geometry: New Interplays II" present state-of-the-art research currently unfolding at the interface between mathematics and physics. Included are select articles from the international conference held in Leipzig (Germany) in honor of Sergio Albeverio's sixtieth birthday. The theme of the conference, "Infinite Dimensional (Stochastic) Analysis and Quantum Physics", was chosen to reflect Albeverio's wide-ranging scientific interests. The articles in these books reflect that broad range of interests and provide a detailed overview highlighting the deep interplay among stochastic processes, mathematical physics, and geometry. The contributions are written by internationally recognized experts in the fields of stochastic analysis, linear and nonlinear (deterministic and stochastic) PDEs, infinite dimensional analysis, functional analysis, commutative and noncommutative probability theory, integrable systems, quantum and statistical mechanics, geometric quantization, and neural networks. Also included are applications in biology and other areas. Most of the contributions are high-level research papers. However, there are also some overviews on topics of general interest. The articles selected for publication in these volumes were specifically chosen to introduce readers to advanced topics, to emphasize interdisciplinary connections, and to stress future research directions. Volume I contains contributions from invited speakers; Volume II contains additional contributed papers. Members of the Canadian Mathematical Society may order at the AMS member price.
At the close of the 1980s, the independent contributions of Yann Brenier, Mike Cullen and John Mather launched a revolution in the venerable field of optimal transport founded by G. Monge in the 18th century, which has made breathtaking forays into various other domains of mathematics ever since. The author presents a broad overview of this area, supplying complete and self-contained proofs of all the fundamental results of the theory of optimal transport at the appropriate level of generality. Thus, the book encompasses the broad spectrum ranging from basic theory to the most recent research results. PhD students or researchers can read the entire book without any prior knowledge of the field. A comprehensive bibliography with notes that extensively discuss the existing literature underlines the book’s value as a most welcome reference text on this subject.