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Stochastic hydrology is an essential base of water resources systems analysis, due to the inherent randomness of the input, and consequently of the results. These results have to be incorporated in a decision-making process regarding the planning and management of water systems. It is through this application that stochastic hydrology finds its true meaning, otherwise it becomes merely an academic exercise. A set of well known specialists from both stochastic hydrology and water resources systems present a synthesis of the actual knowledge currently used in real-world planning and management. The book is intended for both practitioners and researchers who are willing to apply advanced approaches for incorporating hydrological randomness and uncertainty into the simulation and optimization of water resources systems. (abstract) Stochastic hydrology is a basic tool for water resources systems analysis, due to inherent randomness of the hydrologic cycle. This book contains actual techniques in use for water resources planning and management, incorporating randomness into the decision making process. Optimization and simulation, the classical systems-analysis technologies, are revisited under up-to-date statistical hydrology findings backed by real world applications.
1. Introduction. 2. Fundamentals of Stochastic Site Characterization. 3. Estimation and Simulation. 4. Moments of the Flow Variables, Part I: The Flow Equation and the Hydraulic Head. 5. Moments of the Flow Variables, Part II: The Effective Conductivity. 6. Upscaling, Computational Aspects, and Statistics of the Velocity Field. 7. An Overview of Stochastic Tools for Modeling Transport of Tracers in Heterogeneous Media. 8. The Eulerian Picture: Principles of the Eulerian Approach to Modeling the Transport of Solutes. 9. The Lagrangian Picture, Part I: Fundamentals of the Lagrangian Approach to.
On May 27-31, 1985, a series of symposia was held at The University of Western Ontario, London, Canada, to celebrate the 70th birthday of Pro fessor V. M. Joshi. These symposia were chosen to reflect Professor Joshi's research interests as well as areas of expertise in statistical science among faculty in the Departments of Statistical and Actuarial Sciences, Economics, Epidemiology and Biostatistics, and Philosophy. From these symposia, the six volumes which comprise the "Joshi Festschrift" have arisen. The 117 articles in this work reflect the broad interests and high quality of research of those who attended our conference. We would like to thank alI of the contributors for their superb cooperation in helping us to complete this project. Our deepest gratitude must go to the three people who have spent so much of their time in the past year typing these volumes: Jackie BeU, Lise Constant, and Sandy Tamowski. This work has been printed from "camera ready" copy produced by our Vax 785 computer and QMS Lasergraphix printers, using the text processing software TEX. At the initiation of this project, we were neophytes in the use of this system. Thank you, J ackie, Lise, and Sandy, for having the persistence and dedication needed to complete this undertaking.
Advanced-level view of the tools of random processes and field theory as applied to the analysis and synthesis of hydrologic phenomena. Topics include time-series analysis, optimal estimation, optimal interpolation (Kriging), frequency-domain analysis of signals, and linear systems theory. Techniques and examples chosen to illustrate the latest advances in hydrologic signal analysis. Useable as graduate-level text in water resource systems, stochastic hydrology, random processes and signal analysis. 202 illustrations.