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One night in December 1941 a young Italian sat shivering on a buoy in Alexandria Harbour. Four hours later two British battleships blew up and settled on the muddy bottom. Luigi De La Penne had successfully completed one of the most fantastic surprise attacks of the war. This and many other extraordinary attacks showed great resourcefulness, courage and daring. The cost in lives and material was small, the stakes dazzlingly high. First published in 1957, this book from American novelist Burke Wilkinson tells of some of the most striking and brilliant surprise attacks made by sea during the war. The individual exploits carry their own compulsion as tales of great courage and daring always do, but more than that they show the valuable lessons to be learned and the future hazards we must face from these bold and venturesome tactics.
Little more than 90 years has separated the first military submarine and modern state-of-the-art post-nuclear technology. This book is both a detailed reassessment of the submarine's technical and military history and an insight into the future of the submersible man-of-war.
STEALTH WARFARE ... DECLASSIFIED Did Russia get secret US stealth technology from a downed Stealth Fighter? Did Nazi scientists working for Hitler's Third Reich develop stealth aircraft that were used as a basis for US stealth development? Is stealth technology creating new superweapons and superplanes for secret future war plans? Are UFOs connected with stealth? Do other countries, such as India, China, North Korea and Russia possess advanced stealth technologies? Has the US government secretly bought Russian stealth weaponry in order to study and reverse-engineer it? Are stealth aircraft really as stealthy as advertised? Or can they be detected and even tracked with available technology? These and other questions are answered in David Alexander's groundbreaking Stealth Warfare, the only book of its kind ever written, and one that tells secrets that the Defense Department, the CIA and agencies too covert to even mention want kept behind locked doors. In Stealth Warfare, a work that began as a classified study toward establishing developmental priorities toward the year 2030, bestselling author and globally recognized defense analyst and consultant David Alexander has framed the essence of stealth warfare from its mythological beginnings with the Trojan Horse to the modern technological marvels of stealth aircraft, submarines, and satellites. From the foreword by Col. John G. Lackey (Ret.), US Army: His groundbreaking Stealth Warfare is a singular achievement -- by far the most comprehensive open source reference to this field of military endeavor you will find – now and probably ever. Even with those classified, eyes-only portions removed for reasons of national security, it stands as an unparalleled reference source for the military professional as well as historians or the casual reader, and reads like the best fiction to boot In this epochal work, author David Alexander has skillfully outlined the history of stealth warfare, carefully weaving it into the American military genre by focusing on specific, carefully chosen warfare events, beginning with basic soldiering and ending with modern stealth aircraft, submarines, missiles, mines, drones, robots and the individual combatants’ battlefield equipment. Perhaps the most striking aspect of Alexander’s Stealth Warfare is his account of those technical realities that are so vividly described from the beginnings of high-altitude reconnaissance programs such as U-2 and SR-71, as well as overhead satellite surveillance programs like Corona. The understanding gained from the tactical histories and operational capabilities of the F-117A Nighthawk and B-2 strategic bomber provides an understanding of the vast superiority which the United States has in the air in regard to stealth technology. Unlock the secrets of stealth. Read David Alexander's Stealth Warfare... before it disappears. Reviews "The push to develop an awesome array of superplanes and superweapons was to be crowned by Goering's "thousand by thousand by thousand" directive, which was Luftwaffe shorthand for the need to build an aircraft capable of flying a thousand kilometers carrying a thousand kilograms of weapons at a thousand kilometers per hour. This ambitious master plan went hand in hand with the effort to develop a nuclear weapon that the plane would carry. The main goal of a long-range intercontinental bomber of this type would be to strike the United States." -- Excerpt from Stealth Warfare by author David Alexander "Lockheed aircraft designer Ben Rich, who worked for Clarence "Kelly" Johnson at Lockheed's Skunk Works wrote that "a low observable aircraft has to be good in six disciplines -- radar, infrared, noise, smoke, contrails and visibility -- otherwise you flunk the course." That these considerations figured in postwar advanced aircraft designs is self-evident even just from the standpoint of fuselage designs -- stealth is right in front of you if you have eyes to see it. Though the aerospace industry and the Pentagon tried to keep stealth research secret stealth was always part of the program. As mentioned earlier, the bulk of the programs of this era were black, that is, clandestine projects. Even those few projects whose existence was grudgingly revealed, such as the U-2 and A-12/SR-71 Blackbird family spy planes, were never entirely declassified. As Churchill observed, in war the truth must sometimes be protected by a bodyguard of lies. Divulging information about critical capabilities of military aircraft can and will give adversaries valuable clues to countermeasures it can use against them. For this reason it has to be assumed that a great deal of deliberate disinformation surrounds even the most familiar of white world projects. Another reason for the secrecy that cloaked special postwar aircraft projects is that much of it was based on captured prototypes and research done by Nazi technicians, many of whom were now working in the US under government auspices and official protection. Public recognition of these facts so soon after the war would have aroused a national outcry. The intelligence and defense establishments who had put those ex-Nazis to work needed to avoid such a scenario. A cloak of secrecy also surrounds the technology transfer issues that gave rise to postwar advanced aircraft programs. At the close of World War Two the United States came out the winner in a race by the three victorious Allied powers to grab the cream of Nazi weapons technology and the Reich's brain trust." -- Excerpt from Stealth Warfare by author David Alexander "British personnel, including RAF pilots on exchange programs, had been secretly involved in the Stealth Fighter programs run by the United States for a long time. Unknown to the public in both the US and UK, a secret protocol between Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher had led to a handful of key officials within the MOD gaining unprecedented access to the F-177A Stealth Fighter since the early 1980s. The partnership in stealth between the two transatlantic allies dates back to the Second World War where, as we've seen, the secrets of Operation Bodyguard, including Ultra and Enigma, were shared and cooperatively developed as a secret weapon against the Third Reich. Afterward, during the Cold War, the clandestine partnership in stealth continued against the Soviets and their East Bloc allies." -- Excerpt from Stealth Warfare by author David Alexander "One of the most sensitive military secrets of the Cold War is that in the early 1960s the Macmillan government in the UK turned over to the Kennedy administration virtually everything that the British knew about stealth technology, and it was a considerable amount. The British didn't then have the material resources to develop this technology, but the US, with its vast, virtually unlimited industrial capacity and bottomless money pit, very much did. The stealth relationship entered a new, clandestine phase: the UK would henceforward be an insider in US stealth development. By the time the F-117A Stealth Fighter was rolled out of a hangar at Nellis Air Force Base in Nevada for its first public showing on April 21, 1990, ending speculation concerning the existence of a secret invisible warplane developed by the US, British RAF pilots had been training on the F-117A for at least a year, indeed since the earliest prototypes were available for flight trials in 1982. Beyond this, the F-117A was evaluated for possible purchase by the RAF but turned down by MOD; at 10 Downing Street there were other plans concerning future acquisitions of stealth aircraft." -- Excerpt from Stealth Warfare by author David Alexander "Regional disputes could be intensified by stealth because stealth enhances the lethality of conventional warfare and greases the slide towards escalation of the conflict. Once the conflict escalates it can become a vortex that draws bystanders in toward the center. The former bystanders, who are inevitably bigger powers, would then take sides and fight with one another. If all or most were stealth-capable, stealth-on-stealth warfare could produce a stalemate that might progress to the use of weapons of mass destruction as the conflict worsened." -- Excerpt from Stealth Warfare by author David Alexander
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