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Status of Women Canada (SWC) is the federal government agency which promotes gender equality, and the full participation of women in the economic, social, cultural and political life of the country. SWC focuses its work in three areas: improving women's economic autonomy and well-being, eliminating systemic violence against women and children, and advancing women's human rights.
Canada, along with all United Nations member countries, was called upon to formulate a national plan to advance the situation of women, both within its own borders and globally. This document is Canada's response to that request and its contribution toward the goals of the global Platform for Action to be adopted at the Fourth United Nations World Conference on Women in Beijing, China, in September 1995.
This report provides information on Canada's national and international activities and accomplishments that address the needs of Canadian women and that will bring them closer to equality with men. It begins with a review and appraisal at the national level, describing the situation of women in the early 1980s as background to describing changes since then. These changes are reviewed under the following headings: sharing of power and decision-making at all levels; mechanisms to promote advancement of women; awareness of and commitment to nationally and internationally recognised women's human rights; poverty; women's access to and participation in the definition of economic structures and policies, and the productive process itself; access to education, health, and employment; violence against women; effects on women of continuing armed or other kinds of conflicts; use of mass media to promote women's positive contributions to society; and adequate recognition and support for women's contribution to natural resource management and environmental conservation. The report then reviews and appraises international activities under similar headings. The report concludes with information on future domestic and international strategic goals and activities to advance women's equality.
Describes the new Women's Program framework and funding mechanism that came into effect in April 1997 after the Program was transferred into Status of Women Canada. Includes information on the Program's mandate, objectives, definition of equality, guiding principles, areas of focus, funding support, reasons for change, how the new funding mechanism will work, and how the changes will be implemented.
February 1995 legislation entitled the Budget Implementation Act repealed the Canada Assistance Plan and introduced the Canada Health & Social Transfer. This publication begins with a review of the Plan, what the new Act has taken away from national social programs, the history of national standards for social programs, the federal role in setting such standards, and implications for women and the poor. Chapter 2 describes the equality commitments made by Canada both internationally and domestically. Chapter 3 examines the application of equality rights when economic policies are challenged in the courts. Chapter 4 explores more closely the content of the rights instruments available to women and sets out interpretations of equality guarantees that can be responsive to women's material inequality and that draw on the richness and complexity of Canada's equality commitments. The final chapter considers the work that women must do to ensure that both social programs and equality guarantees can be responsive to women's needs and aspirations. Future directions are suggested for women's activism, institutional reform, and government policy.