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The recent performance and future prospects of accelerators in the United States are reviewed. The next decade promises significant improvements and major new facilities. There is uncertainty beyond that because of the SSC cancellation and the new, enhanced importance of international accelerator projects.
This book presents the latest results from high energy physics laboratories. The topics discussed include: Cosmology, Heavy Ions, Electroweak, Heavy Flavour Physics and CP Violation/Rare Decays, QCD and Beyond the Standard Model, Planck Scale Physics, Accelerator and Non-Accelerator Physics and Instrumentation.
Over the past several decades major advances in accelerators have resulted from breakthroughs in accelerator science and accelerator technology. After the introduction of a new accelerator physics concept or the implementation of a new technology, a leap in accelerator performance followed. A well-known representation of these advances is the Livingston chart, which shows an exponential growth of accelerator performance over the last seven or eight decades. One of the breakthrough accelerator technologies that support this exponential growth is superconducting technology. Recognizing this major technological advance, we dedicate Volume 5 of Reviews of Accelerator Science and Technology (RAST) to superconducting technology and its applications.Two major applications are superconducting magnets (SC magnets) and superconducting radio-frequency (SRF) cavities. SC magnets provide much higher magnetic field than their room-temperature counterparts, thus allowing accelerators to reach higher energies with comparable size as well as much reduced power consumption. SRF technology allows field energy storage for continuous wave applications and energy recovery, in addition to the advantage of tremendous power savings and better particle beam quality. In this volume, we describe both technologies and their applications. We also include discussion of the associated R&D in superconducting materials and the future prospects for these technologies.
Accelerator technology has advanced tremendously since the introduction of accelerators in the 1930s, and particle accelerators have become indispensable instruments in high energy physics (HEP) research to probe Nature at smaller and smaller distances. At present, accelerator facilities can be classified into Energy Frontier colliders that enable direct discoveries and studies of high mass scale particles and Intensity Frontier accelerators for exploration of extremely rare processes, usually at relatively low energies. The near term strategies of the global energy frontier particle physics community are centered on fully exploiting the physics potential of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN through its high-luminosity upgrade (HL-LHC), while the intensity frontier HEP research is focused on studies of neutrinos at the MW-scale beam power accelerator facilities, such as Fermilab Main Injector with the planned PIP-II SRF linac project. A number of next generation accelerator facilities have been proposed and are currently under consideration for the medium- and long-term future programs of accelerator-based HEP research. In this paper, we briefly review the post-LHC energy frontier options, both for lepton and hadron colliders in various regions of the world, as well as possible future intensity frontier accelerator facilities.
The past 100 years of accelerator-based research have led the field from first insights into the structure of atoms to the development and confirmation of the Standard Model of physics. Accelerators have been a key tool in developing our understanding of the elementary particles and the forces that govern their interactions. This book describes the past 100 years of accelerator development with a special focus on the technological advancements in the field, the connection of the various accelerator projects to key developments and discoveries in the Standard Model, how accelerator technologies open the door to other applications in medicine and industry, and finally presents an outlook of future accelerator projects for the coming decades.
This volume, consisting of articles written by experts with international repute and long experience, reviews the state of the art of accelerator physics and technologies and the use of accelerators in research, industry and medicine. It covers a wide range of topics, from basic problems concerning the performance of circular and linear accelerators to technical issues and related fields. Also discussed are recent achievements that are of particular interest (such as RF quadrupole acceleration, ion sources and storage rings) and new technologies (such as superconductivity for magnets and RF cavities).The book will interest not only researchers and engineers in the field of accelerator development but also users of accelerators in research and industry. Moreover, teachers giving courses on accelerators and their applications will profit by learning about the most recent achievements and future possibilities.
This book is written for students who ever wondered about the mysterious and fascinating world of particle accelerators. What exciting physics and technologies lie within? What clever and ingenious ideas were applied in their seven decades of evolution? What promises still lay ahead in the future?Accelerators have been driving research and industrial advances for decades. This textbook illustrates the physical principles behind these incredible machines, often with intuitive pictures and simple mathematical models. Pure formalisms are avoided as much as possible. It is hoped that the readers would enjoy the fascinating physics behind these state-of-the-art devices.The style is informal and aimed for a graduate level without prerequisite of prior knowledge in accelerators. To serve as a textbook, references are listed only on the more established original literature and review articles instead of the constantly changing research frontiers.
This paper provides an overview of the accelerators in the world where two-photon physics could be carried out in the future. The list includes facilities where two-photon physics is already an integral part of the scientific program but also mentions some other machines where initiating new programs may be possible.
Since its invention in the 1920s, particle accelerators have made tremendous progress in accelerator science, technology and applications. However, the fundamental acceleration principle, namely, to apply an external radiofrequency (RF) electric field to accelerate charged particles, remains unchanged. As this method (either room temperature RF or superconducting RF) is approaching its intrinsic limitation in acceleration gradient (measured in MeV/m), it becomes apparent that new methods with much higher acceleration gradient (measured in GeV/m) must be found for future very high energy accelerators as well as future compact (table-top or room-size) accelerators. This volume introduces a number of advanced accelerator concepts (AAC) — their principles, technologies and potential applications. For the time being, none of them stands out as a definitive direction in which to go. But these novel ideas are in hot pursuit and look promising. Furthermore, some AAC requires a high power laser system. This has the implication of bringing two different communities — accelerator and laser — to join forces and work together. It will have profound impact on the future of our field.Also included are two special articles, one on 'Particle Accelerators in China' which gives a comprehensive overview of the rapidly growing accelerator community in China. The other features the person-of-the-issue who was well-known nuclear physicist Jerome Lewis Duggan, a pioneer and founder of a huge community of industrial and medical accelerators in the US.
Originally invented for generating the first artificial nuclear reactions, particle accelerators have undergone, during the past 80 years, a fascinating development that is an impressive example of the inventiveness and perseverance of scientists and engineers. Since the early 1980s, accelerator science and technology has been booming. Today, accelerators are the prime tool for high energy physics to probe the structure of matter to an unknown depth. They are also, as synchrotron radiation sources, the most versatile tool for characterizing materials and processes and for producing micro- and nanostructured devices. The determination of the structure of large biomolecules is presently among the best examples of the application of synchrotron radiation. Finally, accelerators have grown more and more important for medicine, which is relying on them for advanced cancer therapy and radio-surgery. And there are more applications, including the generation of neutrons for materials science, the transmutation of nuclear waste with simultaneous production of electrical power, the sterilization of medical supplies and of foodstuff, and the inspection of trucks by customs or security services.This book is meant to provide basic training in modern accelerators for students, teachers, and interested scientists and engineers working in other fields. It is a result of the 3rd International Accelerator School, held in 2002 in Singapore under the auspices of the Overseas Chinese Physics Association (OCPA). Reputable experts, including a recent prize-winner, cover the field of cyclic and linear accelerators from the basic theoretical tools to forefront developments such as the X-ray free electron laser or the latest proton therapy facilities under construction.Accelerators, the art of building them, and the science for understanding their function have become a very exciting field of research. This book conveys the excitement of the experts to the reader.The proceedings have been selected for coverage in: ? Index to Scientific & Technical Proceedings? (ISTP? / ISI Proceedings)? Index to Scientific & Technical Proceedings (ISTP CDROM version / ISI Proceedings)? CC Proceedings ? Engineering & Physical Sciences