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Historically, when sweeping policy changes or legislation of indelible consequence are signed into law, Presidents receive the credit. There is a good reason for that. Without the Chief Executive putting his pen to paper, these advancements would have nary a chance of becoming reality. In most cases, though, a President’s signature is simply the culmination of a long fight to make an idea or actual proposal a reality. In fact, quite often it is members of Congress who nurture proposals from inception to the President’s desk. Like a train leaving its first station, the legislative process often starts with a handful of people on board until slowly, a few more passengers hop on at each stop and before long, there is a full car with people standing in the aisles. Often times, a bill becoming a law is no different.
My first two volumes of Statesmen and Mischief Makers portrayed the stories of officeholders who had tremendous impact on politics at the national level, either by way of Presidential proximity, legislative accomplishments or simply through living a life of idiosyncrasies that made a great anecdote - or two. Governors and big-city Mayors are no different. There were smart leaders, courageous leaders, visionary leaders, and inevitably, small-minded and even unscrupulous leaders. In other words, leaders who were anything but. Whatever the case, the Governors that ushered their state structure into a modern era or the Mayors whose cities have become the cultural meccas with landmarks that attract millions are all people who deserve recognition. And yes, so do the people who ended up on the wrong side of the law and went to jail. Volume three examines these individuals. All presided within the times of Kennedy to Reagan. All are Statesmen and Mischief Makers. And all are told here.
History has produced many individuals who have impacted the times. Some are well known, others barely recognized. My book follows two paths. One examines officeholders who served between 1960 and 1988, famous or obscure, whose actions gave way to an even more famous person's career. Others are Governors credited with shaping the modern developments of their home states. A number of my subjects are as scrupulous as can be. Others got sidelined by scandals one can't even make up. As for the rest. Well, let's just say they have a great story that few know, but deserve to be told. My book shares more than 150 stories of politicians, elections, and the environment of the period. Each of my 150 subjects is accompanied by a tidbit/anomaly that will enlighten all. Many are unsung outside their home states. Hopefully, my book will change that.
Accomplishments, associations and anecdotes - that is what this book encompasses. Previous volumes of Statesmen and Mischief Makers have portrayed members of Congress from the eras of John F. Kennedy through Ronald Reagan whose stories were the subject of fantastic tidbits. This volume is no exception but the emphasis is on the unknown men - and a few women – who were either at the center of now famous laws or had high-profile roles in historic events. It depicts those with close proximity to those who appeared on a national ticket, either as Congressional friends or opponents. These individuals never achieved the fame or only had a mere 15 minutes of it, which suited them fine. Yet their stories should be adequately told. The many obscure members of the House Judiciary Committee who negotiated the endgame of Watergate, for example, should stand out. Those who helped forge indelible advancement on civil/gender rights, education and wilderness protection, to name a few, should be household names. Ditto for those who labored long and hard for government efficiency and consumer protection, taking on the high and mighty to do so. Finally, there are humble, revered people who never sought recognition beyond their home turf or public policy initiatives they were promoting. That’s what makes these individuals special – and worthy of remembrance.
The bulk of the stories in this volume are just thatbiographies of governors of the late 1980s and early 1990s (men and women who strived to leave the states they served better than the way they found them). The good news is that most of them succeeded. Even those chief executives who were forced to issue concession speeches on election night because they were not successful in convincing voters that they were indeed making the strides the voters wanted, in many cases, could usually point to a solid record of accomplishments. So too could the governors who left office under a legal cloud, including removal, and this was indeed the case with a fair number of governors I profiled.