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This Work Program translates the strategic directions and policy priorities laid out in the Spring 2019 Global Policy Agenda and the International Monetary and Financial Committee Communiqué into an Executive Board agenda for the next twelve months. Its main policy priorities and related deliverables are as follows: • Support domestic policies to enhance resilience and inclusion: • Upgrade global cooperation to level the playing field and address other shared challenges • Adapt the Fund’s toolkits to lead and support change: • Continue to modernize the Fund to deliver for the future:
This document translates the policy priorities laid out in the Global Policy Agenda (GPA) and the IMFC communique into a work agenda for the Executive Board over the next six to twelve months.
The Work Program aims to help the membership tackle multiple and complex challenges—most prominently high inflation, along with elevated debt levels, energy and food security, and risks of fragmentation. In addition to discussing policy advice, financial assistance, and capacity development to provide critical support to the countries affected by these compounding crises, the Board will continue to monitor closely the economic and financial developments, new challenges and risks, and discuss policy responses. Work will also focus on implementing the strategies to support a more resilient, inclusive, digital, and green global economy.
An unprecedented policy response and rapid progress in vaccinations have helped pull the global economy from a deep recession, but the outlook is marked by high uncertainty and great divergence. Against this background, the Fund continues its efforts to achieve a durable exit from the crisis, minimize long-term scarring, and build a more sustainable, resilient, and inclusive global economy. In line with the strategic directions laid out in the Spring 2021 Global Policy Agenda and the International Monetary and Financial Committee (IMFC) Communiqué, this Work Program puts forward a prioritized Board agenda focused on activities of most critical importance to our members.
This Work Program (WP) translates the strategic directions and policy priorities laid out in the Fall 2019 Global Policy Agenda (GPA) Update and the International Monetary and Financial Committee Communiqué into an Executive Board agenda from November 2019 to October 2020, focusing on the next six months. Its main policy priorities and deliverables are as follows: • Turn evidence-based analysis into actionable policy recommendations to make economies more resilient and inclusive • Contribute to improving the multilateral system and upgrading international cooperation to bring the benefits of integration to all • Modernize the Fund’s policy toolkits to meet the challenges of a fast-changing world • Safeguard the Fund’s financial strength and undertake an ambitious internal modernization agenda
The Managing Director’s Global Policy Agenda (GPA) presented to the IMFC in October identified a range of actions needed to prevent growth from settling into a “new mediocre” with unacceptably low job creation and inclusion. These actions included managing eventual monetary normalization in advanced economies and its effects on other economies, growth-friendly fiscal policies to enhance the quality of public expenditure and reduce distortions in revenue collection, policies to safeguard financial stability while strengthening credit transmission, structural reforms to buttress productivity and strengthen growth, and increasing investment in infrastructure. The GPA also outlined how the Fund would support the membership through assessments and policy advice provided in the context of multilateral and bilateral surveillance, capacity building, and financial support.
This Executive Board Work Program (BWP) for FY 2024 (May 2023 to April 2024) focuses on supporting the membership in responding to these challenges through prompt and tailored policy advice, financial assistance—buttressed by efforts to support debt restructuring processes—and capacity development. It ensures that the Board can continue to closely monitor economic and financial developments and discuss macro policy responses. The BWP also provides opportunities to deliberate on key Fund policies and operations. Given continued high uncertainty, the BWP will need to remain flexible and adaptable to prioritize the membership’s changing needs, while recognizing the Fund’s constrained budget environment.
This Executive Board Work Program (BWP) for FY 2025 (May 2024 to April 2025) is the first since the Executive Board has started to pilot a new strategic cycle, which aims at incorporating Directors’ broader views on work priorities at an earlier stage in the planning process for the fiscal year. Highlevel costing indicators are also included for non-recurring items based on a pilot costing exercise. The BWP focuses on supporting the membership in responding to current challenges through prompt and tailored policy advice, financial assistance, and support for debt restructuring and capacity development.1 It ensures that the Board can continue to closely monitor economic and financial developments and discuss macro policy responses. The BWP also provides opportunities to deliberate on key Fund policies and operations. The BWP will need to stay flexible to prioritize the membership’s changing needs while operating within the Fund’s constrained budget environment.
This Work Program (WP) translates the strategic directions and policy priorities laid out in the Fall 2017 Global Policy Agenda (GPA) and the International Monetary and Financial Committee (IMFC) Communiqué into an Executive Board agenda for the next twelve months, with a focus on the next six months. The Managing Director’s GPA, fully supported by the IMFC, called on members to take advantage of the window of opportunity from the more favorable conjuncture to tackle key policy challenges by undertaking well-sequenced reforms to increase productivity, reduce policy uncertainty and future risks, and improve governance. Reforms should also aim to harness the benefits of technology and economic integration and ensure that their benefits are widely shared. Tackling challenges to the global economy continues to require cooperation and joint action across the membership.
The Managing Director’s Global Policy Agenda (GPA) presented to the International Monetary and Financial Committee (IMFC) in April called on member countries to reinforce their commitment to strong, sustainable, inclusive, job-rich, and more balanced global growth and to employ a three-pronged approach with monetary, fiscal, and structural actions (Figure 1). The global economy has been impaired by growth that has been too slow for too long, but it can get back on a stronger and safer track with a more forceful and balanced policy mix. Building on the approach of being agile, integrated, and member-focused, the GPA outlined how the Fund would support members in crafting a better policy mix toward durable global growth. The Fund would assist by clarifying the contours of available policy space, providing more tailored financial support and capacity development, and continuing to address new challenges.