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"Helps immigrants establish themselves in the U.S. after legalizing their immigration status. The book describes how to lay foundations for success by cleaning up problems caused by having stayed in the U.S. with a lapsed visa, by unauthorized employment, lacking American credit and employment history, falling victim of fraud, or being arrested"--Page 4 of cover
I wish I had loved more. I wish I had been smarter about money. I wish I had thought about God more. We all have regrets about the past. Many of them come from our attempts to fulfill unmet longings. Dave and Jon Ferguson call this back and forth between longing and regret the Sorry Cycle—and they want to help us escape it. In Starting Over, Dave and Jon show us how to recognize specific regrets and then release them to God as we learn to see our regrets as opportunities to start over. Finally, we can see God redeem our regrets as he takes the worst things in our lives and uses them for a greater good. Your regrets don’t need to keep you from the joy God has for your life. As you apply the recognize-release-redeem process to your financial, relational, and personal regrets, you will find new freedom in living out your God-given dreams. Fall in Love with Your Regrets It sounds impossible. How can we learn to love our mistakes and failures? Instead, we go over and over them in our mind. Could they ever bring us—or anyone else—good? Drawing from scientific research and biblical truths, Jon and Dave Ferguson give us tools to redeem our mistakes in five key areas: relationships, health, purpose, finances, and spirituality. Along the way, they teach us lifelong skills for getting unstuck when regret threatens to trap us again. We also learn how to help others escape the Sorry Cycle and experience the Starting Over Loop. It is possible to learn to love our regrets because through them we see God at work. We see that our weakness does not limit what God can do. Whatever regret is trapping you in the Sorry Cycle, God is big enough to redeem it. What could you do with a life beyond regret?
"Starting Over" is written for the person who desires to build a new life, a better life. If the way you have been living is not working, you've picked up the right book. In these pages, you will find a life plan that is tried and tested. Countless lives have been changed by applying its principles. A new type of life is possible for you too! "Starting Over" is also a resource for those who desire to help others build a new life. It will help to equip you as a mentor or disciple-maker to address the most common stumbling blocks people encounter. Thought-provoking questions and journaling assignments are included to promote discussion and personal application. This book can be used for individual or group discipleship. Pick up multiple copies and keep them on hand as a "go-to" resource. That way, when God brings hurting people across your path, you are equipped and ready!
La Toya Jackson was always closer to Michael than anyone knew. In this heartfelt memoir, she pays tribute to his tortured soul, revealing the intimate moments she shared with the deeply troubled pop legend. The first sibling to arrive at the hospital after Michael was rushed there, and the informant on his death certificate, La Toya noticed suspicious details and demanded a second autopsy. For the first time, she unveils shocking behind-the-scenes dealings that she believes led to her brother's death, and she provides unprecedented insight into the destruction of one of the most dynamic artist/performers in history.
Lose, gain, fast, feast, work out, and give up. Too often, the quest for a fitter lifestyle can feel like a never-ending cycle of failure. The truth is that the key to changing your body isn't finding a magic exercise or diet strategy-it's about fundamentally changing your mindset. Devan Kline, founder of Burn Boot Camp, takes an integrative approach to fitness that transcends workout and diet routines. By identifying deeply rooted psychological obstacles, he has helped countless people build a healthier and more fulfilled life. In Stop Starting Over, he draws on personal experiences, coaching lessons, and practical strategies you can use to create lasting change and never start over again! - Design your life - Create lasting change - Discover your passion and purpose - Turn belief into action and results - Conquer common excuses - Develop life-transforming strategies - And more Success is 90 percent psychology and 10 percent strategy. With Devan's techniques, you'll master your mind, body, and spirit to build the happy, healthy life you deserve!
Is every moment a fleeting mess, or an opportunity to experience the precious? Is the nature of man (and woman too) to survive life as an inescapable obstacle course of tricks and treats, or is the nature of man to love and find a unity with life that helps him express it? Is it the purpose of who we are to hope we find it, or is the purpose of each of us something that is already complete, that our life exists to express? There are many ideas we hold about our lives and life itself. Starting Over is an investigation of these ideas and how they effect our experience of life. Furthermore it is an exploration of ideas that might serve us in being who we want to be with the life we want to be who we are with. With practice, care, and simply taking the time to pay a little attention to ourselves and our lives, we can lead ourselves to a better experience of it.
I wish I had loved more. I wish I had been smarter about money. I wish I had thought about God more. We all have regrets about the past. Many of them come from our attempts to fulfill unmet longings. Dave and Jon Ferguson call this back and forth between longing and regret the Sorry Cycle—and they want to help us escape it. In Starting Over, Dave and Jon show us how to recognize specific regrets and then release them to God as we learn to see our regrets as opportunities to start over. Finally, we can see God redeem our regrets as he takes the worst things in our lives and uses them for a greater good. In this new edition, Dave and Jon provide an inspiring and never before published case study for achieving real life change. Your regrets don’t need to keep you from the joy God has for your life. As you apply the recognize-release-redeem process to your financial, relational, and personal regrets, you will find new freedom in living out your God-given dreams. Fall in Love with Your Regrets It sounds impossible. How can we learn to love our mistakes and failures? Instead, we go over and over them in our mind. Could they ever bring us—or anyone else—good? Drawing from scientific research and biblical truths, Jon and Dave Ferguson give us tools to redeem our mistakes in five key areas: relationships, health, purpose, finances, and spirituality. Along the way, they teach us lifelong skills for getting unstuck when regret threatens to trap us again. We also learn how to help others escape the Sorry Cycle and experience the Starting Over Loop. It is possible to learn to love our regrets because through them we see God at work. We see that our weakness does not limit what God can do. Whatever regret is trapping you in the Sorry Cycle, God is big enough to redeem it. What could you do with a life beyond regret?
Beginning again -- life stories about what it takes to get back on track emotionally after personal setbacks and failure. All too often, failure is rewarded in our society by a cold shoulder. It's really just the beginning of knowing your true potential. Part of an inspiring series of books from best selling author, Bob Gass, which begins with Forgetting Your Past.
Some of us start over willingly, and others are forced by circumstance-but everyone who finds herself back at square one could use a dose of courage and comfort. Readers will discover both in O's Little Guide to Starting Over, a collection of stirring pieces on the topic of beginning again. Just a few of the compelling writers and astute thinkers in the mix: Martha Beck, who advises us that embracing failure may lead to our greatest successes; Kelly Corrigan, who writes that accepting our lack of control can be both freeing and healing; and Junot Diaz, who offers reassurance that pushing ahead, even when it feels impossible, is the way to become the person we were meant to be. With moving stories, practical insight, and unforgettable voices, O's Little Guide to Starting Over is an essential road map for those who are breaking free, rising above, and making their way forward.
Starting Over shares the wisdom of successful life and career transitionhow to navigate the grief in letting go of the pastto move on to a better life. It recounts the universal human story of major life evolution. Its about having faith in getting to the other side and finding the right path there. The new economy has put a lot of us in the same boat. Corporate downsizing, organizational restructuring, layoffs, early retirementmany people are left to wonder about their futures. Whats next? The world of work has changed dramatically. For most people, there is no going back. There comes a time in every life when we are challenged to start over. We leave a life that we know and where we are comfortable for an unknown future. A significant part of our identity fades away as we begin a new journey. Voluntary or not, the world invites us to begin again, to renew. We leave deep fingernail tracks in the doorframes of life, a testament to our struggle to cling to what we know, hoping to stay where we are. Life, nonetheless, boots us through to the other side. Its time to start over.