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Presents a study of Wave Maps from ${\mathbf{R}}^{2+1}$ to the hyperbolic plane ${\mathbf{H}}^{2}$ with smooth compactly supported initial data which are close to smooth spherically symmetric initial data with respect to some $H^{1+\mu}$, $\mu>0$.
We consider equivariant wave maps from the previously described spacetime into the 3–sphere, S3. Each equivariant wave map can be indexed by its equivariance class l ∈ N and topological degree n ∈ N ∪ {0}. For each l and n, we prove that there exists a unique energy minimizing l-equivariant harmonic map Ql,n : R × (R × S2) → S3 of degree n. Based on mixed numerical and analytic evidence, Bizon and Kahl conjectured that all equivariant wave maps settle down to the harmonic map in the same equivariance and degree class by radiating off excess energy. In this thesis, we prove this conjecture rigorously and establish stable soliton resolution for this model; first for l = 1 (corotational maps) in Chapter 2, and then for general l > 1 in Chapter 3. More precisely, we show that modulo a free radiation term, every l-equivariant wave map of degree n converges strongly to Ql,n .
Harmonic maps between Riemannian manifolds were first established by James Eells and Joseph H. Sampson in 1964. Wave maps are harmonic maps on Minkowski spaces and have been studied since the 1990s. Yang-Mills fields, the critical points of Yang-Mills functionals of connections whose curvature tensors are harmonic, were explored by a few physicists in the 1950s, and biharmonic maps (generalizing harmonic maps) were introduced by Guoying Jiang in 1986. The book presents an overview of the important developments made in these fields since they first came up. Furthermore, it introduces biwave maps (generalizing wave maps) which were first studied by the author in 2009, and bi-Yang-Mills fields (generalizing Yang-Mills fields) first investigated by Toshiyuki Ichiyama, Jun-Ichi Inoguchi and Hajime Urakawa in 2008. Other topics discussed are exponential harmonic maps, exponential wave maps and exponential Yang-Mills fields.
When attempting to generalize recursion theory to admissible ordinals, it may seem as if all classical priority constructions can be lifted to any admissible ordinal satisfying a sufficiently strong fragment of the replacement scheme. We show, however, that this is not always the case. In fact, there are some constructions which make an essential use of the notion of finiteness which cannot be replaced by the generalized notion of $\alpha$-finiteness. As examples we discuss bothcodings of models of arithmetic into the recursively enumerable degrees, and non-distributive lattice embeddings into these degrees. We show that if an admissible ordinal $\alpha$ is effectively close to $\omega$ (where this closeness can be measured by size or by cofinality) then such constructions maybe performed in the $\alpha$-r.e. degrees, but otherwise they fail. The results of these constructions can be expressed in the first-order language of partially ordered sets, and so these results also show that there are natu
This volume contains notes of the lectures given at the Courant Institute and a DMV-Seminar at Oberwolfach. The focus is on the recent work of the authors on semilinear wave equations with critical Sobolev exponents and on wave maps in two space dimensions. Background material and references have been added to make the notes self-contained. The book is suitable for use in a graduate-level course on the topic. Titles in this series are co-published with the Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences at New York University.
Thanks to Einstein's relativity theories, our notions of space and time underwent profound revisions about a 100 years ago. The resulting interplay between geometry and physics has dominated all of fundamental physics since then. This volume contains contributions from leading researchers, worldwide, who have thought deeply about the nature and consequences of this interplay. The articles take a long-range view of the subject and distill the most important advances in broad terms, making them easily accessible to non-specialists. The first part is devoted to a summary of how relativity theories were born (J Stachel). The second part discusses the most dramatic ramifications of general relativity, such as black holes (P Chrusciel and R Price), space-time singularities (H Nicolai and A Rendall), gravitational waves (P Laguna and P Saulson), the large scale structure of the cosmos (T Padmanabhan); experimental status of this theory (C Will) as well as its practical application to the GPS system (N Ashby). The last part looks beyond Einstein and provides glimpses into what is in store for us in the 21st century. Contributions here include summaries of radical changes in the notions of space and time that are emerging from quantum field theory in curved space-times (Ford), string theory (T Banks), loop quantum gravity (A Ashtekar), quantum cosmology (M Bojowald), discrete approaches (Dowker, Gambini and Pullin) and twistor theory (R Penrose).
The object of the present study is to characterize the traces of the Sobolev functions in a sub-Riemannian, or Carnot-Caratheodory space. Such traces are defined in terms of suitable Besov spaces with respect to a measure which is concentrated on a lower dimensional manifold, and which satisfies an Ahlfors type condition with respect to the standard Lebesgue measure. We also study the extension problem for the relevant Besov spaces. Various concrete applications to the setting of Carnot groups are analyzed in detail and an application to the solvability of the subelliptic Neumann problem is presented.
In this paper the authors apply their results on the geometry of polygons in infinitesimal symmetric spaces and symmetric spaces and buildings to four problems in algebraic group theory. Two of these problems are generalizations of the problems of finding the constraints on the eigenvalues (resp. singular values) of a sum (resp. product) when the eigenvalues (singular values) of each summand (factor) are fixed. The other two problems are related to the nonvanishing of the structure constants of the (spherical) Hecke and representation rings associated with a split reductive algebraic group over $\mathbb{Q}$ and its complex Langlands' dual. The authors give a new proof of the Saturation Conjecture for $GL(\ell)$ as a consequence of their solution of the corresponding saturation problem for the Hecke structure constants for all split reductive algebraic groups over $\mathbb{Q}$.
This volume is a collection of notes from lectures given at the 2008 Clay Mathematics Institute Summer School, held in Zürich, Switzerland. The lectures were designed for graduate students and mathematicians within five years of the Ph.D., and the main focus of the program was on recent progress in the theory of evolution equations. Such equations lie at the heart of many areas of mathematical physics and arise not only in situations with a manifest time evolution (such as linear and nonlinear wave and Schrödinger equations) but also in the high energy or semi-classical limits of elliptic problems. The three main courses focused primarily on microlocal analysis and spectral and scattering theory, the theory of the nonlinear Schrödinger and wave equations, and evolution problems in general relativity. These major topics were supplemented by several mini-courses reporting on the derivation of effective evolution equations from microscopic quantum dynamics; on wave maps with and without symmetries; on quantum N-body scattering, diffraction of waves, and symmetric spaces; and on nonlinear Schrödinger equations at critical regularity. Although highly detailed treatments of some of these topics are now available in the published literature, in this collection the reader can learn the fundamental ideas and tools with a minimum of technical machinery. Moreover, the treatment in this volume emphasizes common themes and techniques in the field, including exact and approximate conservation laws, energy methods, and positive commutator arguments. Titles in this series are co-published with the Clay Mathematics Institute (Cambridge, MA).