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This book (Sri Vrindavana Mahimamrta) exclusively glorifies the abode of Vrndavana and it’s inhabitants. Vrindavana-Mahimamrta consists of 100 satakas. Out of which 22 satakas have been rediscovered and rest are untraced. This book contains the first to the 17th sataka. The author writes about his desire of developing attachment for residing in Vrndavana, the glorious abode of Sri Radha Krsna’s pastimes.
On the significance and glory of Vr̥indāvan, Hindu pilgrim centre.
(Sri Navadvipa Sataka) The poetic and inspirational poem “Sri Navadvipa Sataka” honors the divine splendor of Navadvipa, the holy location of Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, who is regarded as an incarnation of Lord Krishna. This literary masterpiece is a sincere tribute to the stunning beauty, dedication, and transformative force of Navadvipa, where Lord Chaitanya enacted His holy pastimes.
This collection of articles by Srila Prabhupada from Back to Godhead magazine covers knowledge of the soul and the practice of bhakti-yoga. These interviews, lectures, and essays cover topics such as the goal of human life, seeking a true spiritual teacher, reincarnation, super-consciousness, Krishna and Christ, and spiritual solutions to today's social and economic problems.
Śrī Navadvīpa Śataka is a work similar to Vṛndāvana mahimāmṛta, but much shorter. Some of its verses are borrowed from it. The goal is glorification of Navadvīpa-dhāma and Caitanya Mahāprabhu.
Śrī Kṛṣṇa-bhāvanāmṛta is a work describing the daily pastimes of Rādhā and Kṛṣna extending over a full day from early morning to late night. This follows after Govinda-līlāmṛta of Kṛṣṇa dāsa Kavirāja, one of the first Gauḍīya works on this topic and covers many of the same pastimes. Since a devotee eventually enters into the pastimes of the Lord in the spiritual world, the devotee may be inquisitive to understand the activities there and how he could participate in those activities. Since the Gauḍīyas generally concentrate on realization of Rādhā and Kṛṣna, most works describing the daily pastimes are concerned with their pastimes.
Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura wrote the Sri Amnaya Sutra in 1890. It is largely based on the Upanisads and contains 130 aphorisms, along with commentary. As it is said, “Essential truth spoken concisely is true eloquence,” This wonderful book is the perfect example of this. Here we find all the basic understandings of the Krsna conscious philosophy, and refutations of the arguments that attempt to counter such an understanding, presented in a very concise, progressive, and masterly way.