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Love For The Poor Is Manifest In The Young Age Itself. His Eagerness To Feed The Poor And Help His Poor Classmates Are Vividly Presented. His Love For Hard Work And His Love For His Family Members Are Uncommon For His Young Age. Sathya Assists His Sisters In Household Work, Assists His Father In Buying Provisions For His Father'S Grocery Shop. He Even Assists His Mother In Selling Items At The Weekly Fair. His Adherence To Truth In Keeping Correct Account Is Appreciated And Admired By His Parents. His Love For Bhajans Is Manifest In The Early Age.
His Story is a Comic eBook based on Childhood Stories of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba. This was the story of the Advent of the Avatar and the early years of His life and mission, a mission that would bring millions to His Lotus Feet to taste the bliss of Divine Love and thus transform their lives. In a letter He wrote to His brother Sri Seshama Raju way back in 1947, Sri Sathya Sai Baba emphatically declared the grand purpose for which He has come. He said: I have a Task: To foster all mankind and ensure for all of them lives full of Ananda (Bliss). I have a Vow: To lead all who stray away from the straight path, again into goodness and save them. I am attached to a Work that I love: To remove the sufferings of the poor and grant them what they lack. I have a reason to be proud, for I rescue all who worship and adore Me. The decades that have rolled by since that epochal letter was written have been witness to the grand manner in which His vision has taken shape. The world-class super-speciality hospitals that offer tertiary level medical care free of charge, schools and colleges that impart values-based education, the mammoth drinking water supply projects and the numerous other service projects undertaken by Him stand as a testimony to His selfless Love and His compassion for humanity. However, even more, significant than these activities have been His tireless efforts towards spreading the message of spirituality and inculcating love and brotherhood throughout the world. Through the Sri Sathya Sai Centers and the Education in Human Values (EHV) programmes, thousands all over the world have sanctified their lives by putting into practice His precepts, and by participating in service programmes such as Narayana Seva (feeding of the poor) and free medical camps. Truly, the Sathya Sai Avatar has heralded a golden era in the history of mankind.
Bhagawan has announced Himself as the Divine Teacher of Truth, Beauty, and Goodness. By precept and example, through His writings and discourses, letters and conversations, He has been instilling the supreme wisdom and instructing all mankind to translate it into righteous living, inner peace, and universal love. When the Ramakatha Rasavahini, the uniquely authentic, nectarine stream of the Rama’s story, was serialised in full in the Sanathana Sarathi, Bhagawan blessed readers with a new series, which He named Bharatiya Paramartha Vahini (The Stream of Indian Spiritual Values). While these precious essays, on the basic truths that foster and feed Indian culture since ages before history began, were being published, Bhagawan decided to continue the flow of illumination and instruction under a more comprehensive and meaningful name, Sathya Sai Vahini - the Ganga from the Lotus Feet of the Lord - “The Flow of Divine Sai Grace”. This book, therefore, contains the two Vahinis that have merged in one master stream. Inaugurating these series, Bhagawan wrote for publication in the Sanathana Sarathi, “Moved by the urge to cool the heat of conflict and to quench the agonising thirst for ‘knowledge about yourself’ that you are afflicted with, see, here it comes, the Sathya Sai Vahini, wave behind wave, with the Sanathana Sarathi as the medium between you and Me.” With infinite compassion, this Sathya Sai incarnation of the Omniwill is giving millions of persons in all lands freedom from disease, distress, and despair, narcotics, narcissism, and nihilism. He is encouraging those, who suffer gloom through wilful blindness, to light the Lamp of Love in order to see the world and the Lamp of Wisdom to see themselves. “This is a tantalising, true-false world. Its apparent diversity is an illusion. It is One, but is cognised by the maimed, multiple vision of humans as Many,” says Bhagawan. This book is the twin Lamp He has devised for us.
Acclaimed travel writer and self-described 'spiritual nomad', Bill Aitken tells us why so many - royalty, wealthy industrialists, influential politicians, as well as the poor - flock to Puttaparthi. Sai Baba's message, he reveals, can be summed up in one word: love. It is as simple as it is profound, not unlike how his devotees see the Sai himself - the embodiment of deep spirituality wedded to simplicity, elegance and grace. Yet, the Sai phenomenon is less about producing vibhuti from thin air and more about modern-day miracles - miracles like free schools and universities, super-speciality hospitals which provide free treatment to all and revolutionary projects like the one which has brought drinking water to a million villagers in drought-prone Rayalseema. Aitken's study is neither a hagiographic exercise in myth-making nor a dry, objective account of the Sai's life. While never shy of expressing his deep love and reverence for Sai Baba, he squarely confronts the controversies and criticisms which inevitably dog those who claim acquaintance with the holy.
Sai Ram from Prasanthi Nilayam, Life Story Of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba (Biography) offered by Sri Sathya Sai Media Centre
The auspicious day of Vijaya Dasami, in 1953, opened a golden chapter in the history of mankind, for that was the day chosen by Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba for His first ever divine discourse in public. The flow of divine discourses, which started on that auspicious day out of His immense compassion for the well-being and harmony of humanity, has continued unabated even after five decades. During this period, Bhagawan has delivered hundreds of discourses in various places, to a variety of audiences. His benevolent acts for the humanity at large are also unparalleled. His noble mother made three requests to Him, namely to provide drinking water, a school, and a hospital for the village of Puttaparthi. Bhagawan has commissioned mammoth drinking water projects, benefitting hundreds of villages, towns, and even the city of Chennai. He has also built schools, colleges, super specialty hospitals, and even an outstanding university, and constructed thousands of houses to cyclone-hit people. This priceless inaugural volume in Sathya Sai Speaks contains thirty three divine discourses, of which five are for the students and authorities, giving invaluable guidance. There are also five discourses addressed to the residents of different villages, advising them on the value of unity and brotherhood.
This account relates some of the achievements of Satya Sai Baba. His followers believe him to be the reincarntion of Sai Baba of Shirdi who died in 1918. He appears to have been born with phenomenal powers, which he used in childhood and has employed constantly and openly ever since. The author, a westener devoted to science and logic, spent many months with Satya Sai Baba to substantiate these miracles.
This is a story book with sixteen short stories of Shri Sai Baba of Shirdi specially written for kids to understand the teachings of Sai Baba in a playful way. It not only entertains them, but also explains the values of life. Apart from inculcating good habits in the children, the book inspires them to develop the reading habit too. The colourful illustrations attract the children towards the welcoming habit of reading books. The book is free of grammatical errors and the vocabulary used is kid friendly. This helps the children read and understand the book without much help from the parents or teachers.