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This special issue of the STI Review presents, from the perspective of national governments, the Commission of the EC, the WTO and the OECD, the policy approaches adopted to limit the trade-distorting potential of subsidies and to tackle public spending on industrial support programes.
The ten countries in the ASEAN region account for approximately 5% of world gross domestic product and 8% of world population and represent the most diverse group of nations in terms of the level of prosperity, political system, culture, language, and history. This diversity in ASEAN not only helps us understand the notion of national competitiveness, but also provides important policy lessons for both developed and developing countries.This book — a collection of essays — provides insights on competitiveness challenges and policies. It provides an excellent overview of competitiveness for a group of countries at various stages of development. Written in a simple and accessible manner, this book will be of interest to students, researchers, business executives and government officials.
Global Competitiveness is a combination of concepts, case studies and practical ways on how to achieve and enhance competitiveness in any organisation. Achieving and enhancing competitiveness will lead companies to achieve high level of excellence. The book attempts to answer the 'What, who, when, and how' of Excellence, i.e. 'what' is excellence, 'who' are considered as excellent companies, 'when' a company is prepared to use tools/ frameworks and models to achieve excellence, 'how' strategic competitiveness can be enhanced using one of the most widely used tools, viz., Benchmarking. Business cases from across the globe of different industries have been used to demonstrate how companies have achieved competitiveness and thus enhanced their long-term competitive advantage to become excellent companies. The book has three parts, viz., concepts, business cases and tool for competitiveness. Competitiveness has been widely used in companies, but the understanding of the concept is not consistent across industry and academia. For instance, there are many models and frameworks across the globe, which generally companies use for evaluating and enhancing their competitiveness. Companies often tend to get drifted into the ocean of various models and frameworks and on one fine day adopt a model or framework, only to repent after few quarters or years, as the case may be. It follows what is called 'operation successful, but patient died' syndrome. Although all are good, the judgment of applying 'which' model/ framework and 'when' is very critical. This book throws light on how to choose and not choose various models and frameworks, which generally depends on the company's maturity level, context, and most importantly inherent culture of the company. This book has been designed in a way that it will help a reader to first understand the concept of competitiveness, get an idea of what companies have been doing across the globe to become competitive and then how it can use tools such as benchmarking and other models/ frameworks to build and enhance their own competitiveness. It has been written in a very simple language so that it can be easily read and applied as also can serve as a direction for prompting future thought processes in companies in their journey towards excellence.
Leading economists analyze the multiple factors that drive competitiveness among nations in world markets. Competitiveness among nations is often approached as if it were a sports competition: some countries win medals, others lose out. This view of countries fighting it out in the economic arena is especially popular in business circles and among politicians. Economists, however, take a very different approach to international economic relations, arguing that international trade leads not to winners and losers but to win-win situations in which all countries profit. In this volume, leading economists take on the sometimes-derided concept of competitiveness, demonstrating the value of systematic analysis in an area too often dominated by special interest groups who use (and abuse) the concept to advance hidden agendas. The chapters range from broad theoretical views to case studies, examining the multiple factors that drive competitiveness. Contributors consider the conceptual framework underlying the World Economic Forum's approach to competitiveness; differences in per capita GDP between the United States and the European Union; an integrated approach to measuring competitiveness and comparative advantage; divergent trends in price and cost competitiveness in the euro area; methodological issues in constructing competitiveness indicators; taxation and international competitiveness; and a case study of Mexico's competitiveness in world markets in comparison to China's. Contributors Harry P. Bowen, Michele Ca' Zorzi, Jean-Philippe Cotis, Romain Duval, Christoph Fischer, Michael S. Knoll, Inmaculada Martinez-Zarzoso, Wim Moesen, Felicitas Nowak-Lehmann, Xavier Sala-i-Martin, Bernd Schnatz, Alain de Serres, Eckhard Siggel, Sebastian Vollmer
This special issue reflects the impact of neutrosophic theory in Latin America, especially after creating the Latin American Association of Neutrosophic Sciences. Among the areas of publication most addressed in the region are found in the interrelation of social sciences and neutrosophy, presenting outstanding results in these research areas. The main objective of this special issue is to divulge the impact publication related to the Neutrosophic theory and explore new areas of research and application in the region. The SI reflects the influence of the neutrosophic publications in Latin America by opening new research areas mainly related to Neutrosophic Statistics, Plithogeny, and NeutroAlgebra. Furthermore, it is worth mentioning the incorporation of authors from new countries in the region, such as Paraguay, Uruguay, and Panama, to have authors in total from 15 countries, 12 of them from the Latin American region.