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This book shows how health can be maintained and improved by fulfilling the basic physical and mental needs in proper proportion. Internal insanitation is the basic cause of all diseases, ranging from the common cold to the dreaded cancer. Disease is, in reality, a diminution in the health level, and cure lies in the restoration of health, and in the removal of the cause of disease. The science of nature cure charts the sane, safe and hygienic way of regaining health.
The value of yoga and nature-cure techniques for maintaining and preserving health is now recognised not only by therapists but also by patients. Yoga keeps the body healthy and the mind alert. It has a relaxing effect on the practitioner, and in combination with nature cure, it can become the ideal healing method. This book shows how health can be maintained and improved through yoga and how diseases can be cured through natural methods.
An ancient science of medicine, ayurveda has postulated some of the best principles for maintaining and preserving health. It lays down certain rules, not only for healthy living but also for hygiene -- a key requisite for health. The characteristic pressures of the modern age are bound to lead to deviations from the safe routines of diet and habit, and so, to imbalances of health. To those suffering on account of these, ayurveda provides relief. This book will be valuable for general readers as it contains matter related to the prevention of disease and protection of health. Also included in the book are various asanas, which help to maintain health and cure common disorders.
Nature – Your Best Healer! Nature cure is a complete health system of mind and body. It prevents and treats diseases. It works on the assumption that everyone is composed of various combinations of the five elements – earth, air, fire, water and ether. Maintaining the balance of your body type is the key to successful nature cure. And this is done through diet, yoga, exercise and massage. The invaluable guide is a key to understanding and using the powerful system of nature cure. “Nature cure is vastly more than system of curing aches and plains. It is a complete revolution in the art and science of living in practical realization and application of all that is good in natural science, philosophy and religion”
No single person is more directly associated with India and India's struggle for independence than Mahatma Gandhi. His name has equally become synonymous with the highest principles of global equality, human dignity, and freedom. Joseph Alter argues, however, that Gandhi has not been completely understood by biographers and political scholars, and in Gandhi's Body he undertakes a reevaluation of the Mahatma's life and thought. In his revisionist and iconoclastic approach, Alter moves away from the usual focus on nonviolence, peace, and social reform and takes seriously what most scholars who have studied Gandhi tend to ignore: Gandhi's preoccupation with sex, his obsession with diet reform, and his vehement advocacy for naturopathy. Alter concludes that a distinction cannot be made between Gandhi's concern with health, faith in nonviolence, and his sociopolitical agenda. In this original and provocative study, Joseph Alter demonstrates that these seemingly idiosyncratic aspects of Gandhi's personal life are of central importance to understanding his politics—and not only Gandhi's politics but Indian nationalism in general. Using the Mahatma's own writings, Alter places Gandhi's bodily practices in the context of his philosophy; for example, he explores the relationship between Gandhi's fasting and his ideas about the metaphysics of emptiness and that between his celibacy and his beliefs about nonviolence. Alter also places Gandhi's ideas and practices in their national and transnational contexts. He discusses how and why nature cure became extremely popular in India during the early part of the twentieth century, tracing the influence of two German naturopaths on Gandhi's thinking and on the practice of yoga in India. More important, he argues that the reconstruction of yoga in terms of European naturopathy was brought about deliberately by a number of activists in India—of whom Gandhi was only the most visible—interested in creating a "scientific" health regimen, distinct from Western precedents, that would make the Indian people fit for self-rule. Gandhi's Body counters established arguments that Indian nationalism was either a completely indigenous Hindu-based movement or simply a derivative of Western ideals.