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Fuel management has been used as an effective local strategy to reduce the undesirable consequences of wildfires. Many efforts toward scheduling of fuel management activities across a broader landscape have been proposed, with the hope of achieving larger landscape-scale management effects. However, scheduling of fuel management treatments across the broader landscape is limited by understandings of how individual management activities aggregate to larger scales and how they affect the behavior of wildfires. Since full coverage of a landscape with fuels management treatments is unlikely, it is necessary to examine the effects of a spatial pattern of individual management activities at the landscape scale. In this research, four spatial patterns of fuel management activities - dispersed, clumped, random, and regular - were tested to investigate their potential for reducing the risk of severe wildfire. A new methodology was developed for optimizing fuel management patterns across a landscape based on a heuristic technique and GIS databases. To quantify the cumulative effects of fuel management patterns for disrupting the progress of wildfires, overall flame length, fireline intensity, and fire size were measured for simulated fires, using a fire growth simulation model, FARSITE. The management scenarios generated from the scheduling model presented a variety of dispersion and treatment sizes, but also evenly distributed the harvest volume through the multi-decade time horizon. The optimized spatial patterns were qualified through visual examination as well as a statistical assessment. Through this research, I have learned that the efficiency of fuels management activities for reducing severity of wildfire is primarily influenced by treatment size, type, and intensity. Most importantly, treatment types and intensity are the critical factor to disrupt human-caused wildfires. The regular pattern seemed to be the most acceptable for either random ignitions or hypothetical human-caused ignitions. It provided the highest frequency in which simulated fires could contact the treated units, and higher treatment intensity measured by amount of harvested volume from a unit area. To enhance the results of this research, we suggest that one should utilize more feasible management prescriptions for post-fire fuel conditions, and expand ignition sources to other type of human-caused ignitions or natural-caused ignitions.
This book is a printed edition of the Special Issue "Fire Regimes: Spatial and Temporal Variability and Their Effects on Forests" that was published in Forests
The 2003 symposium of systems analysis in forest resources brought together researchers and practitioners who apply methods of optimization, simulation, management science, and systems analysis to forestry problems. This was the 10th symposium in the series, with previous conferences held in 1975, 1985, 1988, 1991, 1993, 1994, 1997, 2000, and 2002. The forty-two papers in these proceedings are organized into five application areas: (1) sustainability, criteria and indicators, and assessment; (2) techniques and decision support for forest planning; (3) forest assessment and planning case studies; (4) fire suppression, fire planning, and fuels management; (5) harvest scheduling; and (6) mill supply and forest product markets.
Fire is a natural component of most ecosystems, and it has effects on vegetation, soil, water, atmospheric composition, and human well-being. Despite increasing interest in interdisciplinary approaches to analyzing global fire activity and the growing body of wildfire research, there are still many gaps and uncertainties in our knowledge. Some come from the lack of understanding of the complex relationships between fire and climate, which is additionally entangled by the strong influence of human activity. This dissertation evaluates the role of environmental context in determining the spatial patterns of fire activity on a large scale. First, the fire-climate relationship was analyzed in terms of the most studied and understood fire metric - the amount of burned area - which was shown to have changed significantly in the last two decades. Most of the recent changes were attributed to the decrease in fire activity in Africa, where the amount of burned area declined by 18.5% between 2002 and 2016. Although humans have a long history of modifying fire activity in Africa, climate factors directly related to biomass productivity and aridity explained about 70% of the changes in burned area in natural land covers, providing evidence that increased terrestrial moisture during 2002-2016 facilitated declines in fire activity in Africa. These results illustrate the strong influence of climate on fire activity and in particular proxy for fuel productivity and fuel dryness. Based on these findings, a framework was proposed for defining and classifying fire regimes (a range of characteristics that describe the fire events in the space-time window). This framework was based on the assumption that fuel productivity and desiccation are the two fundamental processes that limit fire activity, and their combination sets important boundary conditions for key fire regime metrics on a large scale. By testing this approach in Africa and Australia, it was evident that while the amount of rainfall is an important driver of fire through controlling fuel productivity, a variation of rainfall within and between years drives fuel dryness and fire activity especially in Australia, a continent with a strong precipitation gradient. Additionally, among continents, fire metrics vary substantially even within the same biome. These results informed an additional global analysis, where 26 distinct fire regions were identified, not including areas where fire activity is highly modified by human activity. This approach did not only discriminate between regions with significantly different fire activity across a number of biomes but also identified how fire attributes vary under different conditions and what factors constrain modern fire regimes. These findings should help to improve our understanding of fire complexity and its interaction and feedbacks with climate which is essential to assess the potential effect of global climate change on fire regimes.
In 2003, over 250 managers, researchers, and other participants gathered for a series of workshops at Oregon State Univ., the Univ. of Arizona, and Colorado State Univ., near the largest wildfires of 2002. These Wildland Fire Workshops were designed to create an atmosphere for quality interactions between managers and researchers and to accomplish the following objectives: (1) create a prioritized list of recommendations for future wildland fire research; (2) identify the characteristics of effective partnerships; (3) identify types of effective information, tools, and processes; and (4) evaluate the workshops as a potential blueprint for similar workshops in other regions. Many common themes emerged. Illustrations.
The objective of this study was to provide managers with national-level data on current conditions of vegetation and fuels developed from ecologically based methods to address these questions: How do current vegetation and fuels differ from those that existed historically? Where on the landscape do vegetation and fuels differ from historical levels? In particular, where are high fuel accumulations? When considered at a coarse scale, which areas estimated to have high fuel accumulations represent the highest priorities for treatment?
Shaped by fire for thousands of years, the forests of the western United States are as adapted to periodic fires as they are to the region's soils and climate. Our widespread practice of ignoring the vital role of fire is costly in both ecological and economic terms, with consequences including the decline of important fire-dependent tree and undergrowth species, increasing density and stagnation of forests, epidemics of insects and diseases, and the high potential for severe wildfires. Flames in Our Forest explains those problems and presents viable solutions to them. It explores the underlying historical and ecological reasons for the problems associated with our attempts to exclude fire and examines how some of the benefits of natural fire can be restored Chapters consider: the history of American perceptions and uses of fire in the forest how forest fires burn effects of fire on the soil, water, and air methods for uncovering the history and effects of past fires prescribed fire and fuel treatments for different zones in the landscape Flames in Our Forest presents a new picture of the role of fire in maintaining forests, describes the options available for restoring the historical effects of fires, and considers the implications of not doing so. It will help readers appreciate the importance of fire in forests and gives a nontechnical overview of the scientific knowledge and tools available for sustaining western forests by mimicking and restoring the effects of natural fire regimes.
While the natural resources of the earth continue to diminish, “Green Landscapes” arebeingcalleduponto produceanincreasingrangeofgoodsandservices.A Green Landscape is a rural expanse of scenery that may comprise a variety of visible f- tures. This book focuses on forested landscapes, although much of the theory and most of the practical applications are valid for any area of land. In many regions of the world, people depend on forests for their livelihood and well-being. Forests provide multiple services, – bene ts generated for society by the existence of c- tain forest ecosystems and their attributes. The value of these bene ts is often only recognised when they are lost after removal of the trees, resulting in ooding, loss of income and declining species diversity. Forests provide multiple services. However, the amount and quality, and the p- ticular mix of these services depend on the condition of the resource. Landscape design is a proven way to ensure that certain desired bene ts will be available in space and time. It provides the foundation and an essential starting point for s- tainable management. This volume, which forms part of Springer’s book series Managing Forest Ecosystems,presentsstate-of-the-artresearchresults,visionsandtheories,aswell as speci c methodsfor designing Green Landscapes, as a basis for sustainable ecos- tem management. The book contains a wealth of information which may be useful to companymanagement,the legal and policy environmentand forestry administ- tors. The volume is subdivided into four sections.
Climate exerts considerable control on wildfire regimes, and climate and wildfire are both major drivers of forest growth and succession in interior Northwest forests. Estimating potential response of these landscapes to anticipated changes in climate helps researchers and land managers understand and mitigate impacts of climate change on important ecological and economic resources. Spatially explicit, mechanistic computer simulation models are powerful tools that permit researchers to incorporate climate and disturbance events along with vegetation physiology and phenology to explore complex potential effects of climate change over wide spatial and temporal scales. In this thesis, I used the simulation model FireBGCv2 to characterize potential response of fire, vegetation, and landscape dynamics to a range of possible future climate and fire management scenarios. The simulation landscape (~43,000 hectares) is part of Deschutes National Forest, which is located at the interface of maritime and continental climates and is known for its beauty and ecological diversity. Simulation scenarios included all combinations of +0°C, +3°C, and +6°C of warming; +10%, ±0%, and -10% historical precipitation; and 10% and 90% fire suppression, and were run for 500 years. To characterize fire dynamics, I investigated how mean fire frequency, intensity, and fuel loadings changed over time in all scenarios, and how fire and tree mortality interacted over time. To explore vegetation and landscape dynamics, I described the distribution and spatial arrangement of vegetation types and forest successional stages on the landscape, and used a nonmetric multidimensional scaling (NMS) ordination to holistically evaluate overall similarity of composition, structure, and landscape pattern among all simulation scenarios over time. Changes in precipitation had little effect on fire characteristics or vegetation and landscape characteristics, indicating that simulated precipitation changes were not sufficient to significantly affect vegetation moisture stress or fire behavior on this landscape. Current heavy fuel loads controlled early fire dynamics, with high mean fire intensities occurring early in all simulations. Increases in fire frequency accompanied all temperature increases, leading to decreasing fuel loads and fire intensities over time in warming scenarios. With no increase in temperature or in fire frequency, high fire intensities and heavier fuel loads were sustained. Over time, more fire associated with warming or less fire suppression increased the percentage of the landscape occupied by non-forest and fire-sensitive early seral forest successional stages, which tended to increase the percentage of fire area burning at high severity (in terms of tree mortality). This fire-vegetation relationship may reflect a return to a more historical range of conditions on this landscape. Higher temperatures and fire frequency led to significant spatial migration of forest types across the landscape, with communities at the highest and lowest elevations particularly affected. Warming led to an upslope shift of warm mixed conifer and ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa) forests, severely contracting (under 3° of warming) or eliminating (under 6° of warming) area dominated by mountain hemlock (Tsuga mertensiana) and cool, wet conifer forest in the high western portion of the landscape. In lower elevations, warming and fire together contributed to significant expansion of open (