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Knjiga Evolution of karst: from prekarst to cessation (Razvoj krasa: od predkrasa do izginotja) je zbornik istoimenskega simpozija, ki je v septembru 2002 potekal na Inštitutu za raziskovanje krasa ZRC SAZU. Namen knjige je odgovoriti na vprašanja, kot so: Kdaj se začne kras in kdaj končač Kateri procesi in dogodki določajo razvoj kraškega podzemlja in površjač Kako je razvoj krasa povezan s pretakanjem voda v kraškem vodonosniku in kako z razvojem in razširjenostjo bioloških vrstč Kako merimo čas, ki je minil od določenih dogodkov v krasuč
The major challenges of the 21st century faced by human beings are how to achieve water security, food security, energy security and environmental security. Owing to enhanced natural/anthropogenic disasters worldwide, these challenges become much more complicated and daunting especially for developing countries. Therefore, it is important to highlight the risk of different disasters as well as the modern tools and techniques for minimizing disaster incidence and losses. Disaster management being highly multidisciplinary in nature, a comprehensive book dealing with different aspects of disaster management, and encompassing important disasters faced by humankind is presently not available. This book is an attempt to fulfill this gap. It provides clear, comprehensive, and up-to-date information about different facets of disaster management along with salient case studies. The book highlights the current status of disaster management focusing on developing nations, discusses vital issues such as climate change and sustainable development, modern approaches and tools/techniques, and the challenges of and future R&D needs for sustainable disaster management.