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Anyway, for any kind of space tourism ( leisure space travel) journey, space tourism leisure company needs anyone to be bring customer satisfaction, it is a plan or predictive methods to measure how to let every space travelling passenger to feel comfortable when they are catching the spacecraft ( space flying product) and they can have enjoyable and fun or exciting feeling when they have need providing any space tourism journey, services meet or surpass customer expectations. Thus, any space tourism leisure company needs to evaluate the degree of every time space tourism journey's customer satisfaction and customer satisfaction is also always evaluated in relationship to the every time ticket price of the space tourism journey. So, the space tourism leisure company will predict the next time of what the space tourism journey of passenger number is more accurate, after it has evaluated what degree of every time space tourism journey's customer satisfaction is. It aims to gather their opinions to find which aspects that they need to revise, e.g. choosing where will be the next time space tourism journey destination, how to improve spacecraft staff's service attitude and performance to serve to their space tourism passengers when they are catching the spacecraft, to evaluate whether the spacecraft can provide comfortable and safe environment to let them to catch in order to let the next time space travelling passengers can feel satisfactory and enjoyable when they are catching the space tourism leisure's spacecraft to fly to anywhere in space.
IntroductionThis book researchs two questions:(1)What factors will raise space tourism leisuredesire to space travelling planners?(2)How to solve any challenges to raisespace travelling planner individual space travel leisure desire?I shall apply psychology methods to attempt to predict space tourism planner individual space tourism desire in whole future space tourism leisure market development.Whether will future space tourism market development be popular to be accepted one kind of travelling leisure to any travelling consumers in global? What factors can influence traveler prefer to choose space tourism entertainment more than general Earth tourism entertainment? How to influence future space tourism traveler individual space travel entertainment desire to be more stronger? How to attract travelers to feel space tourism entertainment which is one kind of real meaning of life travel leisure at least one time spending?In this book, I shall follow travel psychologists and space tourism entertainment businessmen support view points to give my opinions to attempt to answer above questions. My readers will learn how to apply new space travel strategic knowledge to solve and predict future space tourism leisure consumer behavior more accurately.
Nowadays, many airline firms or travelling agents, even future space tourism companies hope to apply different methods to predict travelling consumer behaviors in order to know what will be future next month, even next year travelling market destination choice and travelling package design preferable choice activities and travelling consumers travelling packages or travelling destination taste changes to help them to choose to implement what kinds of travelling marketing strategies or what are travelling packages or airline ticket prices more reasonable or more accurate range price level to attract travelers choose to the airline or travel agent to buy paper or e- ticket or help them to arrange travel package more attractive. Hence, if the travel agent or airline can apply the most suitable travelling consumer behavioral prediction method to predict how and the reasons why future travelling consumers' choice will be changed to influence their frequent travelling destination or travelling package choice. It will have more beneficial intangible advantages to compare the non-predictive travelling consumer behavioral variable changes travel agents or airlines, e.g. what will be the hot travel entertainment destinations and tangible advantages, what are the most suitable airline and hotel reasonable price range level to attract many travelers to choose to find the airline or travel agent to help them to buy air ticket or they ought know how to design their arrange travel package which will be accepted more popular for next or next year travelling customer's hot needs .Otherwise, if they applied the inaccurate traveler consumer behavioral prediction market research methods, e.g. survey, telephone questionnaire to predict how their consumers' behavioral changes. It will waste their time and money to attempt to make wrong travelling hot destinations and travelling package design to make unattractive travelling marketing strategy to cause travelling customer number to be reduced. In first part, I shall apply psychology methods to attempt to predict space tourism planner individual space tourism desire in whole future space tourism leisure market development. This part researchs three questions: (1) What factors will raise space tourism leisure desire to space travelling planners? (2) How will raise cruise or destination tourism leisure desire and their travel desire will not be reduced by space tourism choice influence? (3) How to develop these both kinds of tourism entertainment activities in order to keep their tourism consumption balance in whole tourism entertainment industry ? Whether will future space tourism market development be popular to be accepted one kind of travelling leisure to any travelling consumers in global? What factors can influence traveler prefer to choose space tourism entertainment more than general Earth tourism entertainment? How to influence future space tourism traveler individual space travel entertainment desire to be more stronger? How to attract travelers to feel space tourism entertainment which is one kind of real meaning of life travel leisure at least one time spending? In second part, I shall indicate how to apply (AI) tool to predict cruise and destination traveler consumption behavior aspect, this part has these three research questions need to be answered? (1) Can apply (AI) learning machine to predict travelling consumer behavior? (2) Can (AI) big data gathering learning machine be replaced to human travelling marketing research method, e.g. survey or traveler psychological and travelling marketing research or travelling environment micro and macro economic human judgement of traveler consumption behavior prediction methods to predict travelling consumer behaviors more accurate? (3) Is AI tourism behavioral prediction tool or traditional tourism market research method better to predict tourism market behavior?
In first part,I shall apply psychology methods to attempt to predict space tourism planner individual space tourism desire in whole future space tourism leisure market development. This part researchs three questions:(1) What factors will raise space tourism leisure desire to space travelling planners?(2) How will raise cruise or destination tourism leisure desire and their travel desire will not be reduced by space tourism choice influence?(3) How to develop these both kinds of tourism entertainment activities in order to keep their tourism consumption balance in whole tourism entertainment industry ? Whether will future space tourism market development be popular to be accepted one kind of travelling leisure to any travelling consumers in global? What factors can influence traveler prefer to choose space tourism entertainment more than general Earth tourism entertainment? How to influence future space tourism traveler individual space travel entertainment desire to be more stronger? How to attract travelers to feel space tourism entertainment which is one kind of real meaning of life travel leisure at least one time spending? In second part, I shall indicate how to apply (AI) tool to predict cruise and destination traveler consumption behavior aspect, this part has these three research questions need to be answered?(1) Can apply (AI) learning machine to predict travelling consumer behavior?(2) Can (AI) big data gathering learning machine be replaced to human travelling marketing research method, e.g. survey or traveler psychological and travelling marketing research or travelling environment micro and macro economic human judgement of traveler consumption behavior prediction methods to predict travelling consumer behaviors more accurate?(3) Is AI tourism behavioral prediction tool or traditional tourism market research method better to predict tourism market behavior? In this book, I shall follow travel psychologists and space tourism entertainment businessmen support view points to give my opinions to attempt to answer above questions. My readers will learn how to apply new space travel strategic knowledge and (AI) or traditonal tourism marketing predict methods to solve and predict future space tourism leisure as well as cruise and destination consumer behavior more accurately.
On space tourism leisure organization managment aspect Thirdly, on space tourism leisure organization management aspect, it is also important to influence efficient and excellent space service performance to be provided to satisfy every space travel organization management team needs to be consists of experienced professionals who have successfully management and operated companies specializing in the aerospace industry for a number of years. Their knowledge and contacts within the space industry will prove invaluable in assisting the space tourism leisure provider in the achievement of its goals and objectives. In individuals on the team components that up a spacecraft tourism development organization, and have unique experience in the design, construction, operations and maintenance of the major functions will developing spacecraft for launching into orbit. Every spacecraft will be built and maintained utilizing the same high standards of quality, within budget and well within time constraints. Hence, every space tourism provider needs have one excellent management leaders to manage every space tourism service staffs to serve passengers in order to achieve excellent service performance to let them every one to feel satisfactory, during their every space tourism journey ( trip). (4) On target audience prediction aspect On target audience prediction aspect, every space trip needs have identifies target travelling passenger in order to concentrate to choose the most popular and satisfactory space travelling journey for their identified needs. For primary audiences example, it can include space enthusiasts and educational families both. Space enthusiasts target are usually young people and they are only 20% over 65 age old people target space ethusiasts who will be the future potential space tourism target consumers as well as the educational families target who will aspect owning educational experience for children, who is the explicit reason to visit space, either he/she has interest in history of space exploration or he/she has interest in future of space exploration or he/she feels that spce trip looked like fun. KSCVC Visots (2013) indicated that future top markets, ranked by high visitation against space enthusiasts and educational families space tourism passengers, the US cities will include: Orlando, NYC, Miami, Tampa Bay, Chicago, West plam, Philadelphia, Atlanta, Boston, Washington, DC and San Francisco cities. So, future US space travelling market will be the top one in the world. (5) On space objective aspect On space objective aspect, instead of any one space tourism leisure organization concerns how to achieve its mission to satisfy all space tourism passengers leisure needs. Although, it is the major missin for space tourism leisure industry. But they can not neglect what the objectives are in order to develop or achieve long term space tourism leisure missions more easily. The objectives main open space key issues can include such as: Providing an adequate supply of land to meet the future needs of strategic opn space links, natural areas and recreational facilities on any future space tourism destinations, increasing pressure for public access to open space areas with conservation values, competing interests between adjoining land use and development on public open space and its user groups, use of public open space and recreational resources for drainage purposes, raising higher space traveller hotel residential development placing increased pressure on the demand for public open space planet land use aim and developing public open space mor intensive leisure and sport activities on any future new space tourism planet destinations.
How can psychology method predict space tourism leisure desire? I believe that it has relationship between the space tourism planner and the economic environment as well as his/her psychology as below: Firstly, on the economic environment influence hand, it includs these both economic situations, either in the good economic environment, many people can earn high income and employers can supply many job number to provide to many people to work, then it will influence the space travelling planner has more space travelling desire. Otherwise, or in the bad economic, less people can earn high income and employers can not supply many job number to provide to many people to work, it will influence the space travelling planner has less space travelling desire. Secondly, on these both the space travelling planner individual psychology influence hand, the space travelling planner will have these both aspects of individual psychological influence, it includes these both either positive or negative psychological influence aspectsas below: On the positive psychological influence aspect, if the space travelling planner has confidence to the space travelling leisure company can provide safe, comfortable, good quality of one space travelling trip arrangement, good taste food arrangement, reasonable space ticket price and every reasonable space trip for space hotel living arrangement and space garden and space farming land visiting journey arrangement, even, space swimming pool and space sport centre and space cinema leisure arrangement to let whom to stay on the planet at least one day trip, it means not one short time space trip, e.g. the spacecraft only flies about half hour or one half. It can not fly to the planet to arrive its space station destination to stay to let the space travelling planner to live at the space hotel at least one night. Then the space travelling planner will have more desire to choose to catch the space tourism leisure company's spacecraft to travel to space. Otherwise, on the negative psychological influence aspect, if the space travelling planner lacks confidence to the space travelling leisure company can provide safe, comfortable, good quality of one space travelling trip arrangement, good taste food arrangement, reasonable space ticket price and every reasonable space trip for space hotel living arrangement and space garden and space farming land visiting journey arrangement, even, space swimming pool and space sport centre and space cinema leisure arrangement to let whom to stay on the planet at least one day trip, it means not one short time space trip, e.g. the spacecraft only flies about half hour or one half. It can not fly to the planet to arrive its space station destination to stay to let the space travelling planner to live at the space hotel at least one night. Then the space travelling planner will have less desire to choose to catch the space tourism leisure company's spacecraft to travel to space. Hence, it seems economic environment changing factor and the space travelling planner's confidence factor to the space tourism leisure providers will influence the whole space travelling market whose space travelling consumer's space travelling leisure consumption desire to be more or less. So, any one space tourism provider can not neglect these both factors how to influence whose customer consumption desire.
Chapter SixSpace tourism leisure behavioral economicconsumption model In space tourism leisure industry, due to every time space trip needs the space travelling planner to plan how much budget to consume expensive spce ticket price. So, it seems that the target customers will be rich or high income level young people or the retirement rich old people target customer group. So, it brings this question: How to persuade these rich or high income young people or rich retirement old people to prefer to spend spce tourism leisure at least one time in their life? It is one valuabe research question to every future space tourism leisure provider. I shall indicate the successful factors to analyze how to persuade them to accept this kind of potential space travelling leisure in behavioral economic personal consumption view point, in order to explain the cause and effect relationship between of these factors as below:(1) Economic environment variable factor Firstly, it is economic environment variable factor whether it can influence to space tourism leisure consumption changing. As I discuss about economic environment variable issue will influence consumption behavior changing. For space tourism leisure case, it is not now kind of essential consumption leisure product to every one. So , even the rich or high income people who will be influences to seek this kind of leisure to play, it the economic environment is improved, it will influence they have positive attitude and interest to choose this kind of leisure consumption. However, if the economic environment is worse, it will influence they have negative attitude and no interest to choose this kind of leisure consumption, due to space travel is one kind of expensive leisure consumption to every one. Hence, in this space tourism leisure industry, it does not ensure that the rich or high income people must be persuade to choose this kind of expensive space tourism entertainment in whose holiday or retirement time. They can have the common tourism entertainment to go to different countries to travel many times in our earth. Otherwise, space tourism leisure is more expensive to compare common earth tourism leisure , it means that the rich or high income people only spend one time spacecraft catching to fly to space to travel in their life, it is more difficult to every space traveler like to catch spacecraft to fly to space to travel more than one time, due to he/she had attempted to catch spacecraft to fly to space to travel to own space travel experience, he/she will feel enough satisfactory and enjoyment in common. Hence, it is possible that future many rich or high income people only like to spend one time space tourism leisure, then they won't continue to spend this kind of tourism entertainment again in their life. Thus, space tourism leisure providers need to arrange any special or attractive space tourism leisure to persuade these high income or rich target clients to consume, when the economic environment will change worse. The Europen space agency (ESA), defines this phenomenon between economic environment variable and space tourism client growth or falling number relationship as: " space tourism is an execution of sub-orbital flight by privately finded and/or privately operated vehicles and the technology development driven by space tourism market."
Chapter EightCan space tourism business bring economy benefits It is fact that space tourism activities have a positive and beneficial impact on eveyday life and society and this help space travelers to understand that, despite the high space ticket prices of any space tourism leisure choices. However, space tourism will bring scientific knowledge and technological knowhow and jobs to bring humn tangible or untangible both benefits. I shall indicate these benefits as below: Although, space tourism leisure seems only leisure activities to be consumed to satisfy any space tourism individual travelling need. However, it can assign space scientists to research and attempt discovery these intangible benefits: Such as tele-communications revolution, satellite weather forecasting, mapping mineral exploration, water resource management diaster mitigation, national security or other undiscovered untangible benefits. Because every spacecraft needs to plan to fly to space, and it will reach any space planet stations, e.g. Mars, Moon planet when it visits these any one planet, the space scientists can attempt to find new undiscovered space resource , e.g. mining or finding new undiscovered satellite weather forecasting method when they can reach these planets to attempt to do space scientifical investigtion to research new space resource , or find any space stones attack to our methods to avoid earth disaster occurrence ( national security mission), instead of the spacecraft catchs space passengers to visit these planets to enjoy these planets space entertainment facilities in their space trip journeys.(1) On space resource benefit aspect
Chapter SixSpace tourism and destinations marketdevelopmentFuture space tourism entertainment business success. The space tourism service provider needs to concern whom the customers are. The group of respondents interested in and willing to pay for space tourism customers who will have these needs to satisfy their space tourism entertainment in their space tourism journey as below: They need to feel there is no place like home, of all the attractive features with a flight into space, viewing the Earth from space rated highest, space tourism customers want to have fun, when asked about their spending. They can accept to spend the largest amount of income on travelling and vacation. So, these earth travelling customers can accept to spend experience space travlling journeys to enjoy their holidays needs.However, if the space tourism company can provide lower prices. Then, it will attract many space tourism customers to choose it's space travelling entertainment service. So, its demand will increase. In fact, orbital space travel is a fairly elastic market, there are significant jumps in demand when the service price drops to US $10 million and again at US$1 million. They must not accept physical discomfort post-space tourism flight. So, if the space tourism service provider can not provide physical comfort post-flight to its customers, then this poor space tourism service will influence its further space tourism customers number to be reduced.However, one US space travel entertainment report indicated the demand for public space travel entertainment service prediction. A presentation of forecaste indicated that space travel projects, due to 2021 year, over 15,000 passengers could be flying annually, presenting revenues in excess of US$700 million. By 2021 year, the report also forecasted 60 passengers may be flying annually, representing revenues in excess of US$300 million.The most important thing about on-orbit destination is options. The space travelling organizational report also estimated that an increase in demand would result from having commercial on-orbit facility available, predicting a total of 533 passengers over the forecast period, a 32 percent increae over the baseline forecast as the sole on-orbit destination option.
⦁Can space tourism business bring economy benefitsIt is fact that space tourism activities have a positive and beneficial impact on eveyday life and society and this help space travelers to understand that, despite the high space ticket prices of any space tourism leisure choices. However, space tourism will bring scientific knowledge and technological knowhow and jobs to bring humn tangible or untangible both benefits. I shall indicate these benefits as below:Although, space tourism leisure seems only leisure activities to be consumed to satisfy any space tourism individual travelling need. However, it can assign space scientists to research and attempt discovery these intangible benefits: Such as tele-communications revolution, satellite weather forecasting, mapping mineral exploration, water resource management diaster mitigation, national security or other undiscovered untangible benefits. Because every spacecraft needs to plan to fly to space, and it will reach any space planet stations, e.g. Mars, Moon planet when it visits these any one planet, the space scientists can attempt to find new undiscovered space resource , e.g. mining or finding new undiscovered satellite weather forecasting method when they can reach these planets to attempt to do space scientifical investigtion to research new space resource , or find any space stones attack to our methods to avoid earth disaster occurrence ( national security mission), instead of the spacecraft catchs space passengers to visit these planets to enjoy these planets space entertainment facilities in their space trip journeys.(1)On space resource benefit aspectHence, the space tourism intangible benefits include: space exploration and international cooperation is developing sophisticted space technologies by nations. For example, the images of distant stars and glaxies using Hubble telescope, research laboratory such as international space station to conduct experiments in biology, human biology, physics, Astronomy and meteorology under microgravity environment and testing of the spacecraft systems will be required for space tourism missions to the Moon and Mars. In the future, human would be able to have unlimited and clean solar energy from space for our industries as well as heating and lighting our homes. In the near future , it would be possible to disposed-off our nuclear waste safely and unexpensively and released towards the sun using a space elevator. We many become a space tourist in earth orbit or on the Moon or Mars. We may carry and extra-terrestial mining and even introduce the development of a multi-planet economy.(2)On education benefit aspectAnother on education benefit aspect, space tourism can let space travelers to feel actual space learning experiences, during the spacecraft is flying in the space. Their space environment learning experience can include, for example: How many spacecraft have been launched by a given country? How many phone calls are made over a satellite? How many lives could be saved by resue satellites? How they feel differences when they are living in one space hotels, they are swimming in the swimming pools, they are visiting the space garden, they are running in one space sport centers, they are visiting in one space farming land, they are sitting or driving one space vehicle on planet land, or they are catching one spacecraft. These space learning experience will let they feel what the actual differences between space environment and earth environment.