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Albert Einstein, together with Theodor Kaluza and Oskar Klein, realized that extra dimensions can be used to unify the different fields of physics, as well as unifying the fields with their material sources. In fact, it was Einstein's dream to transpose the a base wooda of the matter term in his field equations to the ?marble? of the geometrical term. During his lifetime, this kind of unified theory achieved only partial success. But the modern approach, outlined in this bestseller, is elegant and agrees with all the classical tests. The basic idea is to unify the source and its field using the rich algebra of higher-dimensional Riemannian geometry. In other words, space, time and matter become parts of geometry."
Albert Einstein, together with Theodor Kaluza and Oskar Klein, realized that extra dimensions can be used to unify the different fields of physics, as well as unifying the fields with their material sources. In fact, it was Einstein's dream to transpose the “base wood” of the matter term in his field equations to the “marble” of the geometrical term. During his lifetime, this kind of unified theory achieved only partial success. But the modern approach, outlined in this bestseller, is elegant and agrees with all the classical tests. The basic idea is to unify the source and its field using the rich algebra of higher-dimensional Riemannian geometry. In other words, space, time and matter become parts of geometry.
In physics, the idea of extra spatial dimensions originates from Nordstöm’s 5-dimensional vector theory in 1914, followed by Kaluza-Klein theory in 1921, in an effort to unify general relativity and electromagnetism in a 5 dimensional space-time (4 dimensions for space and 1 for time). Kaluza–Klein theory didn’t generate enough interest with physicist for the next five decades, due to its problems with inconsistencies. With the advent of supergravity theory (the theory that unifies general relativity and supersymmetry theories) in late 1970’s and eventually, string theories (1980s) and M-theory (1990s), the dimensions of space-time increased to 11 (10-space and 1-time dimension). There are two main features in this book that differentiates it from other books written about extra dimensions: The first feature is the coverage of extra dimensions in time (Two Time physics), which has not been covered in earlier books about extra dimensions. All other books mainly cover extra spatial dimensions. The second feature deals with level of presentation. The material is presented in a non-technical language followed by additional sections (in the form of appendices or footnotes) that explain the basic equations and formulas in the theories. This feature is very attractive to readers who want to find out more about the theories involved beyond the basic description for a layperson. The text is designed for scientifically literate non-specialists who want to know the latest discoveries in theoretical physics in a non-technical language. Readers with basic undergraduate background in modern physics and quantum mechanics can easily understand the technical sections. Part I starts with an overview of the Standard Model of particles and forces, notions of Einstein’s special and general relativity, and the overall view of the universe from the Big Bang to the present epoch, and covers Two-Time physics. 2T-physics has worked correctly at all scales of physics, both macroscopic and microscopic, for which there is experimental data so far. In addition to revealing hidden information even in familiar "everyday" physics, it also makes testable predictions in lesser known physics regimes that could be analyzed at the energy scales of the Large Hadron Collider at CERN or in cosmological observations." Part II of the book is focused on extra dimensions of space. It covers the following topics: The Popular View of Extra Dimensions, Einstein and the Fourth Dimension, Traditional Extra Dimensions, Einstein's Gravity, The Theory Formerly Known as String, Warped Extra Dimensions, and How Do We Look For Extra Dimensions?
Modern Cosmology, Second Edition, provides a detailed introduction to the field of cosmology. Beginning with the smooth, homogeneous universe described by a Friedmann-Lemaître-Robertson-Walker metric, this trusted resource includes careful treatments of dark energy, big bang nucleosynthesis, recombination, and dark matter. The reader is then introduced to perturbations about an FLRW universe: their evolution with the Einstein-Boltzmann equations, their primordial generation by inflation, and their observational consequences: the acoustic peaks in the CMB; the E/B decomposition in polarization; gravitational lensing of the CMB and large-scale structure; and the BAO standard ruler and redshift-space distortions in galaxy clustering. The Second Edition now also covers nonlinear structure formation including perturbation theory and simulations. The book concludes with a substantially updated chapter on data analysis. Modern Cosmology, Second Edition, shows how modern observations are rapidly revolutionizing our picture of the universe, and supplies readers with all the tools needed to work in cosmology. Offers a unique and practical approach for learning how to perform cosmological calculations. New material on theory, simulations, and analysis of nonlinear structure. Substantial updates on new developments in cosmology since the previous edition.
An advanced text for senior undergraduates, graduate students and physical scientists in fields outside cosmology. This is a self-contained book focusing on the linear theory of the evolution of density perturbations in the universe, and the anisotropiesin the cosmic microwave background.
Einstein endorsed the view of Kaluza that gravity could be combined with electromagnetism if the dimensionality of the world is extended from 4 to 5. Klein applied this idea to quantum theory, laying a basis for the various modern versions of string theory. Recently, work by a group of researchers has resulted in a coherent formulation of 5D relativity, in which matter in 4D is induced by geometry in 5D. This theory is based on an unrestricted group of 5D coordinate transformations that leads to new solutions and agreement with the classical tests of relativity. This book collects together the main technical results on 5D relativity, and shows how far we can realize Einstein's vision of physics as geometry.
A thorough but short review of the history and present status of ideas in cosmology. The book is aimed at a broad audience, but will contain a few equations where needed to make the argument exact.
Advances made by physicists in understanding matter, space, and time and by astronomers in understanding the universe as a whole have closely intertwined the question being asked about the universe at its two extremesâ€"the very large and the very small. This report identifies 11 key questions that have a good chance to be answered in the next decade. It urges that a new research strategy be created that brings to bear the techniques of both astronomy and sub-atomic physics in a cross-disciplinary way to address these questions. The report presents seven recommendations to facilitate the necessary research and development coordination. These recommendations identify key priorities for future scientific projects critical for realizing these scientific opportunities.