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It is without question that this book will elicit a lot of commentary, both good and bad, from experts and interested people as well. Herein, Einstein's various "thought experiments", that led to the concept of Space-Time Continuum, are more thoroughly examined and extended. Upon closer examination, a number of very serious flaws were uncovered in the theories of Special Relativity (SR) and General Relativity (GR). As a consequence, the combined flaws essentially lead to serious "cracks" in the overall Relativity theory and the subsequent "shattering" of the Space-Time Continuum concept. This book does not present complicated and boring physics or mathematics. Instead, it approaches the subject the same way that Einstein did before he developed his mathematics; --through visual "thought experiments". So, sit back and enjoy a return to reality.
I’ve known every kind of pain. Of the heart. Of the body. Of the soul. All I want now is the freedom that comes from making my art. The last thing I expected was Hollywood royalty to waltz into my gallery in a small town in the middle of nowhere and see me. A man like Boden Cavanaugh shouldn’t understand me. Shouldn’t be able to soothe my most ragged edges. Even worse, he makes me want the one thing I can’t have. Him. All it takes is one spark, and friendship catches flame. But as our attraction burns bright, there are forces desperate to send us back into the darkness. And they’ve already killed before…
In the near future, we discover that climate change will soon mean the end of humanity. For generations we took little action, but now we are running out of time. Our final hope for survival is time travel, but the attempt shatters the space-time continuum.The team must travel the world of the past with Romans, Nazis and Native Americans, through the present and into the future, where humanity is reduced to a small number of survivors. On their journey they will face great dangers, but the stakes couldn't be higher.
Crimson and Indigo are two young, star-crossed lovers whose journey has propelled them across multiple lifetimes and alternate realities to a place where their love could survive. But now, with both near the end of their existence in a world where the past, present, and future coexist, the two temporal travelers forge a new relationship with one another in the fever of a budding love affair. For Crimson, an assassin, the past no longer has any meaning. The once torrid love affair that consumed her has become nothing more than a fleeting memory. Yet, she is strangely drawn to Jake Ramious, the hotshot freighter pilot she engaged to deliver a survey team to a mysterious planet at the heart of a spatial rift. Now, some fifty years later, Crimson is taunted by the memories of her previous existence, the probability of losing the one thread of her life capable of rekindling her love for Indigo, and the prospect of being consumed by the metamorphosis of two universes. Internally torn like never before, Crimson must confront her own demons and find a way to restore her futurebefore her beloved Indigo is erased from history forever.
Is there a supreme principle that governs and unifies all things? Have you heard of the new scientific theory that has unified science and creationism? The Principles of Causal Conspiracy exposes new frontiers in science, mathematics, logic and the mind. It reveals the inner workings of the universe in a simple mathematical and scientific theory that explains the existence of space and time, fundamental particles, black holes, the Big Bang, the forces of nature, miracles, spirituality, divinity and creationism. Is it possible that we have found the ultimate unification of science, mathematics and religion? The Principles of Causal Conspiracy reveals a deep and beautiful link between mathematics, string theory, the Riemann Hypothesis, quantum physics, logic, the human mind and creationism. Michael Mark Anthony has written two books (book one and two) that give readers a whole new perspective on the controversial link between science and religion. In book one, Michael Mark Anthony reveals a new theoretical framework for unification of science, mathematics, the mind, and deism. The new theory touches all known subjects, including religion, quantum theory and cosmology. Book two reveals a deep link between Cosmology, Black holes, the Big Bang, Quantum theory, String theory, and Mathematics.
The book "I have become Space" - Thirteen Quantum and Twelve Cosmological Interpretations Awakened by a Novel Theory of Nature, is about a theory that offers up to the scientific community a new interpretation of nature. The book is about Time, and Space, and Matter. The theory quantifies a given unit of mass into a spatial quantity and offers up reasons for why and where the new space comes from for there to be an expanding, and even an accelerating, Universe. Through one equation, MTS, a paradigm shift in science unfolds. The theory combines the space-time continuum with the mass energy equation and perhaps even unifies quantum mechanics with gravity, a Quantum Gravity theory. The theory is accompanied by a Fourth Law of Motion. Solutions to Dark Matter, Dark Energy, the Double Slit experiment, the Measurement Problem, and more, are clearly explained. The book and its contents welcome community feedback.
What if the ancient prophets of Israel and other lands were really great wizards, wielding the timeless wisdom and techniques of Jewish mysticism and magic called Kabbalah? What if they were members of a worldwide multicultural group called "The Conclave of the Nevee" whose goal is to restore humanity to a level of consciousness where the true interconnectedness of all people, things, and traditions is an ever-present reality and the distinction between the magical and the mundane no longer exists? Finally, what if the story of one of the greatest wizards of all time, Elijah the Nevee (Hebrew for "prophet"), is told from his orphaned boyhood beginnings, through his whisking away into the whirlwind wizard training of the magical Conclave, and up to his supposed departure from this world? If Elijah ever left this world, why is the National Security Agency engaged in an operation to recover a repository of scrolls found under the Sphinx after a renowned archaeologist swears that he met Elijah there? In the context of compelling fiction, the author explores and transmits the doctrines of authentic Jewish mysticism in an understandable and entertaining way.
The peaceful village of Middletown began it's days as it always did. The children went to school, the postman delivered the mail with typical timing and loyalty. Kenniston went to work his daily ritual without fail. In a millisecond life changed for the people of Middletown and the World. Cities burned one by one in the Nuclear Flames of World War Three. A small band of survivors vow to rebuild civilization once again
Jeffrey Kripal here recounts the spectacular history of Esalen, the institute that has long been a world leader in alternative and experiential education and stands today at the center of the human potential movement. Forged in the literary and mythical leanings of the Beat Generation, inspired in the lecture halls of Stanford by radical scholars of comparative religion, the institute was the remarkable brainchild of Michael Murphy and Richard Price. Set against the heady backdrop of California during the revolutionary 1960s, Esalen recounts in fascinating detail how these two maverick thinkers sought to fuse the spiritual revelations of the East with the scientific revolutions of the West, or to combine the very best elements of Zen Buddhism, Western psychology, and Indian yoga into a decidedly utopian vision that rejected the dogmas of conventional religion. In their religion of no religion, the natural world was just as crucial as the spiritual one, science and faith not only commingled but became staunch allies, and the enlightenment of the body could lead to the full realization of our development as human beings. “An impressive new book. . . . [Kripal] has written the definitive intellectual history of the ideas behind the institute.”—San FranciscoChronicle “Kripal examines Esalen’s extraordinary history and evocatively describes the breech birth of Murphy and Price’s brainchild. His real achievement, though, is effortlessly synthesizing a dizzying array of dissonant phenomena (Cold War espionage, ecstatic religiosity), incongruous pairings (Darwinism, Tantric sex), and otherwise schizy ephemera (psychedelic drugs, spaceflight) into a cogent, satisfyingly complete narrative.”—Atlantic Monthly “Kripal has produced the first all-encompassing history of Esalen: its intellectual, social, personal, literary and spiritual passages. Kripal brings us up-to-date and takes us deep beneath historical surfaces in this definitive, elegantly written book.”—Playboy