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Space Radiation Biology and Related Topics provides information pertinent to the fundamental aspects of space radiation biology. This book discusses space radiation hazards as well as the importance of natural radiations in the processes of biogenesis. Organized into 12 chapters, this book begins with an overview of the fundamental aspects of radiobiology. This text then discusses the theoretical treatments of the chronic radiation response and the applicability of some of its features in extended manned space missions. Other chapters review the literature on models for recovery from radiation damage to some cellular systems. This book discusses as well the effects of radiations on mammals, with emphasis on those effects pertinent to the space-flight situation. The final chapter deals with the safety of nuclear power in space and explains the three types of nuclear devices designed for power production in space. This book is a valuable resource for radiologists, radiobiologists, and radiotherapists.
This volume is based on the proceedings of an Advanced Study Institute (ASI) sponsored by the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) held October 1987 in Corfu, Greece. The Institute received financial support from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, U.S.A. Armed Forces Radiobiology Research Institute, U.S.A. Department of Energy, U.S.A. Deutsche Forschungs-und Versuchanstalt fur Luft und Raumfahrt e.v., Kaln, Germany The advent of the shuttle era is providing fresh impetus for large space ventures such as communication centers, solar power stations, astronomical observatories, orbiting factories, and space based radar. Such ventures will rely heavily on an extensive and prolonged human presence in space doing in-orbit construction, maintenance, and opera tion. Among the advantages of location in space are the near zero gravity environment, commanding location, and the reception of solar energy and astronomical signals unattenuated by the atmosphere. Central to long-term manned space missions are the problems associated with the effects of exposure to ionizing radiations on humans. Manned space mis sions in the past have encountered relatively benign radiation environ ments because of their very short duration and orbit configuration. However, crew stay time of up to a year has been recently achieved by the Soviet space program; and Mars missions lasting several years are under serious consideration.
Life Science studies in space were initially driven by the need to explore how man could survive spaceflight conditions; the effects of being launched un der high accelerations, exposed to weightlessness and radiation for different periods of time, and returned to Earth in safety. In order to substantiate the detailed knowledge of potentially adverse effects, many model experiments were launched using organisms which ranged from bacteria, plants, inverte brates, rodents and primates through to man. Although no immediate life threatening effects were found, these experiments can be considered today as the precursors to life science research in space. Many unexplained effects on these life forms were attributed to the condition of weightlessness. Most of them were poorly recorded, poorly published, or left simply with anecdotal information. Only with the advent of Skylab, and later Spacelab, did the idea emerge, and indeed the infrastructure permit, weightlessness to be considered as an ex tended tool for research into some fundamental mechanisms or processes as sociated with the effect of gravity on organisms at all levels. The initial hy pothesis to extrapolate from hypergravity through 1 x g to near 0 x g effects could no longer be retained, since many of the experiment results were seen to contradict the models or theories in the current textbooks of biology and physiology. The past decade has been dedicated primarily to exploratory research.
This book examines the effects of spaceflight at cellular and organism levels. Research on the effects of gravity - or its absence - and ionizing radiation on the evolution, development, and function of living organisms is presented in layman's terms. The book describes the benefits of space biology for basic and applied research to support human space exploration and the advantages of space as a laboratory for scientific, technological, and commercial research.
Advances in Radiation Biology, Volume 12, provides an overview of the state of knowledge in the field of radiation biology. Environmental matters are continuing to produce surprises and remain sources of concern. The safe disposal of radioactive waste still is a major problem facing the nuclear power industry. A possible solution is discussed here. New information about the survivors from radiation exposure at Hiroshima and Nagasaki has emphasized the consequences of brain damage in the developing embryo, the importance of late radiation carcinogenesis, and the roles played by age and sex in human radiation responses. It also is prompting an increasing number of scientists involved in radiation protection to question the use of small animal models to quantify late radiation effects in humans. Contributions to this volume deal with experimental and other aspects of those problems. Finally, increasing confirmation of the dose rate response for densely ionizing radiations has highlighted the hazard they pose to humans in the terrestrial and extraterrestrial environments. Therefore, the intention of agencies in the United States and elsewhere to generate better funded and more scientifically perspicacious programs of space radiation biology is welcome. Possible interests of the military in that regard are also considered.
This report consists of a collection of 225 abstracts of radiation research sponsored by NASA during the period 1986-1990. Each abstract has been categorized within one of four discipline areas: Physics, Biology, Risk Assessment and Microgravity. Topic areas within each discipline have been assigned as follows: Physics--Atomic Physics, Nuclear Science, Space Radiation, Radiation Transport and Shielding and Instrumentation: Biology--Molecular Biology, Cellular Radiation Biology, Tissue, Organs and Organisms, Radioprotectants and Plants: Risk Assessment--Radiation Health and Epidemiology, Space Flight Radiation Health Physics, Inter- and Intraspecies Extrapolation and Radiation Limits and Standards; and Microgravity. When applicable subareas have been assigned for selected topic areas. Keywords and author indices are provided.