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Sowing and Reaping is one of the most invoked principles from the Bible. In as much as it is an essential principle it is either misunderstood or deliberately misinterpreted. Either misunderstood or misinterpreted, it does not assist the sincere truth seeker in his effort to faithfully apply the principle for his benefit to glorify God. To misunderstand it or buy into the misinterpreted forms of it denies a person what would have been his rightful reward if he understood and applied the right Biblical version of the law. Worse still, the distorted version lays the basis for potentially firm separation of that person from God. This happens when a person realises that what he has long been promised to reap if he sows into a ministry or pastors life does not materialise. Something which from day one of the promise was not going to happen because every seed brings forth the fruit of its kind but not the fruit of other seed which is not of its kind. This book is not primarily concerned about the interpreters who consciously distort the message of grace as indicated in Jude 1: 4, but concerned about the faithful who have misunderstood the law and even fallen prey to the interpreters spoken about by Jude. The faithful is here in this book delivered from sowing wrong seeds and born again into sowing the right seeds which brings forth their kind by the immutable power of the just God. The illuminating power of God enshrined in his word is used to shed light on life changing seeds and the fruits they bear.
This workbook is based on an in-depth study of 1,064 successfully and unsuccessfully married adults. Analysis of their relationships revealed patterns with invaluable knowledge that lead to the development of this '10-Step Smart Lover's Model' as a decision-making tool for managing risks in choosing and keeping a spouse. This book reveals the useful information you need to know to empower you to make smarter decisions in building a strong foundation for your love relationship.This book shows you how to skillfully choose and keep your lover successfully, without making painful marital mistakes. The '10 Steps to Success in Love and Marriage' reveals the hard facts you need to learn to enable you to unlock the secrets in building a lifetime love relationship. This is the life-shaping knowledge you will use your whole life long, to protect your heart and make you deeply fulfilled in your love relationship. This workbook makes an invaluable gift to your loved ones, who desire not to be just married, but to skillfully and confidently create a successful love relationship that lasts forever.This book will equip you with the following benefits:1. Discover your true self, and unique compatibility features.2. Design the profile of your true wife or husband; attract that specific lover like magic, and start your marriage from a rock solid foundation.3. Develop the best loving skill to avoid the heartache of a breakup.4. Use the latest SLM process protocol as a system that gives you a procedure under which to operate, guide, and protect your family's legacy.5. Increase your knowledge to avoid the common marital mistakes, by building over 40,000 years of other people's experiences.6. Become a Better Spouse and create a warm and fulfilling love relationship.7. Develop the 15 self-help success mindsets you need to make your marriage richer, freer, and more sensational.
As a merchant gathers various goods from different countries and carries them home and stores them up, so the Christian may gather edifying thoughts and lay them up in the storeroom of his heart, and enrich his soul with them. Drawing upon numerous examples from daily life and human relationships, St Tikhon weaves together wisdom on how to live a life pleasing to God. His words are frequently embellished by scripture and together these call the reader to repentance and a fuller embrace of godly living. In a world that typically only values material goods his writing constantly reminds the reader of that which is of true value — the knowledge and love of God. The reader also finds encouragement in the struggle to overcome sin and to acquire virtue which is the fundamental battle of the Christian as the war is waged against the passions. It is a fight worth the effort. St Tikhon's message is clear: True riches are not of this world, but of the age to come. These riches both can and should be acquired now. As the reader progresses deeper into this work his soul will find refreshment, purpose and meaning for his life.