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Four receptor models and a chemical transport model were used to quantify the sources of PM2.5 impacting the St. Louis Supersite (STL-SS) between June 2001 and May 2003. The receptor models utilized two independent datasets, one that included ions and trace elements and a second that incorporated 1-in-6 day organic molecular marker data. Since each source apportionment (SA) technique has its own limitations, this work compared the results of five different SA approaches to better understand the biases and limitations of each. The source impacts predicted by these five models were then integrated into an ensemble-trained SA methodology. The ensemble method offered several improvements over the five individual SA techniques. Primarily, the ensemble method calculated source impacts on days when individual models either did not converge to a solution or did not have adequate input data to develop source impact estimates. Additionally, the ensemble method resulted in fewer days on which major emissions sources (e.g., secondary organic carbon and diesel vehicles) were estimated to have either a zero or negative impact on PM2.5 concentrations at the STL-SS. When compared with a traditional chemical mass balance (CMB) approach using measurement-based source profiles (MBSPs), the ensemble method was associated with better fit statistics, including reduced chi-squared values and improved PM2.5 mass reconstruction. A comparison of the different modeling techniques also revealed some of the subjectivities associated with applying specific SA models to the STL-SS dataset. For instance, positive matrix factorization (PMF) results were very sensitive to both the fitting species and number of factors selected for the analysis, whereas source impacts predicted in CMB were sensitive to the selection of source profiles to represent local metals processing emissions. Additionally, the different SA approaches predicted different impacts for the same source on a given day, with correlation coefficients ranging from 0.03 to 0.66 for gasoline vehicle, -0.51 to 0.85 for diesel vehicles, -0.29 to 0.86 for dust, -0.34 to 0.76 for biomass burning, 0.22 to 0.72 for metals processing, and -0.70 to 0.68 for secondary organic carbon. These issues emphasized the value of using several different SA techniques at a given receptor site, either by comparing source impacts predicted by different models or by utilizing an ensemble-trained SA technique.
Carbon Isotope Techniques deals with the use of carbon isotopes in studies of plant, soil, and aquatic biology. Topics covered include photosynthesis/translocation studies in terrestrial ecosystems; carbon relationships of plant-microbial symbioses; microbe/plant/soil interactions; and environmental and aquatic toxicology. Stable carbon isotope ratios of natural materials are also considered. Comprised of 15 chapters, this book begins with an introduction to radiation-counting instruments used in measuring the radioactivity in soil and plant samples containing carbon-14. The discussion then turns to the basic methods of 14C use in plant science, highlighted by three examples of applications in the field of plant physiology and ecology. Subsequent chapters explore the use of carbon isotope techniques for analyzing the carbon relationships of plant-microbial symbioses; the interactions of microbes, plants, and soils; and the degradation of herbicides and organic xenobiotics. Carbon dating and bomb carbon are also described. The final section is devoted to the uses and procedures for 13C and 11C. This monograph is intended for advanced undergraduate or graduate students, as well as generalist scientists who have not previously used radioisotopes or stable isotopes in their research.
This book provides a synthesis of research findings, in terms of strategic knowledge outcomes regarding emergence of recent regional climate signals, implications for impacts assessment, and mitigation and adaptation response, relevant in the Indian context. The first part discusses evidence of climate change and its underlying scientific processes across India, chiefly focusing on impacts that are already visible and attributable to anthropogenic activities. The latter part deals with the responses to climate change, highlighting the mitigation and adaptation strategies in various sectors and communities. The book presents a concise interpretation, distilling practical recommendations and policy prescriptions at national and sub-national levels. It serves as a reference point for understanding scientific advances and persisting uncertainty, future vulnerability and response capacity of interlinked human and natural systems, pertaining to India. It is an excellent resource for policy makers and industry watchers in addition to the research fraternity.
This book presents the background and application of receptor models for the source identification and quantitative mass apportionment of airborne pollutants. Over the past decade, receptor models have become an accepted part of the process for developing effective and efficient air quality management plans. Information is provided on the ambient and source sampling and chemical analysis needed to provide the input data for receptor models. Commonly used models are described with examples so that the air quality specialist can see how these models are applied. Recent advances in several areas of the field are presented as well as the perspective of both U.S. Federal and State level air quality managers on how these models fit into the development of a management plan.The aim of the book is to provide a practical guide to persons who may be given the task of implementing receptor modeling as a part of some air quality management problem. The intention of all the chapter authors is to furnish both the basic information needed to begin doing receptor modeling as well as some insight into some of the problems related to the use of these models. These tools like any others used in solving complex technological problems are not a panacea, but do represent powerful aids in data analysis that can lead to insights as to how an airshed functions and thus, to effective and efficient air quality management strategies.
Aerosols, or particulate matter (PM), can affect climate through scattering and absorption of radiation and influence the radiative properties, precipitation efficiency, thickness, and lifetime of clouds. Aerosols are one of the greatest sources of uncertainty in climate model predictions of radiative forcing. To fully understand the sources of uncertainty contributing to the radiative properties of aerosols, measurements of PM mass, composition, and size distribution are needed globally and seasonally. To add to the current understanding of the seasonal and temporal variations in aerosol composition and chemistry, this study has focused on the quantification, speciation, and characterization of atmospheric PM in urban and rural regions of the United States (US) for short and long periods of time. In the first two chapters, we focus on 1 month of aerosol and gas-phase measurements taken in Fresno, CA, an urban and agricultural area, during the National Aeronautics and Space Administration's (NASA) field study called DISCOVER-AQ. This air quality measurement supersite included a plethora of highly detailed chemical measurements of aerosols and gases, which were made at the same time as similar aircraft column measurements of aerosols and gases. The goal of DISCOVER-AQ is to improve the interpretation of satellite observations to approximate surface conditions relating to air quality, which can be achieved by making concurrent ground- and aircraft-based measurements of aerosols and gases. We begin in chapter 2 by exploring the urban aerosol and gas-phase dataset from the NASA DISCOVER-AQ study in California. Specifically, we discuss the chemical composition and mass concentration of water-soluble PM2.5 that were measured using a particle-into-liquid sampler with ion chromatography (PILS-IC) in Fresno, California from January 13–February 10, 2013. This data was analyzed for ionic inorganic species, organic acids and amines. Gas-phase species including HNO3 and NH3 were collected with annular denuders and analyzed using ion chromatography. Using the thermodynamic E-AIM model, inorganic particle water mass concentration and pH were calculated for the first time in this area. Organic particle water mass concentration was calculated from [kappa]-Köhler theory. In chapter 3 further analysis of the aerosol- and gas-phase data measured during DISCOVER-AQ was performed to determine the effectiveness of a local residential wood burning curtailment program in improving air quality. Using aerosol speciation and concentration measurements from the 2013 winter DISCOVER-AQ study in Fresno, CA, we investigate the impact of residential wood burning restrictions on fine particulate mass concentration and composition. Key species associated with biomass burning in this region include K+, acetonitrile, black carbon, and biomass burning organic aerosol (BBOA), which represents primary organic aerosol associated with residential wood burning. Reductions in acetonitrile associated with wood burning restrictions even at night were not observed and most likely associated with stagnant conditions during curtailment periods that led to the buildup of this long-lived gas. In chapter 4 we transition to the rural aerosol dataset from the DOE SGP site. We discuss the chemical composition and mass concentration of non-refractory submicron aerosols (NR-PM1) that were measured with an aerosol chemical speciation monitor (ACSM) at the DOE SGP site from November 2010 through June 2012. Positive matrix factorization (PMF) was performed on the measured organic aerosol (OA) mass spectral matrix using a newly developed rolling window technique to derive factors associated with distinct sources, evolution processes, and physiochemical properties. The rolling window approach captured the dynamic variations of the chemical properties of the OA factors over time. Three OA factors were obtained including two oxygenated OA (OOA) factors, differing in degrees of oxidation, and a BBOA factor. Sources of NR-PM1 species at the SGP site were determined from back trajectory analyses. NR-PM1 mass concentration was dominated by organics for the majority of the study with the exception of winter, when NH4N33 increased due to transport of precursor species from surrounding urban and agricultural regions and also due to cooler temperatures. Chapter 5 is a continuation of chapter 4, where we will explore the use of the multilinear engine (ME-2) as a factor analysis technique, which is an algorithm used for solving the bilinear model called positive matrix factorization (PMF). The importance of ME-2 and its potential application on the long-term aerosol chemical speciation monitor (ACSM) data collected from the Department of Energy (DOE) Southern Great Plains (SPG) site will be discussed. ME-2 was performed on 19 months of OA mass spectral data obtained from the ACSM at the SGP site. Evaluation of ME-2 results are presented, followed by comparison of ME-2 factor results with corresponding OACOMP factor results reported in chapter 4. We show that ME-2 can determine a biomass burning organic aerosol (BBOA) factor during periods when OACOMP cannot. (Abstract shortened by ProQuest.)
Improvements in organic aerosol (OA) source apportionment techniques are investigated based on field measurements made in the Southeast US by a Chemical Ionization Mass Spectrometer (CIMS) equipped with a custom Filter Inlet for Gases and AEROsols (FIGAERO), as part of the Southern Oxidant and Aerosol Study (SOAS). Non-Negative Matrix Factorisation (NNMF) is applied to the particulate data in the form of both resolved thermograms and concentration timeseries. Assessments of the variance explained in the input data sets by the NNMF reconstructed approximation are used as a statistical tool for a less subjective choice of the number of factors. Linear correlation coefficients and vector phase angle are also used to produce a quantitative measure of the relative similarity between the output factors both temporally and in regards to composition. Each factor contains specific thermogram behavior (from which volatility information can be derived), unique weights for individual ions corresponding to individual molecular components of measured OA, and diurnal cycles. All three pieces of information were used to assign a specific source to each factor, ultimately showing that the dominant component of OA captured by the FIGAERO-CIMS stems from the oxidation of monoterpenes. Individual molecular components were permitted to belong to multiple and potentially all groupings of OA determined by NNMF, revealing certain factors with similar composition but remarkably different volatility and temporal trends. The median mass contribution determined from each factor produced by this factorisation routine, with no a priori information used as input, align well with those determined by an independent study of particle data during SOAS using a spectral basis set produced from several laboratory chamber experiments. The factorisation routine is shown to be more robust using resolved thermograms as input rather than the concentration timeseries. Of the seven factors given for the thermogram data, three were attributed to monoterpene-derived OA with respective extremely low, low, and semi-volatile behavior. These factors combined represent 68% of the total organic aerosol mass examined. Additionally, two factors were sourced to isoprene chemistry, one correlating with IEPOX-derived SOA, and the other likely relating to photochemistry and exhibiting relatively low volatility. The isporene-related factors accounted for 22% of OA mass. Notably absent in the factorisation of OA is a category exclusively capturing the behavior of particulate organic nitrates (PON). While this may be consistent with relatively low local concentrations of this class of particles, a separate factorisation was performed on only the PON in order to examine the volatility and temporal trends of these potentially important compounds. The added layer of volatility information and molecular level identification of OA composition provided by the FIGAERO-CIMS shows potential with the NNMF algorithm to reproduce atmospherically relevant sources from observations as well as providing framework to further identify chemical processes that lead to these categories based on volatility.