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Through a selfless act of brotherly love, twins Ethan and Darius accidentally discover that they can switch their souls into each others bodies. Because the twins are young when they make this astounding discovery their parents think they are playing a game pretending to be each other. The twins eventually forget they have done this and years pass as the twins grow to teen age when one of them suddenly remembers their secret. This puts a wedge between the two brothers with one of them believing and the other not but through their close bond with each other they finally come to believe it is true. No sooner do they start to experiment with their souls switching than a devastating death in the family sends one of them to a dark mental state which leaves him wondering how he an convince everyone he's not crazy!
Kevin Hunter is an empowerment author specializing in a variety of genres, but he is most notably known for his work in the realms of spirituality, self-help, and love. He has assisted people around the world with standing in their power, and in having a stronger connection with Heaven, while navigating the materialistic practical world. Now some of his popular spiritually based books are available in this one gigantic volume. The Essential Kevin Hunter Collection is the spiritual bible that contains over 500 pages of content geared towards improving and enhancing your life. It is for those who prefer to have everything in one gigantic book. The content included in this edition are from the books: Spirit Guides and Angels - Kevin Hunter discusses Spirit Guides and Angels, what they are, and how to communicate with them. He touches on the four basic clair channels, empathy and emotional detachment, psychic timing, and psychics insights, as well as what happens when you refuse divine messages, and much more. Soul Mates and Twin Flames - Kevin Hunter passes on some of the messages and guidance he has received from his own Guides and Angels on the topics of love and relationships, Soul Mates, Twin Flames, Dysfunctional Relationships, Reconnecting with an Ex, Karmic Relationships, Friendships, Loneliness, working with the Romance Angels, Dating, Relationships, and more! Raising Your Vibration - Fine tuning your body and soul opens up the portal to receive Heavenly messages and guidance. Kevin Hunter discusses some of the guidance his angels and spirit guides have passed on to him that involve getting yourself into shape so that you can get your life in shape. Included are tips surrounding exercise and fitness, removing addictions and negative substances, avoiding gossip, remaining optimistic, harsh energies, clearing the clutter, as well as cord cutting, shielding, your life purpose, divine timing, etheric creatures, and much more! Divine Messages for Humanity - Kevin Hunter channels messages from the other side surrounding what Spirit has to say about humanity, and what this Earthly life is all about. Some of the many topics brought to light are Hell and the Devil, the real monsters of society, the ego, what happens to your spirit and soul when you die, the soul, the spirit, and power of the light, humanity's destruction, mass hysteria, prayer and affirmations, Jesus, abortion, race, and homosexuality. The Light's ultimate message in the end is what the entire spirit world is bathed in and that is love. Connecting with the Archangels - There are legions of benevolent Archangels in Heaven residing in other dimensions. They act as God’s arms to assist humanity one person at a time in achieving peace in their life. They know that when you are in a place of serenity that you are able to focus on your purpose without worry. They are infinite and can therefore be with everyone at once if you ask for their help. Kevin Hunter gives attention to sixteen prominent Archangels and discusses their specialties. He weaves in his own examples of how he works with the powerful Archangels in his daily life in order to demonstrate their areas of expertise. The five pocket books included in this volume contains the same content in Warrior of Light, Empowering Spirit Wisdom, and Darkness of Ego.
On ending up in a too familiar situation after years of emotional and physical pain, I began searching for answers as to why all these difficulties kept happening. It was at this life threatening time that I was first approached by the energy vibration of the four archangels. Due to the fact I had always seen spirits as physical people, I didn’t believe the angels instructions, but after another very special visitation where they showed themselves to me — which is no easy feat for them,— I agreed to write their words; and that’s how this book manifested. As I wrote, my life began to make sense, which now enables me to live with more awareness of what part I have to play in my soul’s journey opening my eyes to wonderful new possibilities. When angels speak, do you listen? I did, and now you too can experience the higher healing knowledge of how your soul’s journey affects your human existence, and how you can work with your soul to ease life’s impact. So give yourself permission to engage with the timeless angelic knowledge that will enable you to encounter a freedom never felt or known before.
“Do you like exciting adventure? Fantasy and otherworldliness? A darned good story that grabs you by the necktie and pulls you along? Go no farther. Barry Cohen gives you all that and more in Soul Switchers, a can't-put-it-down read. Hooked me before I turned the page!” —Shirrel Rhodes, former Publisher, Marvel Comics “Soul Switchers compellingly invites the reader to navigate the fine line between dreams and reality in a masterful style on a par with Christopher Nolan’s film Inception. A skilled storyteller, Cohen invites us to consider whether love, compassion, and ingenuity can defeat any threat, no matter how large. This unforgettable novel, as it moves from decade to decade, engaged my full attention from the very first page, and I literally couldn’t put it down! Highly recommended! —Tom Martin, President, Tom Martin Media, Former Producer, Good Morning America A young couple stumbles upon a growing conspiracy of powerful people who steal the souls of those they deem unworthy and transfer them into the bodies of “deserving” people who are clinging to life. As the soul switchers' movement gains momentum, the family travels through time to try and discover how the movement began and how it will end in an effort to try and stop it. Barry H. Cohen co-authored the novel Comin' Home with Walter Townes prior to writing the Soul Switchers 3-part saga. This book is the first in the series. In addition, he has authored several business books including 10 Ways to Screw Up an Ad Campaign, Startup Smarts, and 10 Ways to Get Sued by Anyone and Everyone. Barry has been a columnist for both Radio and Records, and Radio Ink magazines, as well as a contributor to other business and trade publications. He has spoken at trade shows and conferences, served as a panelist and as a webinar presenter during his 40+ year career in advertising and public relations. Cohen has helped over two dozen aspiring authors launch their book projects. He is a cum laude graduate of Kean University in N.J. Barry and his wife have rescued four dogs from the same shelter. Connect with him on LinkedIn:
Have you ever asked yourself what changed when you were "born again?" You look in the mirror and see the same reflection - your body hasn't changed. You find yourself acting the same and yielding to those same old temptations - that didn't seem to change either. So you wonder, Has anything really changed? The correct answer to that question is foundational for receiving from God. If you lack this basic understanding, you'll forever ask yourself doubt-filled questions like: "How could God love somebody like me?" and "How can I possibly expect to receive anything from the Lord? I don't deserve it, I'm not good enough!" Spirit, Soul, and Body will help you eliminate those and other doubt-filled questions that destroy your faith. If you have trouble receiving from God, this is a must-read!
One of four souls travel and takes control of a body that once belonged to another person. What is the reason? Will it suffer or be glad? Can the family left behind accept the changes? Will it's new family adapt or reject it?
The biggest cause of turmoil and conflict in one’s life is executed by the human ego. The most unruly and destructive ego exists within every human soul. When the soul enters into a physical human body, the ego immediately compresses and then swells up. It is your higher self’s goal to ensure that it remains in check while living an Earthly life. The ego is what tests each soul along its journey. It is how one learns right from wrong. The experiences and challenges the soul has while living in this Earthly life school contribute to the soul’s growth. When a soul learns lessons, it is intended and expected to grow and enhance from the experience. Yet, there are a great many souls who do not learn lessons and remain in the same spot until the end of their life. The worst of the bunch are the ones wreaking all kinds of destruction, hate, judgment, and heartache in its wake. In Darkness of Ego, author Kevin Hunter infuses some of the guidance, messages, and wisdom he’s received from his Spirit team surrounding all things ego related. The ego is one of the most damaging culprits in human life. Therefore it is essential to understand the nature of the beast in order to navigate gracefully out of it when it spins out of control. Some of the topics covered in Darkness of Ego are humanity’s destruction, mass hysteria, karmic debt, the power of the mind, heaven’s gate, the ego’s war on love and relationships, as well as psychic insights, psychic timing, and much more. What Readers Have Said: "I want to point out that the book, "Darkness of Ego" is no assault to me. Speaking the truth, even the harsh truth, is no assault. It's stirring, awakening, disturbing even. I see the assault coming from those who let their egos slaughter all love in the world. The bearer or revealer of bad news is not to be blamed, the perpetrator or causer is. If I have to choose, I'll prefer the bitter truth over a sweet lie. Because I want to know exactly where I stand. Even if the bitter truth is haunting me and the sweet illusion would have been all I've ever wanted. That's why I appreciated the book, "Darkness of Ego". - A Reader "Author, Kevin Hunter, a Warrior of Light, provides a sharp and direct view on everything ego-related in our earthly lives in his book, "Darkness of Ego". He advises and encourages us to be aware of the ego and to decide for a path of love. I appreciate this book very much." - A Reader "I loved the "Darkness of Ego" book. I was in tears several times - releasing and healing tears. I'm so grateful for the blunt delivery of facts the author provides. When this book came out I said to myself: "Oh no, this is a negative one, I don't want to read any more negative stuff. There is enough darkness out there, and this book will not make it onto my bookshelf!" I was going through a personal crises and at that exact same time I was heavily guided to buy the "Darkness of Ego" book. After having finished Chapter 4, I skipped to Chapter 8 on Soul Connections. I was stunned at how enjoyable that chapter was! Not dark at all! I heard that the author wrote the "Realm of the Wise One" book and "Darkness of Ego" book at the same time. Wise One's are familiar with dealing with the dark for so long. He describes the Wise One's realm in one book and focused on the dark Ego in the other one. The Ego book is almost now seen as an extension of the Wise One book." - A Reader
A Soul's Delight: Your Step-by-Step Higher Self Integration Journey provides information, inspiration, resources, and practical activities designed to help you learn and be Soul Attuned through The Higher Self Integration Process. You will be led through experiences enabling you to consciously design your own Higher/Soul Consciousness Program that fits your individualized Soul's awareness and developmental levels. Everything from prayer to accessing your own Soul's voice, physical healing to Chakra and Kundalini activation, precognition to working with Nature Spirits, spiritual partnership to one's own life tasks, and more are explained in a matter-of-fact and comprehensible manner. It stands unique in how it puts together so many systems and truths about life, providing a complex and holistic, yet realistic and practical guide. You are given the opportunity to understand the multi-levels of life in order to consciously co-create a lovingly prosperous and joyful daily reality.
Would you like to understand the deeper spiritual meaning of physical illness, parenting handicapped children, drug addiction, alcoholism, the death of a loved one, accidents, deafness, and blindness? Your Soul’s Plan (which was originally published under the title Courageous Souls: Do We Plan Our Life Challenges Before Birth?) explores the premise that we are all eternal souls who plan our lives, including our greatest challenges, before we are born for the purpose of spiritual growth. Through compelling profiles of people who knowingly planned the experiences mentioned above, Your Soul’s Plan shows that suffering is not purposeless, but rather imbued with deep meaning. Working with four gifted mediums, author Robert Schwartz reveals the significance of each person’s life plan and allows us a fascinating look into the “other side.” Each personal story focuses on a specific life challenge, organized by type for easy reference. Accessible both to those familiar with the metaphysical aspects of spirituality and to the general reader, the moving narratives that comprise Your Soul’s Plan help readers awaken to the reality that they are transcendent, eternal souls. With this stirring book as a guide, feelings of anger, resentment, guilt, and victimization are healed and transformed into acceptance, forgiveness, gratitude, and peace. Robert Schwartz is also the author of Your Soul’s Gift: The Healing Power of the Life You Planned Before You Were Born, which explores the pre-birth planning of spiritual awakening, miscarriage, abortion, caregiving, abusive relationships, sexuality, incest, adoption, poverty, suicide, rape, and mental illness. There’s also a chapter about the pre-birth planning we do with our future pets. Robert Schwartz is a hypnotherapist who offers general Spiritual Guidance Sessions, Past Life Soul Regressions, and Between Lives Soul Regressions. Visit Robert online at
A Spiritual Journey - A Love Story - A Search for Truth An extraordinary spiritual encounter has left psychotherapist Tessa Lynne in a quandary. Her intuition tells her to believe--her logical mind wants proof. A series of surreal events unfolds, forcing her to question her judgment and to examine her beliefs. Each time she thinks she knows the truth of her experience, she is tested again. Tessa is told of our life purpose, about life after death, and of a long-lost destiny, named Michael. Then she learns that he is dying. She reaches out to him spiritually and he sees her in a dream. They have visions of past lives, are surrounded by The Light. Is it possible that Michael might survive? Could their destinies be restored? Who holds that power? Events predicted to Tessa in 1995 have since come to pass. What she was told then resonates more strongly now, more than twenty years later. Discover why she was approached, learn more about the Invisible Choir, and use her story to reflect on the course of your own life journey.