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In the midst of a cacophony of noise, finding true soul rest is nearly impossible. With so many responsibilities and distractions vying for our attention, too many of us have built unhealthy cycles of rest. As a result, we burn ourselves out, striving and straining against God's intent for our lives. We can only sustain a life of purpose if we learn to truly rest. In Soul Rest, Curtis "CZ" Zackery reveals how our misaligned view of rest has its roots in an identity that is out of rhythm with God. Taking steps toward understanding Sabbath in the way that God intends can dynamically affect every aspect of our lives. This thoughtful reflection on rest calls us to the hard work of self--examination, helping us move towards a purposeful and sustainable life with Jesus.
“What’s beautiful about being broken is that you start to realise how much feelings you carry. You are introduced to the layers of emotions that you never knew were in you all along.” *** Life is a place for us to be tested — this is something we know but going through a painful and heartbreaking experience can leave the heart feeling like it’s shattered into pieces. We succumb to the pain, drown ourselves in the whirlwind of emotions, and we end up becoming a person we no longer recognise because of our “brokenness”. But love and pain are emotions from God. So why does one bring us joy and the other makes us feel like we’re trapped in a dark hole? *** In Dear Broken Soul, Islamic educator, Liyana Musfirah, and licensed psychotherapist, Maimunah Mosli, explore what happens to us when we go through a heartbreaking experience and how we can revive the heart by seeking God through our brokenness. It also invites us to embrace one certain fact – our heart and its brokenness will always have a home to come back to – and that is with God.
The feminine holds the mystery of creation. This simple and primordial truth is often overlooked, but at this time of global crisis, which also carries the seeds of a global transformation, we need to reawaken to the spiritual power and potential of the feminine. Feminine qualities belong to both men and women, and they draw us into the depths within us, into the mysteries of the soul whose wisdom is called Sophia. Without the feminine nothing new can be born, nothing new can come into existence—we will remain caught in the materialistic images of life that are polluting our planet and desecrating our souls. We need to return to the core of our being, to where the sacred comes into existence. And the mystical feminine holds the key to this work of redemption and transformation. Over the past two decades Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee has given different teachings on the feminine and the anima mundi, the World Soul. They are compiled here for the first time. “Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee presents us with a clear picture of the Feminine which is now essential to building a new vision and value for our dear planet earth.” —MARION WOODMAN, Ph.D., Jungian Analyst and author “This book is the work of an alchemist—a vitally important contribution to the Great Work of rescuing the human soul from the darkness that currently shrouds it. In this dangerous transitional time, where ignorance, confusion and cruelty abound, its theme of the need for us to recover and comprehend the Feminine is of absolute and urgent relevance. Few people are able to define and evoke the Feminine in the way that Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee does; in poetic and beautiful prose, he speaks directly from his soul to ours, acting as advocate for the longing of the anima mundi, the World Soul, to be welcomed once again into our lives and our culture. He knows that this is the time of humanity’s awakening: each one of us participates in the mystery of the light hidden within us and within all nature that is being awakened. For exploring this mystery so directly and deeply and with such insight, he deserves our deepest gratitude. Women and men alike will welcome and treasure this book.” —ANNE BARING, co-author, The Myth of the Goddess: Evolution of an Image and The Dream of the Cosmos: A Quest for the Soul
Two hundred and twenty-five years ago a political revolution took place in this country which swept power from the English monarchy and gave it to the people of the New World. Today, a spiritual revolution is underway in which spiritual power and responsibility are passing from institution to individuals. You'll be shocked to learn that the same people are at the heart of both world-changing movements. John Adams, Thomas Paine, Samuel Adams, the justices of the first Supreme Court and numerous other American Revolutionaries have been reincarnated as the political and spiritual leaders of today, including George W. Bush, Bill Clinton, Al Gore, Marianne Williamson, Shirley MacLaine, and others. Semkiw presents ample evidence that physical appearance, character traits, modes of thinking and expression, as well as family and karmic groups, often stay the same from lifetime to lifetime. He's also included photographs demonstrating the startling physical similarities the individuals of the American Revolution share with today's revolutionaries. As further support of the basic premise and reality of reincarnation, Semkiw has included Dr. Ian Stevenson's groundbreaking findings of children who report past lives, as well as other case studies of individuals who have researched and written on their own past lives. Discusses new research into using DNA to prove reincarnationFind out how physical appearance, character traits, synchronistic events, karmic groups, and spiritual guidance can be used to detect one's past livesIncludes numerous black & white photographs, dramatically illustrating the similar physical appearance of revolutionaries, past and present
Presents a clear explanation of the role that spirituality plays in psychology, and contains what some regard as the best definition of the soul ever formulated.
As seen on 20/20. Walk-Ins/Soul Exchange explains what a walk-in is, how to know if your are a walk-in, and recounts several unusual cases of walk-ins revealed in Regression Therapy. There are interviews with walk-ins who reveal where they came from and why they are here at this time in Earth's history.There are also references to historic walk-ins. The book is rich in cutting edge philosopny for the new millennium or for your own spiritual growth.
When the Gnostic Gospels collide with new age spiritualism, the Oxford Happiness Test, and treatises on Buddhist practice, we know we're in the territory of a Bruce Beasley collection. Alternately devout and heretical, Beasley—known for his intense and continuing soul-quest through previous award-winning books—interrogates the absurdities, psychic violence, and spiritual condition of twenty-first century America with despair, philosophic intelligence, and piercing humor. Bruce Beasley is the author of eight collections of poetry, including Theophobia (BOA, 2012). The winner of numerous literary awards and fellowships, he lives in Bellingham, WA, where he is a professor of English at Western Washington University.
This is the book to go with The Oracle Cards created by Caroline Carey and Brenda May. The book 'The Oracle: Middle Earth Medicine,' describes 52 stages of growth through 'The Wheel Of Souls Return.' It includes black and white images that have been created for each stage, poetry to touch the heart and soul of the one who explores and then writing on each of these stages to deepen your search. The cards are available separately from Middle Earth Medicine Ways.
The Return of the World Soul is the dramatic story of the struggle of two great minds. Carl Jung the father of depth psychology and Wolfgang Pauli one of the most exceptional physicists of the twentieth century transcend the limitations of their respective disciplines and discover a true unus mundus- a world that unifies and transcends the domains of inner and outer. Through the course of their many exchanges, Jung and Pauli envision a future in which there is not only a radical change in the nature of personal consciousness but a transformation of humanity as a whole.