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Ask a dozen people what makes a soulful leader, and you will probably get a dozen different answers. In The Soul of a Leader Echoes, Eileen Timmins, Ph.D. and Alicia M. Straughter, Ph.D. intuitively and succinctly define the importance of soulfulness in an organizational leader and reveal the leadership model the world desperately needs now more than ever: servant leadership. During these unprecedented times, businesses and organizations are struggling with profound economic implications and uncertainties created by the coronavirus pandemic and social unrest. These challenges complicate and compound the problems in long-established hierarchical systems littered with self-serving leaders, a disengaged workforce, and myriad challenges in technology, regionalized controls, relentless change and more. At this pivotal time, the world needs leaders who are here to serve, to stretch beyond their "normal," to be exceedingly human, soulful leaders. For current leaders who are good human beings, who care about their employees, who wish to listen to followers and help them win, the question becomes: How do I create a culture in a work environment that excites people? The answer is to listen and learn from other soulful servant leaders, those who connect to all voices with equality, acceptance, and dignity. What if instead of forging ahead with a business culture fixated on winning sales, digital transformation, profit and ambition, leaders took the time to focus on person-to-person interactions with employees and letting them know that who they are and what they do matters? Years from now, members of vibrant and healthy organizations will be grateful their leaders did exactly that. Through the stories in this book, drawn from interviews with dozens of select CEOs, physicians, pastors, principals, military personnel, and nonprofit and organizational leaders, the authors created a recipe for identifying, cultivating and becoming a true c-suite soulful leader who grows and helms successful organizations. The book explores the remarkable real-life stories of top leaders -- ordinary people who weave their spirituality into their leadership to create extraordinary impact on their organizations, leading them to outperform competitors and achieve success. By unifying the culture, maximizing human potential, and aligning the organization around a common set of principles, soulful leaders engender a competitive advantage, arguably more powerful than any other. These lessons from the front lines have the potential to inspire a social movement in leading with empathy and humanity across organizations large and small. Servant leaders can lead their teams to achieve greater results, build more loyal customer bases and develop engaged, fulfilled, and mission-driven employees. The book invites readers to reflect on and be inspired by conversations with these ordinary people who make extraordinary impact on strategies, success stories, spirituality, and leadership by leading with their hearts and souls.
The book is interviews developed from our podcast where we talk to ordinary people with extraordinary impact who are leading soulfully. We talk about SAS Leadership.
Forty-nine short chapters which seek to provide innovative ways to thinking about management/leadership environments in organizations.
In this expanded edition of her spiritual formation classic, Ruth Haley Barton invites us to an honest exploration of what happens when spiritual leaders lose track of their souls. Weaving together contemporary illustrations with penetrating insight from the life of Moses, Barton explores topics such as facing the loneliness of leadership, leading from your authentic self, reenvisioning the promised land and more.
“Deepak Chopra lights the way to twenty-first century leadership, where consciousness, love, and compassion redefine the locus of power in relationships and organizations.”—John Mackey, co-CEO Whole Foods Market Bestselling author and spiritual guide Deepak Chopra invites you to become the kind of leader most needed today: a leader with vision who can make that vision real. Chopra has been teaching leadership to CEOs and other top executives for eight years, and the path outlined in The Soul of Leadership applies to any business, but the same principles are relevant in every community and area of life, from family and home to school, place of worship, and neighborhood. “At the deepest level,” Chopra writes, “a leader is the symbolic soul of a group.” With clear, practical steps, you are led through the crucial skills outlined in the acronym L-E-A-D-E-R-S: L = Look and Listen E = Emotional Bonding A = Awareness D = Doing E = Empowerment R = Responsibility S = Synchronicity After identifying your own soul profile and the core values you want to develop, you can use these seven skills to allow your potential for greatness to emerge. Only from the level of the soul, Chopra contends, are great leaders created. Once that connection is made, you have unlimited access to the most vital qualities a leader can possess: creativity, intelligence, organizing power, and love. The Soul of Leadership aims to fill the most critical void in contemporary life, the void of enlightened leaders. “You can be such a leader,” Chopra promises. “The path is open to you. The only requirement is that you learn to listen to your inner guide.” In this unique handbook you are shown how to do just that, in words as practical as they are uplifting. The future is unfolding at this very minute, and the choice to lead it lies with each of us, here and now.
What are we looking for in a leader? Has the meaning of leadership changed? Can history provide guidance for the leaders of a rising generation? What defines the soul of a leader? In The Soul of a Leader, political scientist and cultural commentator Waller R. Newell offers a fascinating perspective on the role of leadership in American life today. From the birth of democracy in Periclean Athens to the Founding Fathers' view of statesmanship, from the experiences of Abraham Lincoln to those of modern presidents, this far-reaching and provocative new book explores the many and diverse elements of good statesmanhip, including the timeless qualities all good leaders share. As Newell plumbs the depths of history, he illuminates the moral, psychological, and intellectual resources we inherit from the traditions of the West—traditions steeped in the experience and reflection on statecraft from ancient times onward—and offers a compass for the challenges America's next generation of leaders will face. In this engaging blend of character portraiture, historical perspective, and contemporary political insight, Newell proposes a bold new perspective on the evolution of the modern American presidency, from Franklin Roosevelt to George W. Bush. He steps back in time to evaluate the clashing models of Lincoln and Robert E. Lee, as they captured the struggle for the soul of the American Republic. And, in an essay of masterful historical reach, he contemplates the roots of modern leadership in the story of what he calls "the West's first superpower conflict"—the epic battle between Athens and Sparta, with its echoes of both Vietnam and Iraq. Finally, he draws from these stories ten lessons in political greatness—lessons the next American president will be wise to heed.
"Echoes from a Child's Soul: Awakening the Moral Imagination of Children presents remarkable poetry inspired by aesthetic education methodology created by children that were labelled academically, socially, and/or emotionally at-risk. Many children deemed average or below-grade level composed poetry beyond their years revealing moral imagination. Art psychology and aesthetic methodology merge to portray the power of awakening children's voices once silenced. The children's poetry heralds critical and empathic messages for our future. This book proposes an overwhelming need for change in America's public-school education system so that no child is ignored, silenced, deemed less than, or marginalized"--
How to master the art of narrative leadership Telling the Story shows how leaders affect our understanding of what is possible and desirable through the stories they tell. It opens a door into the world of narrative leadership: what stories are and how they work; when to tell a story and how to tell one well; and how the language and metaphors we use influence our actions and change how we think about the world. • Explains how narrative leadership shapes and defines what’s possible on an organizational level • Written by a renowned consultant on the art of narrative leadership • Challenges leaders to consider how narrative can influence and help create the kind of society they envision
Drawing on the writings of Augustine, John of the Cross, Teresa of Avila and others, Keith R. Anderson and Randy D. Reese show that the age-old practice of Christian mentoring is meant to facilitate our growth throughout life. They provide motivation, principles and plans for starting and continuing mentoring relationships.
Dozens of books about spirituality and management have demonstrated the yearning for spirituality in the workplace that exists in people like Kerry Hamilton. No longer content to abide the widening chasm between their deeply-held values and the all-too-common business practices they encounter, these readers long for congruence between their values and their work. They wonder whether the days of the giants of corporate character like Johnson & Johnson, businesses who believed that integrity and profitability could co-exist, are gone for good. Are we living in a state of business and organizational entropy? Are we doomed to endless repetition of the Enron, Worldcom, and Global Crossing scandals? Must integrity and profitability now be opposed? What has happened to American business, healthcare, and non-profits in the last forty years? Soul at Work: Spiritual Leadership in Organizations demonstrates vividly that another way is possible, based on the contemporary restoration of the partnership between integrity and profitability. It translates the core of what companies like Johnson and Johnson stood for forty years ago into contemporary forms. Through compelling stories of contemporary businesses, healthcare organizations, and nonprofits, Soul at Work shows how integrity, profitability, and personal and organizational transformation are all of a piece.