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Forget all those evening news sound bites or diplomatically correct half-truths about the Koran and the religion of Islam. If you want to know what the Koran is really about, you have to know what it really says. Don Richardson gives you a nitty-gritty inside look at the Koran, helping to separate fact from fiction. These hard-hitting observations are not the author's opinion based on what he thinks the Koran seems to imply. Muslim boys are indoctrinated in military camps. Madrasa schools force memorization and repetition of the Koran, particularly those verses that promise heavenly rewards for martyrdom. It took courage to write this serious, documented, and well-sourced book. But the price of truth is courage, regardless of one's religion.
Secrets of the Quran is a profound and illuminating book that seeks to unravel the fascinating secrets and timeless verses that have captivated scholars, poets, and lyricists for over a millennium. This book invites you to step into the mysteries of the Quran, shedding light on secrets that are waiting to be discovered. You will realize how every sentence, word, and letter in the Quran is placed in perfect order. As you read, you will bear witness to a mesmerizing collection of secrets, deep mysteries, and beautiful subtleties that exceed the scope of human possibility, all proving that the Quran is the sublime, miraculous Speech of Allah. Each page will imbue you with a newfound appreciation for the Quran and a renewed sense of faith you never knew you needed. Perfect for devout Muslims, newcomers to the faith, and anybody who wishes to uncover more about the divine nature of the Quran, Secrets of the Quran stands as an enduring testament to this Holy Book, inviting you to discover the ocean of wonders that fills every verse.
An awe-inspiring compilation of the most uplifting and powerful real-life stories from readers of the worldwide bestseller The Secret. Discover how everyday people completely transformed their lives by applying the teachings of The Secret. Since the very first publication of The Secret a decade ago, Rhonda Byrne’s bestselling book has brought forth an explosion of real people sharing real stories of how their real lives have miraculously changed for the better. How The Secret Changed My Life presents a selection of the most heartwarming and moving stories in one inspirational volume. Each story provides an authentic, real-life illustration of the pathway that leads to success in every area of life: money, health, relationships, love, family, and career. The people in How The Secret Changed My Life show time and again that no one is excluded from living the life of their dreams.
This book is an exploration of the countless secrets of the universe that God has revealed in Holy Quran more than 1400 years ago. It seeks in a very modest and humble manner to draw you into a journey to uncover some of the awe and splendor of this divine miraculous Scripture. Step in line with the author and walk through the many sacred revelations that have amazingly been encased within the scientific facts, which were yet to be discovered far later in the modern era.
The first book-length study of ta'wil, a form of allegorical scriptural interpretation propagated by Ismaili-Shiite missionaries Ismailism, one of the three major branches of Shiism, is best known for ta'wil, an esoteric, allegorizing scriptural exegesis. Beyond the Qur'?n: Early Ismaili ta'wil and the Secrets of the Prophets is the first book-length study of this interpretive genre. Analyzing sources composed by tenth-century Ismaili missionaries in light of social-science theories of cognition and sectarianism, David Hollenberg argues that the missionaries used ta'wil to instill in acolytes a set of symbolic patterns, forms, and "logics." This shared symbolic world bound the community together as it created a gulf between community members and those outside the movement. Hollenberg thus situates ta'wil socially, as an interpretive practice that sustained a community of believers. An important aspect of ta'wil is its unconventional objects of interpretation. Ismaili missionaries mixed Qur'?nic exegesis with interpretation of Torah, Gospels, Greek philosophy, and symbols such as the Christian Cross and Eucharist, as well as Jewish festivals. Previously scholars have speculated that this extra- Qur'?nic ta'wil was intended to convert Jews and Christians to Ismailism. Hollenberg, departing from this view, argues that such interpretations were, like Ismaili interpretations of the Qur'?n, intended for an Ismaili audience, many of whom converted to the movement from other branches of Shiism. Hollenberg argues that through exegesis of these unconventional sources, the missionaries demonstrated that their imam alone could strip the external husk from all manner of sources and show the initiates reality in its pure, unmediated form, an imaginal world to which they alone had access. They also fulfilled the promise that their imam would teach them the secrets behind all religions, a sign that the initial stage of the end of days had commenced. Beyond the Qur'?n contributes to our understanding of early Ismaili doctrine, Fatimid rhetoric, and, more broadly, the use of esoteric literatures in the history of religion.
Islam is not only a religion, but also a culture, tradition, and civilization. There are currently 1.5 billion people in the world who identify themselves as Muslim. Two thirds of the worldwide Muslim population, i.e. approximately a billion people, live in forty-eight Muslim majority countries (MMC) in the world– all of which except one are in Africa and Asia. Of these MMCs in Africa and Asia, only twelve (inhabited by about 165 million people) have ever achieved a high score on the Human Development Index (HDI), the index that measures life expectancy at birth, education and standard of living and ranks how "developed" a country is. This means that the majority of the world's Muslim population lives in poverty with low or medium level of human development. The contributions to this innovative volume attempt to determine why this is. They explore the influence of environment, space, and power on human development. The result is a complex, interdisciplinary study of all MMCs in Africa and Asia. It offers new insights into the current state of the Muslim World, and provides a theoretical framework for studying human development from an interdisciplinary social, cultural, economic, environmental, political, and religious perspective, which will be applicable to regional and cultural studies of space and power in other regions of the world.
Let us take a spiritual journey to explore the hidden realms of Divine Interaction and inundate our hearts with Divine love. Let us harness the Quran''s unparalleled dynamism and immersive quality to forge a deeper relationship with our Creator. The Quran is both proactive and reactionary. It interacts with the commensurate degree of our faith or lack thereof. Will we be immersed in unshakeable faith and Divine proximity or be left further alienated? The book deconstructs the invisible and reciprocating forces stealthily acting upon the heart to either purify the heart (qalb) and strengthen the soul (nafs) or corrupt the heart and debase the soul. We delve into the functions of the heart by examining the nuanced context of the qalb, fuʾād, and ṣadr. The goal is to ameliorate the nafs with the spiritual power bestowed by the rūh. We explore the constant tug of war within our souls. How are we misled (aghwā, aḍalla) to remain in deception (ghurūr)? Different types of desires (ahwāʾ, shahawāt) keep us mired in illusions and deceptive delights. How can we increase our rank by striving to be among the ṣāliḥūn, sābiqūn and abrār? What are the qualities associated with the muttaqūn, mukhlaṣūn, and muḥ''sinūn which would morph and elevate us to the esteemed status of being a muqarabūn to Allah--implying nearness to Him. What are the coveted spiritual qualities that form the bedrock of our faith? We explore how takwā connects with iḥsān, binds with birr, and endows us with furqān. A muḥ''sin enveloped by the garment of iḥsān can absorb any injustice that may drench him whilst inculcated with Divine love. Patience (ṣabr) can skillfully weave the qualities of birr, takwa, tawakkul, and khushūʿ in a fine tapestry of iḥsān--empowering us to embrace obedience. How does Khushūʿ differentiate humble submissiveness as compared to khuḍū, dhull or dukhūr? This book provides fresh perspectives on how devout worship paves the way for Divine love. How do we incorporate the spiritual endeavours of reflection (tafakkur and tadabbur) to facilitate remembrance of Allah. Supplication is considered to be the ultimate tool of perfecting the Master-slave relationship (ʿabdīya). How do we affiliate our duʿā to reach the pinnacle stage of worship? We examine how the Most Merciful as the Tawwāb loves the repentant believer (tawwāb). How can the remorseful tawwāb draw on the characteristics of the awwāb and the munīb? Which categories of believers are associated with specific Gardens of Paradise? We consider the verses of Jannāt in a new light to shed significance on the varieties and levels of Jannāt. The marked increase of enriched imageries honours the luminaries and dignitaries. We review the nature of adornments and furnishings therein expressed through such terms as the surūr or the arāʾik. The believer''s personal spiritual realm needs to coalesce with the communal sphere. The necessity of this integration is illustrated by the religion (dīn) distinct from millah. How do the terms ʿadl and qisṭ occupy subtly different places in the paradigm of justice? How does ihsān complement ''adl? Maintaining social and interpersonal justice is part and parcel of takwā. Justice supersedes ties of faith and kinship and subdues loyalty and self-interest while injustice disrupts the proportionate balance within the universe. Jihād is a transformative process--a crucible through which the believer seeks to attain excellence in character. Buy Secrets of the Interactive Quran for a deeply immersive and interactive experience! Please write a book comment.
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