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The landscape of Britain has been irreversibly changed over the last century. Modern agriculture, urban expansion, industry and transport have all left their mark, altering the face of the countryside forever. Shifting with the changing scene, the fortunes of Britain and Ireland's bird populations have fluctuated dramatically over the years. As current farming practices have evolved, the natural habitats and breeding patterns of many species have been disrupted. Urban and industrial growth has brought with it the pressures of new land use, pesticides, pollution and human interference. The activities of sportsmen, collectors and farmers have also taken their toll over the years. The new Poyser title The Historical Atlas of Breeding Birds in Britain and Ireland 1875-1900 is a fascinating book resulting form years of meticulous research by the author, Simon Holloway, who provides an absorbing account of the distribution changes of Britain and Ireland's birds over the last quarter of a century. Large colour distribution maps and their accompanying text paint a species-by-species picture of a period which completely transformed the landscape of this country. It is, says Natural World magazine, "a classic case of 'why did no one write this book before?'...The experienced birder, using a knowledge of species requirements, can only marvel at what the long-vanished landscapes were then like." Birdwatch praises Simon Holloway's achievement, saying: "This book brings together so much information from disparate sources, and its status maps present such a clear picture of our late Victorian avifauna, that it should take its place beside the BTO atlases on the bookshelf." While Birdwatching adds: "If you are interested in the historical side of birds and their populations this book will be an endless source of fascination." As with all Poyser publications, the attention to detail, the lovingly produced illustrations and the sheer breadth of knowledge demonstrated by the autho
Reproduced from rare original worth $5,000, great nature classic covers 200 species of ducks. Exhaustive, unsurpassed study. Includes illustrations by Fuertes, Brooks, others. 74 full-color plates, 102 black-and-white plates, 117 maps. Clothbound. 4 volumes bound as two.
This is a fully updated second edition of 2009's well reviewed RSPB Handbook of Scottish Birds detailing Scotland's rich birdlife. Over 250 species are covered in detail with one page per species, including Gaelic names newly added for this edition. The detailed distribution maps have been fully updated and show when birds are breeding, wintering or on migration. More than a thousand superb colour illustrations by some of the world's leading bird artists have been integrated into the text for easy reference at home or in the field. Each detailed species account includes information on identification, voice, habits, habitat, food, breeding ecology, seasonal movements, population and conservation.
The results of the investigations of the International Committee for Bird Preservation in Scotland.
'The most important work on the birds of Scotland ever published' - British Birds This comprehensive study and review of the birds in Scotland follows on from where the celebrated two volumes of The Birds of Scotland (1953), by Dr Baxter and Miss Rintoul, left off. It does more than that, however, since not only has there been a profound increase in ornithological coverage and data (as reflected in the species accounts), there have also been great changes in habitat and environment since the days of Baxter & Rintoul. These aspects form the themes of the ten preliminary chapters reviewing the Scottish scene today in terms of habitat, conservation, birdwatching and the changes in species status and distribution. The species accounts, the backbone of the book, review the period 1950-83 but include, where practicable, records of rarities and details of counts up to the spring of 1985; there are also brief summaries of earlier data based on the researches of Baxter & Rintoul. In all, 497 species are dealt with. The texts of major species accounts are complemented by 173 distribution maps and many tables of relevant data, and there are 129 species drawings by a team of artists under the editorship of Donald Watson, who also contributes chapter head pieces and other drawings. A section of photographs illustrates the varied habitats typical of Scotland today. There are, further, appendices and an extensive bibliography. The book will be of great interest to all birdwatchers in Scotland but of special value, too, to the many thousands of birdwatching visitors from elsewhere in these islands and from countries abroad. The Scottish Ornithologists' Club, for whom the book is published, and all whose records and researches made the author's work possible, have reason to be proud of Valerie Thom's achievement.