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The bestselling author probes the ultimate significance behind today's increasing reports of UFOs, alien abductions, crop circles, and other unexplained phenomena-and what they mean for humanity's immediate future. In 1987 writer Whitley Strieber exposed the world to the truth about alien abduction in his landmark memoir, Communion. For the first time in years, Strieber revisits his encounter with alien intelligences-but now dramatically widens his search to explore how "the visitors" connect with today's persistent and globe-spanning reports of anomalous phenomena, such as crop circles, cattle mutilations, UFO sightings, alien abductions, near-death experiences, close encounters, and unexplained bodily implants. In his magisterial style, Strieber contextualizes these bizarre and unsettling reports with his own childhood memories of strange schools, sinister experiments, and family secrets. In exploring today's most convincing cases of unexplained phenomena, Strieber reasons that they are not unrelated events. Nor are they the result of mass delusion. In some of his most persuasive writing, Strieber argues that the wave of mysterious episodes marks a transition that humanity is undergoing right now. Against all conscious understanding, we are experiencing a broadened awareness of dimensions of reality that exist beyond our current perceptions.
Book Description: Can the technology behind the UFO phenomenon now be explained by modern physics and by a close examination of the more credible UFO reports? Yes according to the new book "Solving the UFO Enigma: How Modern Physics is Revealing the Technology of UFOs" by Robert L. Schroeder. The idea that a subset of all UFO reports represent advanced craft of extraterrestrial origin has been around for a long time. But only recently has the science of physics developed theories which, when correlated with selected UFO data, point directly toward a likely explanation of this alien technology.Modern physics in its attempt to unify the fundamental forces of nature in a "Theory of Everything" has proposed theories that require the existence of up to eleven space-time dimensions and the possibility of entire universes existing side by side with our own. The author not only shows how physics has evolved to this point but he also looks at the unanswered questions of modern physics such as the origin of inertia, the mystery of quantum non-locality, the Higgs or "God" particle and the puzzle of the relative weakness of gravity.It is these unanswered questions, along with certain conjectures and pertinent UFO characteristics, that when incorporated with the latest cutting edge physics theories look to be the final keys to explaining UFO technology. The book does contain some of the math of the most important historical physics theories. Although the math isn't essential to understanding the basic theme of the book it is there for those who would like an even more in depth knowledge of modern physics.This proposed solution to UFO technology is based on some remarkable and rather exotic physics theories that are currently being tested at the Large Hadron Collider particle accelerator in Geneva, Switzerland. Should these theories prove correct then there is a real possibility that UFO technology is within the reach of our earth civilization. Its development on our planet would open up whole new worlds, both literally and figuratively, to be discovered and explored.About the Author:Robert Schroeder recently retired after 26 years with a major computer company where he was involved in operations and product management. His educational background includes a BA in mathematics, an MBA and an associate's degree in aerospace engineering. He has closely followed developments in modern physics over the years and has researched the UFO phenomenon since the 1960's.Early Reviews of book: "I recommend this book to all readers who are; 1) Scientific adventurers, 2) Technical detectives and 3) Curious thinkers. This book is a classic on UFOs." - Milo Wolff, Ph.D. Dr. Wolff is a retired professor of physics and has worked for MIT, NASA and the United Nations. "As science grapples to understand concepts such as dark matter and hidden dimensions....Robert Schroeder takes the reader on a thrilling voyage of discovery where exotic physics might finally help us solve one of the greatest and most profound mysteries of our time." - Nick Pope is the former head of the British Ministry of Defense unit responsible for investigating UFO reports in the United Kingdom. He served in this position from 1991 to 1994.
Thousands of well-documented reports of strange and baffling events, without known causes, grouped under the amorphous heading UFOs, are sufficient, in the authors' view, to suggest that they merit serious scientific study. It is their opinion that a scientific study, seriously undertaken, would reveal cause-effect relationship for some, possibly all, of the phenomena that constitute the UFO enigma. The accumulated evidence for the UFO enigma consists of reports from many parts of the world. These reports contain at least nineteen categories of human experiences ranging from simple observations of strange lights to accounts of abductions by strange, unknown beings. Most reports are from ordinary persons unable to identify a natural cause for what they have observed or experienced. Many of these are sufficiently well-documented to form the basis for scientific studies. The core of the UFO enigma is found in the thousands of challenging reports from highly intelligent, knowledgeable persons with sufficient scientific expertise and experience to enable them to make clear distinctions between events with and without known causes. These latter reports form the basis of this book's assertion that the UFO enigma can, and should be studied scientifically. This book is the authors' attempt to provide an overview of the UFO enigma as a scientific problem and to suggest sources of information and methods for attempting to solve it.
This intriguing collection of essays presents reflections upon the birth, proliferation, enduring appeal, and future of UFO mythology. Highly respected authors and researchers, representing the varied and sometimes competing perspectives of ufology and the sociology of religion, provide a fascinating and instructive voyage into the exotic social worlds of UFOs, abductees, and contactees. Reports of aliens and the changing nature of abduction experience, especially in the sexual dimension are explored in relation to literature, culture, and ideology. The influence of abduction therapy and support groups is considered, as are new religious movements (NRMs) within the UFO community. The book offers rich insights into psychology, human behavior, and religion, melding issues of race, politics, and gender. Finally, it evaluates the existing dynamic of UFOS in the age of the Information Super Highway and ever-increasing globalization. Alien Worlds will enlighten anyone wanting to understand what and how the academic world thinks about UFOs, UFO groups, and UFO phenomena.
The UFO Bible, Volume 1, is about everything you want to know about UFOs, and the background about them. Everything from organizations who deal with UFOs, Alien races, terminology, theories, conspiracies, what does religion tell us about UFOs, facts, than and now, UFO Design, plus so much more in this first volume of the UFO Bible!
Television critics complain it's unrealistic--FBI agents Mulder and Scully tracking extraterrestrial intelligences loose upon the world. Followers of "The X-Files TV series can't seem to get enough. Now, author Hal Schuster offers fans the key to unlocking "The X-Files. His latest book, "Unauthorized Guide to The X-Files reveals everything the television network FOX doesn't want viewers to know. It will help readers unravel the story line, episode by episode. They'll discover bloopers that were covered up and others that went forgotten. They can download inside jokes, Internet data, and scoops about comic-book and novel clones. This x-traordinarily detailed guide provides a probing look at the "X-File series, which has received the Golden Globe Awards and recognition in the Emmys. From its conception to its fourth year on air, readers will discover: - What inspired Chris Carter, an ex-surfer, to create "The X-Files - How critics, the industry, and viewers have reacted to the series - How similar Anderson and Duchovny are to the characters Mulder and Scully - How many mistakes appear in an average episode of "The X-Files Even TV critics may want to investigate this one: "Unauthorized Guide to the X-Files opens with an analytical look at the latest real-life evidence pointing toward outer-space intelligence. According to Schuster, TV's most terrifying series may be far closer to reality than fiction. It also includes an extensive appendix that lists real-life "X-Files and the organizations that investigate them, as well as an overview of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Readers will find listed hundreds of magazines, agencies and on-line sites featuringthe sort of topics found on "The X-Files About the Author Hal Schuster is the author of "The Trekker's Guide to Voyager and "The Trekker's Guide to The Next Generation (both from Prima). He lives in Bangkok and Berkeley, California.
Most reports of UFOs are cases of error or merely hoaxes. However a certain percentage defy all rational explanation. This study examines a number of cases that have been well documented and corroborated, yet remain unexplained.
UFO research in the twentieth century was a daunting enterprise, fraught with misidentifications, blurry photos, and fraud. Now, with millions of drones in our skies and superb computer graphics, the twenty-first century threatens to overwhelm ufology with insurmountable trickery and truly unidentifiable flying objects. How do we make sense of UFOs? Could a lifetime of paranormal activity be real, or is it all in your mind? Are the craft that appear in the skies really flying saucers? Have we all been abducted? And what secrets have been hidden from us? Discover new challenges to ufology and whether we will ever uncover the truth behind the UFO enigma.