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This report presents the main results derived from the analysis of the food data collected in the 2012/13 HIES to inform current patterns on food and nutrient consumption in Solomon Islands. Based on this analysis around one person out of 10 was undernourished in Solomon Islands. That is, their habitual food consumption is insufficient to provide, on average, the amount of dietary energy required to maintain a normal, active, healthy life. This result is not surprising in a country where 13% of the population is living in poverty, more than 30% of children younger than five are stunted, 41% of women are anaemic and 70% of the population do not have to access safe sanitation. In contrast, 47% of women and 30% of men are overweight or obese. Together, these patterns characterise a population experiencing a triple burden of malnutrition. To develop the policies that will be needed to guide the country through the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals, data are needed. Whenever possible, indicators are given at national level and for sub-groups of the population.
This report highlights three main pathways for changing the food system based on consultations and analysis. The pathways include strengthening and connecting rural food systems, enhancing the national policy environment, and advocating for healthy food environments that are accessible, affordable, and convenient. These pathways operate on different scales, ranging from provincial to national inward and outward-looking approaches, but they are interconnected and interact in significant ways. To achieve national prosperity, it is important to prioritize rural and urban areas and establish strong connections between them. The report recognizes areas of strength that are already in place and emphasizes the need to strengthen them further to maintain their positive trajectory.
This report assesses activities in the agriculture sector in the Solomon Islands – including activities funded by development partners and the private sector, as well as activities across subsectors and export-oriented production – in order to identify policy activities and current status of key agricultural indicators. It also provides information to inform a strategic sectoral plan, which will include gaps and opportunities for future development and sectoral growth. The stocktake was designed to identify key constraints and opportunities, and to inform the government, particularly the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock (MAL) in further developing strategic direction and assist them to capitalize on the support of development partners.