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This Record of Decision (ROD) describes the U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management's (BLM's), decisions regarding utility-scale solar energy development on BLM administered lands in six southwestern states (Arizona, California, Colorado, Nevada, New Mexico, and Utah) and approval of these decisions by the Secretary of the Interior. Through this ROD, the BLM is replacing certain elements of its existing solar energy policies with a comprehensive Solar Energy Program that would allow the permitting of future solar energy development projects to proceed in a more efficient, standardized, and environmentally responsible manner. The ROD documents the BLM's decisions, which consist of land use plan amendments that establish the foundation for a comprehensive Solar Energy Program. In addition, Appendix B of the ROD describes updated and revised BLM policies and procedures related to solar energy development on public lands.
As large utility-scale solar photovoltaic (PV) and concentrating solar power (CSP) facilities are currently being built and planned for locations in the U.S. with the greatest solar resource potential, an understanding of water use for construction and operations is needed as siting tends to target locations with low natural rainfall and where most existing freshwater is already appropriated. Using methods outlined by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) to determine water used in designated solar energy zones (SEZs) for construction and operations & maintenance, an estimate of water used over the lifetime at the solar power plant is determined and applied to each watershed in six Southwestern states. Results indicate that that PV systems overall use little water, though construction usage is high compared to O & M water use over the lifetime of the facility. Also noted is a transition being made from wet cooled to dry cooled CSP facilities that will significantly reduce operational water use at these facilities. Using these water use factors, estimates of future water demand for current and planned solar development was made. In efforts to determine where water could be a limiting factor in solar energy development, water availability, cost, and projected future competing demands were mapped for the six Southwestern states. Ten watersheds, 9 in California, and one in New Mexico were identified as being of particular concern because of limited water availability.
The "Regional Mitigation Strategy for the Arizona Solar Energy Zones" presents a strategy for compensating for the residual or unavoidable impacts that are expected from the development of the Agua Caliente, Brenda, and Gillespie Solar Energy Zones (SEZs) in western Arizona. This strategy responds to a call for the development of solar regional compensatory mitigation strategies for each of the SEZs, as committed to in the Record of Decision for the Final Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement (PEIS) for Solar Energy Development in Six Southwestern States. The strategy consists of preliminary findings and recommendations for identifying: (1) the residual impacts of utility-scale solar development in the Arizona SEZs that may warrant regional compensatory mitigation, (2) mitigation actions that can be implemented in the region to compensate for those impacts, (3) how appropriate regional compensatory mitigation obligations could be determined, and (4) how the impacts and mitigation actions could be monitored. While this strategy for the Arizona SEZs is not a Bureau of Land Management decision, it will inform future decisions, including project-specific National Environmental Protection Act (NEPA), regarding configuration of lease parcels and issuance of leases for the Arizona SEZs, lease stipulations, impacts warranting compensatory mitigation in the region, where and how regional compensatory mitigation might occur, and how monitoring and adaptive management might occur.
Winner of the 2017 EDRA Great Places Award (Research Category) Winner of the 2017 VT ASLA Chapter Award of Excellence (Communications Category) The Renewable Energy Landscape is a definitive guide to understanding, assessing, avoiding, and minimizing scenic impacts as we transition to a more renewable energy future. It focuses attention, for the first time, on the unique challenges solar, wind, and geothermal energy will create for landscape protection, planning, design, and management. Topics addressed include: Policies aimed at managing scenic impacts from renewable energy development and their social acceptance within North America, Europe and Australia Visual characteristics of energy facilities, including the design and planning techniques for avoiding or mitigating impacts or improving visual fit Methods of assessing visual impacts or energy projects and the best practices for creating and using visual simulations Policy recommendations for political and regulatory bodies. A comprehensive and practical book, The Renewable Energy Landscape is an essential resource for those engaged in planning, designing, or regulating the impacts of these new, critical energy sources, as well as a resource for communities that may be facing the prospect of development in their local landscape.
The Renewable Energy Atlas (Atlas) of the United States is a compilation of geospatial data focused on renewable energy resources, federal land ownership, and base map reference information. This report explains how to add the Atlas to your computer and install the associated software. The report also includes: A description of each of the components of the Atlas; Lists of the Geographic Information System (GIS) database content and sources; and A brief introduction to the major renewable energy technologies. The Atlas includes the following: A GIS database organized as a set of Environmental Systems Research Institute (ESRI) ArcGIS Personal GeoDatabases, and ESRI ArcReader and ArcGIS project files providing an interactive map visualization and analysis interface.