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Desde un abordaje combinado teórico e histórico propone un acercamiento a los grandes temas que atañen a la sociedad actual: cómo se estructuró y cuáles son las visiones acerca del orden mundial en el que vivimos, qué cambios está sufriendo el trabajo en tiempos de globalización y cuál es el papel de la sociedad civil.
Se describen los principales hechos históricos del período, en tres fases (1989-2001, 2001-2008, 2008-2016) y se hace un breve repaso de algunos de los principales hechos que caracterizaron al siglo XX. Dicha revisión es necesaria para poder establecer lazos que unen (y también diferencian) los procesos políticos, económicos, sociales y culturales del siglo XX con los que se desarrollan en los tiempos de la globalización. Hace hincapié en los ejes de la integración económica y financiera, así como también en el papel central que adquieren las nuevas tecnologías en las actuales sociedades. La globalización, en tanto proceso de transformación política, económica, social e inclusive cultural, es un proceso dinámico, complejo y controvertido. Da cuenta del protagonismo central de las economías emergentes (principalmente China) como ejes de la expansión de principios de siglo XXI. Se tratan los problemas medioambientales y los intentos para hacerles frente. El cambio climático, como consecuencia de un uso indiscriminado de energías contaminantes y de la poca o nula conciencia de las sociedades y los Estados, plantea la necesidad de búsqueda de acuerdos globales y conductas responsables de los distintos actores (sea la sociedad civil o los Estados) para morigerar el deterioro medioambiental. Por último, se caracteriza el escenario político internacional haciendo mención a los principales focos de conflicto latentes en la actualidad y la problemática del terrorismo. En este contexto los Estados nacionales son desafiados de formas inéditas. Si bien disminuye su capacidad de intervención, no han sido reemplazados aún por instancias superadoras. Los distintos tipos de conflicto, y su manifestación más dramática, el terrorismo, revelan la grieta que separa, en términos civilizatorios, a las sociedades del mundo actual globalizado.
El contenido de este texto dice relación directa con las investigaciones que presentaron diferentes académicos nacionales y extranjeros en el V Congreso Chile España, que se desarrolló en la Universidad Católica de la Santísima Concepción durante el año 2018. Las temáticas que se consideraron en dicha actividad, tuvieron directa relación con la Historia de las Relaciones Internacionales y se iniciaron con el origen y rol de la Sociedad de Naciones el año 1919, culminando con la iniciativa americana en este campo, representada por UNASUR y su actual condición.
This book focuses on Andrew Arato’s democratic theory and its relevance to contemporary issues such as processes of democratization, civil society, constitution-making, and the modern Executive. Andrew Arato is -both globally and disciplinarily- a prominent thinker in the fields of democratic theory, constitutional law, and comparative politics, influencing several generations of scholars. This is the first volume to systematically address his democratic theory. Including contributions from leading scholars such as Dick Howard, Ulrich Preuss, Hubertus Buchstein, Janos Kis, Uri Ram, Leonardo Avritzer, Carlos de la Torre, and Nicolás Lynch, this book is organized around three major areas of Arato ́s influence on contemporary political and social thought. The first section offers a comprehensive view of Arato’s scholarship from his early work on critical theory and Western Marxism to his current research on constitution-making and its application. The second section shifts its focus from the previous, comprehensive approach, to a much more specific one: Arato ́s widespread influence on the study of civil society in democratization processes in Latin America. The third section includes a previously unpublished work, ‘A conceptual history of dictatorship (and its rivals,)’ one of the few systematic interrogations on the meaning of a political form of fundamental relevance in the contemporary world. Critical Theory and Democracy will be of interest to critical and social theorists, and all Arato scholars.
This book explores the Social and Solidarity Economy (SSE) in Latin America. It highlights the challenges and possibilities for the countries of this region, and analyzes the evolution of the Social Economy’s processes in order to ascertain its implications and social dimensions. The text also deals with solidarity alternatives in the capital market and the emergencies that occur in order to humanize the capitalist system.
The Expediency of Culture is a pioneering theorization of the changing role of culture in an increasingly globalized world. George Yúdice explores critically how groups ranging from indigenous activists to nation-states to nongovernmental organizations have all come to see culture as a valuable resource to be invested in, contested, and used for varied sociopolitical and economic ends. Through a dazzling series of illustrative studies, Yúdice challenges the Gramscian notion of cultural struggle for hegemony and instead develops an understanding of culture where cultural agency at every level is negotiated within globalized contexts dominated by the active management and administration of culture. He describes a world where “high” culture (such as the Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao, Spain) is a mode of urban development, rituals and everyday aesthetic practices are mobilized to promote tourism and the heritage industries, and mass culture industries comprise significant portions of a number of countries’ gross national products. Yúdice contends that a new international division of cultural labor has emerged, combining local difference with transnational administration and investment. This does not mean that today’s increasingly transnational culture—exemplified by the entertainment industries and the so-called global civil society of nongovernmental organizations—is necessarily homogenized. He demonstrates that national and regional differences are still functional, shaping the meaning of phenomena from pop songs to antiracist activism. Yúdice considers a range of sites where identity politics and cultural agency are negotiated in the face of powerful transnational forces. He analyzes appropriations of American funk music as well as a citizen action initiative in Rio de Janeiro to show how global notions such as cultural difference are deployed within specific social fields. He provides a political and cultural economy of a vast and increasingly influential art event— insite a triennial festival extending from San Diego to Tijuana. He also reflects on the city of Miami as one of a number of transnational “cultural corridors” and on the uses of culture in an unstable world where censorship and terrorist acts interrupt the usual channels of capitalist and artistic flows.
Prompted by the 25th anniversary of the Soviet collapse, this volume reflects on revolutions and transformations around the collapse of the Soviet Bloc, the political transformations after 9/11, the important changes following the global economic crisis, and the revolutionary transformations of India and China. The authors stress that the United States' military actions after the 9/11 terrorist attacks have had a major transformative impact on the global arena. More recently, the economic crisis that began in 2007/8 caused a series of breakdowns and provoked demands for social and political transformation, so far unfulfilled. The repercussions of the Arab Spring and transformations linked to the rise of BRICS are altering the patterns of international and global relations. All these processes have unfolded within the framework of global capitalism, whose reproduction on an expanding scale involved multiple economic, political ecological and civilizational transformations.
The social scientific study of social movements remains largely shaped by categories, concepts and debates that emerged in North Atlantic societies in the late 1960s and early 1970s, namely resource mobilization, framing, collective identity, and new social movements. It is now, however, increasingly clear that we are experiencing a profound period of social transformation associated with online interactivity, informationalization and globalization. Written by leading experts from around the world, the chapters in this book explore emerging forms of movement and action not only in terms of the industrialized countries of the North Atlantic, but recognizes the importance of globalizing forms of action and culture emerging from other continents and societies. This is the first book to bring together key authors exploring this transformation in terms of action, culture and movements. It not only engages with critical transformations in the nature of collective action, but also makes a significant contribution to the globalizing of sociology.