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Social quality thinking emerged from a critique of one-sided policies by breaking through the limitations previously set by purely economistic paradigms. By tracing its expansion and presenting different aspects of social quality theory, this volume provides an overview of a more nuanced approach, which assesses societal progress and introduces proposals that are relevant for policy making. Crucially, important components emerge with research by scholars from Asia, particularly China, eastern Europe, and other regions beyond western Europe, the theory’s place of origin. As this volume shows, this rich diversity of approaches and their cross-national comparisons reveal the increasingly important role of social quality theory for informing political debates on development and sustainability.
This collection sets out the latest research on the concept of 'social quality', developing its theoretical foundations and applying it to pressing policy issues such as the future of the European Union and sustainable global development.
The aim of the Handbook of Social Indicators and Quality of Life Research is to create an overview of the field of Quality of Life (QOL) studies in the early years of the 21st century that can be updated and improved upon as the field evolves and the century unfolds. Social indicators are statistical time series “...used to monitor the social system, helping to identify changes and to guide intervention to alter the course of social change”. Examples include unemployment rates, crime rates, estimates of life expectancy, health status indices, school enrollment rates, average achievement scores, election voting rates, and measures of subjective well-being such as satisfaction with life-as-a-whole and with specific domains or aspects of life. This book provides a review of the historical development of the field including the history of QOL in medicine and mental health as well as the research related to quality-of-work-life (QWL) programs. It discusses several of QOL main concepts: happiness, positive psychology, and subjective wellbeing. Relations between spirituality and religiousness and QOL are examined as are the effects of educational attainment on QOL and marketing, and the associations with economic growth. The book goes on to investigate methodological approaches and issues that should be considered in measuring and analysing quality of life from a quantitative perspective. The final chapters are dedicated to research on elements of QOL in a broad range of countries and populations.
This is a study about perceptions of well-being. Its purpose is to investigate how these perceptions are organized in the minds of different groups of American adults, to find valid and efficient ways of measuring these percep tions, to suggest ways these measurement methods could be implemented to yield a series of social indicators, and to provide some initial readings on these indicators; i.e., some information about the levels of well-being perceived by Americans. The findings are based on data from more than five thousand Americans and include results from four separate representative samplings of the American population. One of the ways our research is unusual is that it includes a major methodological component. Typical surveys involve a modest effort at instru ment development, the application of the instrument to a group of respondents, and an analysis of the resulting data that mainly describes the people studied. Our work, however, was implemented in a series of sequential cycles, each of which consisted of conceptual development, instrument design, data collection, analysis, and interpretation. Ideas and findings generated in prior cycles affected the design of subsequent cycles.
This book provides a critical review of the theory and practice of University Social Responsibility. In addition to addressing the nature of and concepts surrounding University Social Responsibility, as well as its ties to areas such as service learning or engaged scholarship, the book also presents effective practices from around the world. Dedicated chapters demonstrate how University Social Responsibility can manifest itself in different types (civic, moral, economic or global responsibility), levels (local, national, regional or international), and formats (partnership, venture or joint project), depending on local contexts and needs. The book also focuses on three areas of work – educating students to take on social responsibility, broadening access to education, and applying knowledge to societal problems – to highlight the potential and viable ways University Social Responsibility can be employed to promote quality of life in society. Offering a unique resource, it is intended to stimulate thinking and expand the repertoire of all educators, administrators, and organizations who wish to incorporate societal needs into their core mission and promote quality of life in different communities around the world.
The search for ‘the Decent Society’ – a fit place in which to live – has informed policy at both governmental and international level. This book analyses its nature and devises a consistent way of measuring the concept world-wide on the basis of a coherent theory of agency within social structure. Influenced by classical sociology and by the economist Amartya Sen, the book posits that societies need to create (a) economic security, (b) social cohesion, (c) social inclusion, and (d) the conditions for empowerment. The model is interactive and recursive; each component provides the requirements for each of the others. This book outlines the sociopolitical framework underlying ’the Decent Society' and summarises a decade of research, some of which has had a formative impact on governments’ policies. The first half contains studies of social quality based on surveys in the former Soviet Union and sub-Saharan Africa, while the second half describes the construction of a Decent Society Index for comparing very different countries across the world. This book and the index it develops will be of interest both to academics and researchers in sociology, politics, economics, psychology, social policy and development studies and to policy-makers in government, local government and the NGOs.
This volume represents the outcome of two years of intensive debate about the future of Europe. It aims to provide the European Union with a vision: one that will unite all of its citizens and help to create the democratic legitimacy that the EU currently lacks. It builds on the first book on social quality, The Social Quality of Europe, which introduced the concept and which has been enthusiastically received by both the scientific and policy communities. The book develops three crucial elements of social quality: the theoretical validity of the concept, its practical application, and its identity or `genetic code'. It establishes an independent identity for social quality, with a unique focus on the quality of the social, which enables it to act as the rationale for economic, social, and cultural policies and, therefore, an escape route from the dominance of narrow economic thinking in policy making.
This book discusses how various social marketing campaigns have taken up and had an impact on important aspects of quality of life across the world. The chapters bring up case studies from different regions, showing how successful social marketing campaigns have been instrumental in addressing public health challenges, discrimination and exclusion, violence, and inequity; and in changing public perceptions in different countries and through public and nonprofit organizations, but also through businesses. Thus, this book approaches social marketing from a quality-of-life (QOL) marketing philosophy, taking an international perspective. It includes 26 case studies discussing how social marketing campaigns were developed and implemented in specific cases related to disease prevention and risk behavior, safe and healthy lifestyles, and inclusion and interpersonal relationships. It also covers social marketing campaigns related to COVID-19 in various countries. The book is both comprehensive and provides in-depth understanding of every case, and is useful for research, policy making, development communication and social marketing. Graduate students, researchers, practitioners, and social marketers alike will find this book interesting.
Menschenrechtsdiskussionen, globale (Sozial-) Politik und die Bemühungen der UN für Menschliche Entwicklung ("Human Development") und Menschliche Sicherheit ("Human Security") geraten in zwei grundsätzliche "Sackgassen" Zum einen wird ein bestimmtes Mo-dell von existierenden "entwickelten Staaten", d.h. mit hoch entwickeltem Kapitalismus, als einziges Ideal vorgestellt, ohne dass andere fortschrittliche Modelle ernsthaft berücksichtigt werden. Eine mögliche denkbare Alternative ist höchstens die romantisierende Vorstellung einer "guten" Gesellschaft, welche sich in vielen Fällen auf eine Art naive "Güte" einer indi-genen Lebensweise bezieht. Zum anderen wird - nicht fern der erwähnten Alternativen - auf abstrakte Konzepte von Gerechtigkeit und Freiheit etc. hingewiesen, auf moralische Aussa-gen, die jedoch zur Trennung von systematischem sozioökonomischem ebenso wie politisch-rechtlichem Denken führen. Der vorliegende Band versucht, aus sozial-philosophischer Perspektive die politische Öko-nomie und das Sozialrecht zusammenzuführen, um ein Verständnis von allgemeiner Verant-wortlichkeit für soziale Qualität weltweit zu entwickeln. Besondere Beiträge sind eine Einfüh-rung in den theoretischen Ansatz der sozialen Qualität, ein Exkurs über islamische Gesell-schaften und ein Exkurs hinsichtlich asiatischer Sichtweisen. Das Buch "Social Quality - Looking for a Global Social Policy" mit dem Untertitel "Attemp-ting an Approximation to the Analysis of Distances of Social Systems" ist der zweite Band der Serie "Studien zu vergleichender Sozialpädagogik und internationaler Sozialarbeit und Sozialpolitik", welche eine Fortsetzung der fast gleichnamigen Serie ist, die von Franz Ham-burger beim Schäuble Verlag, Rheinfelden herausgegeben wurde. Die Serie thematisiert problemorientiert sozialpädagogischen Theorien und die Arbeit sozialer Strukturen im internatio-nalen Rahmen und Vergleich. Dabei wird die Serie als ein Forum für Diskussionen und Ver-öffentlichungen begriffen,
This book offers a practical approach to maximising quality in social work that is based on developing a working culture that empowers key stakeholders in the delivery of services, whether these are managers, practitioners, service users or carers. Aiming to transcend the constraints on professionalism imposed by managerialism and the contract culture, it provides a critical appraisal of the main approaches to quality assurance and analyses these in detail in relation to child care, community care, mental health and criminal justice.