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The phenomenon of ERTs (empresas recuperadas por sus trabajadores) in Argentina has gained popularity since the financial crisis of 2001-2002. The resulting drastic drop in gross national product, the high inflation rates, and the increased rates of unemployment and poverty reflected serious weaknesses and limitations of neoliberal institutions in Argentina. This phenomenon was also determined by specific historical patterns, such as state interventionism, a long tradition of trade unionism and workers' struggles, as well as a long and deep-rooted tradition of cooperativism. According to the latest survey (Ruggeri, 2014b), there are more than 300 ERTs in Argentina, employing over 13,000 workers. Data show that 95 per cent of ERTs are self-organized under the organizational and legal framework of worker cooperatives. This paper aims at providing a political, economic and social overview of the emergence and establishment of ERTs in Argentina over the past two decades. Moreover, the legal and institutional preconditions that significantly encourage, limit, and determine the scope of worker cooperatives, will be analyzed. In this analysis we will rely on the results of research on ERTs that has been done over the last 10 years, as well as on a historical analysis of the legal and institutional framework.
In Workers’ Self-Management in Argentina, Marcelo Vieta homes in on the history, consolidation, and socio-political dimensions of Argentina’s empresas recuperadas por sus trabajadores (worker-recuperated enterprises), a worker-led company occupation movement that has surged since the turn-of-the-millennium and the country’s neo-liberal crisis.
In Co-operative Struggles, Denise Kasparian expands the theoretical horizons regarding labour unrest by proposing new categories to make visible and conceptualize conflicts in the new worker co-operativism of the twenty-first century in Argentina.
The crisis of Argentina's neoliberal model that escalated throughout the 1990s, driven in part by the zealousness of how IMF-sanctioned structural reforms were implemented, would eventually culminate in the model's temporary implosion over the years spanning the turn of the millennium. For workers living through this crisis, traditional union tactics would prove unresponsive to the neoliberal juggernaut, while the state was on the defensive as business bankruptcy, informal work, unemployment, and poverty rates soared to unprecedented levels during this period. But the crisis of neoliberalism that so deeply affected the everyday lives of Argentina's working people and their families also proved to be, for some of them, an opening for experimenting with other possibilities for organizing production and economic life. As businesses increasingly failed, more and more workers from a broad cross-section of Argentina's urban-based economy began taking matters into their own hands by occupying and self-managing the troubled workplaces that had been employing them as worker cooperatives. Today throughout Argentina, almost 9,500 workers selfmanage over 200 empresas recuperadas por sus trabajadores (worker-recuperated enterprises, or ERTs) in sectors as varied as printing and publishing, media, metallurgy, health provisioning, foodstuffs, shipbuilding, waste management, construction, education, tourism, and energy. The aim of this working paper is to provide a political economic and sociological overview of the rise and establishment of ERTs in Argentina over the past two decades. It does so in order to introduce ERTs to readers that might not be familiar with the Argentine experience of workplace conversions to worker cooperatives and their recent historical emergence. It also gives context to what is arguably, as I will detail in forthcoming research, a new form of hybrid social economy organization - a “solidarity worker cooperative/work integration social enterprise.” In this respect, ERTs are a type of hybrid labour-managed firm that uniquely formed, in the Argentine political economic and sociological context, from out of the takeover and conversion of a formerly investor-owned or proprietary business into a worker cooperative by workers themselves.
The worker-recovered factories of Argentina became an emblematic social movement symbolizing one of the aspects of the social upheaval surrounding the economic crisis of 2001-2002. The recovered factories are enterprises abandoned by their original owners or declared bankrupt, leaving behind unpaid wages and trailing debts. In response, workers began recuperating their factories; resuming production without their former bosses, under, and for the benefit of, a collective worker management. The movement is remarkable for its egalitarian remuneration and its horizontal management. This paper examines the continuity of the recovered factories through the evolving social, political and economic landscape of Argentina. It also assesses the impact of the movement as a challenge to the hegemonic, market-oriented, economic modes of production. Assuming that the future of the movement depends on two sets of factors, the paper analyses internal factors through the prism of resource mobilization theory and external factors from the perspective of political opportunity structure theory. The work concludes that the current situation is one of stalemate, in which the movement gained institutional acceptance, but failed to effect structural change favouring its practices and guaranteeing long-term security. It argues that the movement needs to consolidate certain combative aspects. It must consolidate its new identity as a social movement and forge strategic and tactical alliances while preserving its autonomy.
In Argentina, over 170 bankrupt or troubled businesses have become worker-controlled cooperatives, mostly since the economic crisis of 2001-2002. This thesis assesses the possibilities presented by this so-called "recuperated enterprise" movement as a model for expanding workers' control. Spanning economic and political concerns, the primary focus is on the level of the shop floor and its relation to the surrounding community. A review of the history of class struggle in Argentina reaching back to the early 20th century helps put the movement in context and explains how it emerged. Site visits and oral history interviews conducted at eleven recuperated enterprises illuminate the extent and nature of workers' control gained by the movement, while practices of social and solidarity economy are examined as a strategy to partially overcome the obstacles that face worker cooperatives and to build power at the national and global levels.
Argentine Workers provides an insightful analysis of the complex combination of values and attitudes exhibited by workers in a heavily unionized, industrially developing country, while also ascertaining their political beliefs. By analyzing empirical data, Ranis describes what workers think about their unions, employers, private and foreign enterprise, the economy, the state, privatization, landowners, politics, the military, the "dirty war" and the "disappeared," the Montonero guerillas, the church, popular culture and leisure pursuits, and their personal lives and ambitions.
Is there life after capitalism? In this creatively argued follow-up to their book The End of Capitalism (As We Knew It), J. K. Gibson-Graham offer already existing alternatives to a global capitalist order and outline strategies for building alternative economies. A Postcapitalist Politics reveals a prolific landscape of economic diversity—one that is not exclusively or predominantly capitalist—and examines the challenges and successes of alternative economic interventions. Gibson-Graham bring together political economy, feminist poststructuralism, and economic activism to foreground the ethical decisions, as opposed to structural imperatives, that construct economic “development” pathways. Marshalling empirical evidence from local economic projects and action research in the United States, Australia, and Asia, they produce a distinctive political imaginary with three intersecting moments: a politics of language, of the subject, and of collective action. In the face of an almost universal sense of surrender to capitalist globalization, this book demonstrates that postcapitalist subjects, economies, and communities can be fostered. The authors describe a politics of possibility that can build different economies in place and over space. They urge us to confront the forces that stand in the way of economic experimentation and to explore different ways of moving from theory to action. J. K. Gibson-Graham is the pen name of Katherine Gibson and Julie Graham, feminist economic geographers who work, respectively, at the Australian National University in Canberra and the University of Massachusetts Amherst.
From examinations of the archetypal alienated factory hand to interrogations of the meanings of unpaid labour, 'work' has always been a central sociological concept. But in a period of global economic decline, its importance is especially apparent, and research in and around the sociology of work flourishes now as it has never done before. The sociology of work embraces a range of methodological and theoretical approaches, while drawing on-and contributing to-other fields, such as economics, geography, psychology, and business and management.
With urgency and clarity, Noam Chomsky speaks with the movement as it transitions from occupying tent camps to occupying the national conscience