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Tilapia is the most popular aquaculture species item farmed in over 120 countries or territories worldwide. Global tilapia aquaculture production grew 11 percent annually (or 13 percent in terms of farmgate value) over the past three decades, from 0.3 million tonnes (USD 304 million) in 1987 to 5.9 million tonnes (USD 11 billion) in 2017. Aquaculture production in Brazil increased 14 percent annually (or 12 percent in terms of farmgate value), from 13 000 tonnes (USD 56 million) in 1987 to 595 000 tonnes (USD 1.5 billion) in 2017, making it a regional aquaculture powerhouse contributing to 20 percent of Latin America and the Caribbean’s aquaculture production in 2017. In Brazil, tilapia has been the largest aquaculture item, contributing to nearly half of the country’s aquaculture production tonnage in 2017. This document assesses tilapia farming and the value chain in Brazil by examining tilapia farming technology and practices, dissecting the tilapia value chain, evaluating the sector’s social and economic performance, discussing the importance of proper governance to the sector development, and highlighting potentials, issues, constraints and challenges in the development of tilapia farming or aquaculture in general in Brazil.
This volume includes five studies on tilapia farming in Egypt, Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria and Uganda, which together accounted for nearly 95 percent of Africa’s tilapia aquaculture production in the mid-2010s. Tilapia value chains are analysed from various perspectives: technical, economic, social and institutional.
The world tilapia aquaculture production grew from 380 000 tonnes in 1990 to 6 million tonnes in 2018, making it the fourth-largest species group in global aquaculture. Tilapias are the second-largest species group in Mexico’s aquaculture with its 53 000 tonnes of production contributing to around 20 percent of the 247 000 tonnes of total aquaculture production in 2018. Mexico is the second-largest tilapia capture fisheries country, and its 116 000 tonnes of tilapia capture fisheries production in 2018 was primarily contributed by culture-based fisheries. Overall, Mexico is the second-largest international market for tilapia products, and the 228 000 tonnes live weight equivalent of its tilapia import in 2018 was higher than its domestic production. The average per capita apparent tilapia consumption in Mexico was 3.08 kg (21 percent of its total fish consumption) in 2018, which was much higher than the 0.9 kg world average. This document assesses tilapia farming and the value chain in Mexico by examining tilapia farming systems and practices, dissecting the tilapia value chain, evaluating the sector’s social and economic performance, discussing the impacts of proper governance and institutions on the sector development, and highlighting potentials, issues, constraints and challenges in the development of tilapia farming or aquaculture in general. The document ends with a brief discussion of the impacts of the ongoing coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic on the tilapia industry in the country.
Tilapia Culture, Second Edition, covers the vital issues of farmed tilapia in the world, including their biology, environmental requirements, semi-intensive culture, intensive culture systems, nutrition and feeding, reproduction, seed production and larval rearing, stress and disease, harvesting, economics, trade, marketing, the role of tilapia culture in rural development and poverty eradication, and technological innovations in, and the environmental impacts of, tilapia culture. In addition, the book highlights and presents the experiences of leading countries in tilapia culture, thus making it ideal for tilapia farmers and researchers who seek the most relevant research and information. The new second edition not only brings the most updated information within each chapter, but also delivers new content on tilapia transfers, introductions and their impacts, the use of probiotics and other additives in tilapia culture, tilapia trade, including marketing, and sustainability approaches and practices, such as management practices, ecosystem approaches to tilapia culture, and value chain analyses of tilapia farming. Presents the biology of tilapia, including taxonomy, body shapes, geographical distribution, introductions and transfers, gut morphology, and feeding habits Covers semi-intensive tilapia culture in earthen ponds, tanks, raceways, cages, recirculating systems, and aquaponics Provides the latest information on brood stock management, production of monosex tilapia, seed production, and larval rearing under different culture systems Highlights the most common infectious and non-infectious diseases affecting farmed tilapia, with a full description of disease symptoms and treatment measures Provides an in-depth exploration of tilapia economics, trade and marketing
This book reviews up-to-date knowledge on the biology and aquaculture of tilapia, with special focus on the Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus). Tilapia are a group of fish species that have become one of the most cultured worldwide, currently having a big economic impact on both developed and developing countries. The first 12 chapters of the present book cover different aspects of tilapia biology such as genetics, nutrition, osmoregulation, pathology, reproduction and development. Each chapter includes both basic knowledge and its application to tilapia culture. The last 3 chapters are devoted to cutting-edge techniques for the industry of tilapia aquaculture. Experts from both academia and research institutes provide their expertise on the present book.
This document reviews the development of the aquaculture industry in the Latin America and the Caribbean region over the past decade. In 2018 aquaculture production in the region amounted to an estimated 3.1 million tonnes of aquatic products (excluding seaweeds) worth USD 17.2 billion at first sale. This food sector is vastly concentrated in a few countries with the combined output from Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador and Mexico representing over 85 percent of the total regional production. Atlantic salmon, rainbow trout, tilapia, whiteleg shrimp and the Chilean mussel collectively contributed 80.4 percent and 85.9 percent of the regional production by volume and value, respectively. Marine aquaculture has been the dominant production environment in the region for the past two decades, accounting for 70.1 percent of the farmed output in 2018. Production models vary widely, with a concentration of large-scale companies in Chile, while primarily small- and/or medium-size operations in Brazil, Peru and several other countries. Introduced species remain top on the list among those farmed such as tilapia and the different salmonids both of which have contributed to local livelihoods and employment. Tilapia farming has contributed significantly to food security in many countries of the region while the largest proportion of farmed salmons have been destined to the export markets. Production prospects remain promising, however the industry requires in general better governance, the adoption at all levels of appropriate technologies and best practices, and renewed efforts to guarantee environmental sustainability and social acceptance as well as competitiveness and foresight to deal with climate and market changes. The small island developing states (SIDS) face additional challenges including limited expertise, high production costs, poor seed supplies, as well as extreme and destructive weather events. The report discusses issues that require wider regional attention for the aquaculture sector to grow. Key recommendations focus on governance-related improvements highlighting the need for solid sectoral development plans, support policies, and effective rules and regulations. The promotion of a stronger cooperation among the countries in the region as well as further afield on technical matters, species diversification and equal support to smalland large-scale farming operation are identified as key elements to foster investment and help the region gain a solid position among world aquatic food producers.
Fish Physiology, Volume 38 in this ongoing series, examines how the inherent potential of fish to express traits of economic value can be realized through aquaculture. Topics covered include the regulation of the reproductive cycle of captive fish, shifting carnivorous fish towards plant-based diets, defining the challenges, opportunities and optimal conditions for growth under intensive culture (including in Recirculating Aquaculture Systems), enhancing immune function and fish health during culture, identifying and managing maladaptive physiological responses to aquaculture stressors, establishing welfare guidelines for farmed fish, phenotypic and physiological responses to genetic modification, Zebrafish as a research tool, and the aquaculture of air-breathing fish. Contains contributions from an international board of authors, each with decades of aquaculture expertise Provides the most up-to-date information on the fundamental role that physiology plays in optimizing fish performance in aquaculture Provides the latest release in the Fish Physiology series that tackles how the manipulation of biological processes can be used to maximize the expression of beneficial production traits in fish aquaculture
This world review of capture fisheries and aquaculture insurance presents the findings of five regional and four national reports conducted in 2020. An estimated 450 000 fishing vessels worldwide are covered by marine hull insurance. Nearly all of the estimated 67 800 large-scale industrial fishing vessels are covered by marine hull insurance, as well as 50–60 percent of the estimated 430 000 semi-industrial fishing vessels. However, over 95 percent of the 2.3 million motorized small-scale fishing vessels operate uninsured. Most small-scale fishers do not have access to adequate insurance services. Between 2009 and 2019, underwriting experiences in fishing vessel insurance were generally reported as “Good”. What is more, access to accident, life and health insurance services for crew on fishing vessels and small-scale fishers in developing countries has improved in recent years. In 2020, the number of aquaculture insurance policies in force was estimated at over 40 000 worldwide, with China and Indonesia the largest markets for this type of insurance. While large-scale aquaculture producers are well served by the insurance industry, the provision of insurance is inadequate for mediumand small-scale farmers, particularly in Asia. Underwriting experiences for aquaculture stock mortality insurance were reported as “Good” to “Very good” (40 percent), or “Neutral” (36 percent). The insurance industry has consolidated the market and increased profitability in aquaculture insurance. This world review contains information on the capture fisheries and aquaculture insurance market, the prevailing underwriting practices, perils covered, policies in force, risk management and claim handling procedures. Finally, it offers a series of recommendations for increasing insurance service provision to the fisheries and aquaculture industries.