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Estás delante de una historia difícil que muchas veces me robó la esperanza de un futuro mejor, la esperanza de poder salir adelante, ahora con más de 50 años de edad, de haber fracasado en un matrimonio de 29 años, aun después de haber intentado de todo, haber perdido una hija que tomó la decisión de quitarse la vida a los 28 años, haber fracasado un emprendimiento empresarial, enfrentar uno de los mayores temores de la vida que es quedarse en bancarrota, haber pasado 12 meses atendiendo a mi padre en agonía por cáncer, haber sufrido una traición por parte de un socio que se quedó con la herencia de mi padre, es fácil quedarse sin esperanza, pensando que el mundo es complicado y que parece que está en mi contra y que haga lo que haga nada saldrá bien. A pesar de que parece que mi vida ha sido muy complicada, quiero compartir contigo como he podido salir adelante y retomar mi fe, mi esperanza y la certeza de una vida mejor, en este libro te comparto cuales fueron lo que yo llamo tablas de salvación que me hicieron persistir, no rendirme, seguir luchando y ser un verdadero guerrero de la vida. Deseo que encuentres en este libro la inspiración para seguir adelante y que en tus momentos más sombríos recuerdes que no estás solo en este camino, estamos todos juntos pasando cada uno su propia odisea, que la esperanza es lo último que debemos perder, pues siempre después de la tormenta llega la calma. También quiero que sepas que a pesar de las circunstancias que puedas estar pasando, si pones atención podrás darte cuenta que siempre hay un acompañamiento, una guía, un ser superior que nos consuela y da la fuerza para retomar la esperanza perdida, la ilusión de un mejor mañana. Deseo que todas aquellas personas que por un momento ha pasado por su mente la idea de terminar con su existencia, tengan la oportunidad de leer este libro y puedan encontrar en él, la sabiduría, el conocimiento y la forma de salir adelante a pesar de la situación que actualmente tengan en su vida. Recuerdo un refrán que siempre llevo conmigo: "La esperanza muere al último. Además del amor, una de las energías más poderosas que residen en nosotros es la esperanza" Dínamo Burciaga Vara
A modern classic for our time and for all time-this beloved, award-winning bestseller resonates with fresh meaning for each new generation. Perfect for fans of Kate DiCamillo, Christopher Paul Curtis, and Rita Williams-Garcia. Pura Belpre Award Winner * "Readers will be swept up." -Publishers Weekly, starred review Esperanza thought she'd always live a privileged life on her family's ranch in Mexico. She'd always have fancy dresses, a beautiful home filled with servants, and Mama, Papa, and Abuelita to care for her. But a sudden tragedy forces Esperanza and Mama to flee to California and settle in a Mexican farm labor camp. Esperanza isn't ready for the hard work, financial struggles brought on by the Great Depression, or lack of acceptance she now faces. When Mama gets sick and a strike for better working conditions threatens to uproot their new life, Esperanza must find a way to rise above her difficult circumstances--because Mama's life, and her own, depend on it.
Santo Tomás dice que la esperanza es lo contrario de la desesperanza, en el sentido que desesperarse es no ver posibilidad de solución alguna.Tener esperanza es ver que hay posibilidades, que el mundo o la historia no termina en este problema, sino que nos depara más aventuras y capítulos que escribir y narrar. La persona que tiene esperanza cree en la posibilidad, no en la probabilidad, no deja su vida en manos del azar o la suerte.La Ventana de la Esperanza es una metáfora para ayudarnos a comprender mejor la importancia de la virtud de la esperanza en tiempos de crisis personales y/o colectivas, cuando experimentamos problemas realmente importantes, serios y de calado.¿Qué es una ventana y para qué sirve? Nos aporta LUZ para ver mejor y contrastar con las propias sombras interiores, nos aporta VISIÓN y perspectiva, recuperar metas y planes, o cambiarlos si es preciso, y también nos permite ACLIMATAR nuestro interior, es decir, adaptarnos a los cambios y circunstancias de fuera.Cada participante tendrá la oportunidad de visualizarse en esa habitación interior oscura, examinar sus "palabras sombra", luego abrir esa Ventana de la Esperanza y dejar que entren "palabras luz" para contrastar y quitar peso y temor a esas sombras, ver en color, en positivo, aclimatarse a las circunstancias y ayudarse de la esperanza como compañera de camino.Como en todas las Dinámicas de Grupo Recortables, contiene un anexo final con material recortable y fotocopiable por quintuplicado, para poder reponer en caso de pérdida o deterioro del original de las fotocopias de este material.
¡HAY ESPERANZA! te proveer? de herramientas muy poderosas tales como el desprendimiento, el perd?n, la reconciliaci?n, el reposo, el gozo, la sanidad de traumas, y muchos testimonios que, al aplicarlos de manera sabia a tu vida, producir?n cambios radicales y trascendentales que impactar?n tu presente y tu futuro. Estas herramientas han sido utilizadas y probadas por m?s de 50 a?os en uno de los centros de restauraci?n individual y familiar m?s prestigiosos en el mundo entero, DUNKLIN MEMORIAL CAMP. Si est?s siendo o has sido abandonado, abusado emocional, f?sica o sexualmente, si has sido manipulado, si est?s frustrado y cansado de buscar ayuda, nada ha funcionado y honestamente crees que no hay salida para tu problema, este libro es para ti.
Number one international bestselling author Lorna Byrne, an Irish mystic who gives hope and a sense of peace (The Times, UK), shares the encouraging messages she receives from angels to help carry us through life's challenges. Lorna Byrne sees and speaks to angels physically every day, communicating with them as clearly as the rest of us see people. In A Message of Hope from the Angels, Lorna comforts and consoles us with the knowledge that, no matter how alone you might feel, you always have a guardian angel by your side. As she writes, These days I see a lot of angels holding lights in front of people, helping to encourage them. I see so much to be hopeful about and in this book I pass on these messages of hope. Through this inspiring and uplifting book, Lorna reveals how we can call on the help of angels to carry us through the difficulties that we all inevitably face, including loneliness, depression, stress, financial strain, heartbreak, the death of a loved one, or feelings of inadequacy. No matter what obstacles you encounter, you can always call on the support of angels to make your life happier and more fulfilling.
Hope for the Flowers: A must read during this time of the corona virus and civil unrest in 2020. Caterpillars, Butterflies, Life & a real Hope Revolution THE WORLD HAS BEEN COCOONING; LET US EMERGE WITH HOPE. We have all lived through months of strange relationships with ourselves and the world around us. Virtual gatherings have become the norm, while the pain, uncertainty and injustice goes on. What will our new normal possibly become? What new work? How can we do our part to heal the world from whatever limited space we have? How can our United States truly be one nation under God with liberty and JUSTICE FOR ALL? “What might I do to help others during this global crisis? Is likely still your question as well as still mine. I will continue to offer my e-book for $2.99 with my hope that it can strengthen hope and courage in each of you and your children. We will need all we can get! If inspired, please join our Facebook group - Hope (For the Flowers) Revolution. Maybe we can inspire each other to build the better world that's possible. My hope for us is that, like our caterpillar heroes, Stripe and Yellow, we transform in the darkness of the cocoon to something new and totally unexpected. May we each find a way to use this time of darkness to light the way to justice and peace in the world. May we discover our own new beauty as we discover the beauty in our differences. May we each discover our purpose and live with passion this thing called life, while we still can. “How does one become a butterfly” Yellow asks pensively. “You must want to fly so much That you are willing to give up being a caterpillar.” I can't think of anything more transformational and radical than the change that happens when a lowly caterpillar worm becomes a flying beautiful butterfly. And it doesn't end with flying! They find their true purpose, to carry the pollen of love from one flower to another and receive in return the sweet nectar that keeps them alive. What wondrous exchange! Sharing is the answer to so much! I'm so grateful the story seems to reach every culture, and over 3 million have loved and shared the paper version in English and countless more in other languages for 50 years. May each of us and the world flourish after this strange dark cocoon of isolation.
Can God be good when life is not? Rediscover faith in the character, power, and presence of God. Even in the questions. Even in the hurt. "I want to believe, I want to have hope, but . . ." Pastor and bestselling author Craig Groeschel hears these words often and has asked them himself. We want to know God, feel his presence, and trust that he hears our prayers, but in the midst of great pain, we may wonder if he really cares about us. Even when we have both hope and hurt, sometimes it's the hurt that shouts the loudest. In Hope in the Dark, Groeschel explores the story of the father who brought his demon-possessed son to Jesus, saying, "I believe! Help my unbelief!" In the man's sincere plea, Jesus heard the tension in the man's battle-scarred heart. He healed not only the boy but the father too, driving out the hopelessness that had overtaken him. He can do the same for us today. As Groeschel shares his pain surrounding the health challenges of his daughter, he acknowledges the questions we may ask in our own deepest pain: "Where was God when I was being abused?" "Why was my child born with a disability?" "Why did the cancer come back?" "Why are all my friends married and I'm alone?" He invites us to wrestle with such questions as we ask God to honor our faith and heal our unbelief. Because in the middle of your profound pain, you long for authentic words of understanding and hope. You long to know that even in overwhelming reality, you can still believe that God is good. Hope in the Dark is also available in Spanish, Esperanza en la Oscuridad.