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The richest, most powerful woman in the world, Cleopatra ruled the East and tamed the West. With both cunning and charm, she beguiled two of the most famous men in history, entwining Egypt’s destiny with Rome’s. Many believed she was as sly as a serpent. Or was she just smart? Gorgeous illustrations and an intelligent, evocative story bring to life a real dastardly dame who, despite her schemes, lost everything—including her beloved homeland.
History isn't always written as it truly happened . . . In all four corners of the ancient world, growing threats assemble into a storm of carnage, as the Roman eagle seeks to seize all who will not kneel before it in its golden talons. In the colossal palace of Pharoah Ptolemy XII Auletes, his youngest daughter, sweet Kleopatra Vll, and her dearest friend, Akela, daughter of the pharaoh's favorite general, are only vaguely aware of the dark currents swirling under the surface of their world, and dangerously unaware of a dark prophecy concerning them both that will be set in motion by the arrival of a mysterious visitor from foreign lands. On Krete, the last Spartan princess is humiliated and imprisoned after being pulled from a city in flames, fighting to keep some vestige of her people’s legendary spirit alive. In Rome, the quietly troubled Julius Caesar mourns lost love even as he solidifies his rule with the crucifixion of the slave rebel Spartacus and all who followed him. And on the far-away shores of the Aegean, the last remaining tribes of ferocious Amazons struggle to avoid extinction as they battle forces from all sides and alliances amongst enemies are forged out of necessity. In this first book of The Aegean series, a deadly secret born of vengeance and fear, known only by Kleopatra and her childhood companion, threatens to rock the foundations of a powerful empire and discredit the lineage of the last Egyptian dynasty. With hungry eyes set only on revenge, the whispered words of lustful, power-hungry men nurture the viper sleeping in Kleopatra’s heart like venom infiltrating the bloodstream of history.
From religion, to language, to the stories rooted in our faith and history books, the Nile River has proven to be a constant fixture in mankind's tales. In this dazzling, idiosyncratic journey from ancient times to the Arab Spring, Red Nile navigates a meandering course through the history of the world's greatest river, exploring this unique breeding ground for creativity, power clashes, and constant change. Seasoned historical writer Robert Twigger connects the comprehensive history of the Nile with his personal experience of living in Egypt while researching the Nile's historical origins. Twigger covers the entirety of the river, charting the length of the Nile from its disputed origins through Africa on a whirlwind tour of the rulers, explorers, conquerors, generals, and novelists who painted the Nile "red." Both comprehensive and intimate, this narrative guides readers through history by way of the mighty river known across the world. The result of this meticulously researched book is an all-inclusive history of this epic river and the incredible connections throughout history. The stories of excess, love, passion, splendor, and violence are what make the Nile so engaging, even after centuries of change.
This book is about snakebite and snake identification in ancient Egypt. The authors--in a remarkable collaboration between the fields of Egyptology, medicine, herpetology, biology, and ecology--offer a new examination of the Brooklyn Medical Papyrus, better-known as the Snakebite Papyrus, a pragmatic medical treatise concerned with snake identification, snakebite, and treatment. Dating to sometime in the seventh through fourth centuries BCE, the document is the first-known structured treatise on snakebites from antiquity. The preserved paragraphs name 24 snakes (and one chameleon), providing a brief description of the snake, sometimes its habits, the appearance of its bite, and the effects on the victim. The papyrus was intended to enable the ancient physician to identify the snake from the description given by the patient in order to give appropriate prognosis and treatment. As there was little effective treatment for snake bites in ancient Egypt, sometimes the physician resorted to magical incantations to invoke divine assistance. The Snakebite Papyrus was first translated into French by Serge Sauneron and published posthumously in 1989. Major advances in fields such as biogeography, climate and niche modeling, and linguistics in the past thirty years have brought new perspectives. The authors provide a review of Sauneron's and more recent studies and bring their own investigations, results, and comparisons to further clarify this remarkable historical document.
In the Aftermath of Genocide: The U.S. Role in Rwanda deepens understanding of the violence--the Rwandan genocide and the Congolese war--that engulfed Central Africa in the midnineties, and America's policy response to the crises. Author Robert E. Gribbin draws on his thirty years of diplomatic experience in the region to analyze U.S. perceptions of Rwanda in the years before the genocide and to recount the unfolding of the terrible event itself. Most important, he describes what happened afterwards--how the new government and people of Rwanda, together with their international partners, confronted devastation, picked up the pieces, and began to forge a new nation. They had to reestablish viable government, deliver justice to those guilty of genocide, repatriate over a million refugees, and confront an insurgency at home and a war in the Congo. In the Aftermath of Genocide is an insider's account of these crucial events. It recounts what the U.S. government knew, or did not know, and what it did, or did not do, about them.
The alien influences behind the rise and fall of Egypt’s Golden Age • Explains how Akhenaten was the last pharaoh entrusted with the sacred and ancient alien knowledge of stargates, free energy, and antigravity technologies • Reveals how the Brotherhood of the Snake, a secret society of reptilian aliens, sought to destroy Akhenaten and suppress the sacred knowledge of the pharaohs • Explores the original purpose of the pyramids--to transmit energy to expand consciousness--and how they were decommissioned after the Great Flood The sophisticated civilization of ancient Egypt arose seemingly overnight, complete with advanced levels of art, agriculture, astronomy, and physics. Then, with the death of Pharaoh Akhenaten, much of this higher knowledge was lost--or suppressed. But evidence of this former Golden Age, the alien visitors behind its rise, and those behind its decline still exists--some of it in plain sight. Examining the purposefully obscured reign of Akhenaten and Nefertiti, Xaviant Haze explains how they represent the last dynasty with access to the sacred knowledge of stargates, free energy, and antigravity technologies, knowledge handed down from an advanced interstellar race in the remote past. He reveals how the reptilian race known as the Shemsu Hor infiltrated the Egyptian priesthood and banking systems and formed the Brotherhood of the Snake--a secret society set on destroying Akhenaten’s flourishing kingdom and suppressing the sacred knowledge of the pharaohs. Haze examines the evidence of aliens in ancient Egypt, such as the reptilian beings depicted in the Temple of Hathor and Thutmose III’s alien encounter. He shows how Akhenaten and his family are always portrayed with elongated skulls and explores the connection between ancient aliens and Mars, including the Martian materials used in Egyptian monuments. He explains the original purpose of the pyramids--to transmit uplifting energy throughout the planet to help expand consciousness--and explores how they were decommissioned after the Great Flood of prehistory. He reveals how the original builders of the pyramids foresaw humanity’s fall from the Golden Age and strategically encoded these magnificent structures to wake humanity from the depths of the Dark Ages.
Deep in the vastness of a lost corner of the Congo a reformed big game hunter tackles the management of Garamba National Park. He must wend his way through modern African bureaucracies, civil strife, and corruption in order to combat elephant poachers and remnants of the Lord’s Resistance Army, all the while in search of the possibility that northern white rhino may still exist. The saga unfolds as the hunter and his team of rangers strive to protect and resurrect the park from the ravages of neglect and war. Mysteries of tribal tradition and the very existence of vanishing species unfold along with heartwarming relationships of folks caught up in efforts to save wild creatures. Accurately set amidst the woes of contemporary Congo, the story educates and enlightens about the challenges of conservation in the troubled heart of Africa.
While her father is in hiding after attempts on his life, 12-year-old Cleopatra records in her diary how she fears for her own safety and hopes to survive to become Queen of Egypt some day.