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Shows you how to make tough-minded survival decisions. It's a book you can't afford to live without.
Street Sense: Smart Self-Defense for Children teaches key self-defense concepts and positive character development. It includes topics such as awareness, body confidence, verbal defense, trusting your feelings, personal space and boundaries, respect for self and others, and making positive choices. Colorfully illustrated, this interactive workbook is a powerful communication catalyst for both parents and teachers to discuss with children the sensitive issues surrounding bullying and personal safety.
"Implementing even a fraction of this book's suggestions will substantially increase your overall safety." - Gila Hayes, Armed Citizens' Legal Defense NetworkWe could whine about how we live in dangerous times nowadays, but let's face it, all throughout history ordinary people have been at risk of violence in one way or another. Abdicating personal responsibility by outsourcing your safety to others might be the easy way out, but it does little to safeguard your welfare. In this book you'll discover what dangers you face and learn proven strategies to thwart them.Self-defense is far more than fighting skills; it's a lifestyle choice, a more enlightened way of looking at and moving through the world. Topics include:* Making sense of senseless violence* Riots and crowd safety* Terrorism* Domestic violence* Gangs* Home invasions* Conquering impossible odds* Creating witnesses* Guns* Overcoming talisman thinking* Interacting with law enforcement* And much, much more...Violent encounters are rarely what you'd think. Oftentimes they last mere seconds yet have consequences that can linger for a lifetime. The best confrontations are those you can avoid, but preparation and training can get you through those times when you must fight for your life and failure is not an option. In this book Kane and Wilder teach you how."This is an insider's bible to violence, what it is, how to spot it and how to avoid it." - Becky Blanton, TED Global speaker, journalist
Victims of physical attacks seldom expect to be the target of an aggressor. Don't wait and become another statistic. Be prepared and protect yourself. Self-Defense Techniques & Tactics is your guide to mastering basic street-smart self-defense and develop the survival skills and strategies to feel safe in any environment. The preventive measures, defensive maneuvers, and combinations in this book require no prior experience to perform. Through clear instruction and photographs, you will learn how to defend yourself by generating pain compliance, incapacitating the aggressor, and asserting control in life-threatening situations. You will also learn necessary mental tactics that have been tested and proven successful in actual combat. From learning to assess threats and spot potential danger signs to disarming weapons from your attackers, Self-Defense Techniques & Tactics will teach you how to protect yourself when your safety is threatened.
Hone your senses, increase awareness, and learn the techniques that could save your life. Self-Defense: Steps to Survival will teach you to identify danger, avoid assault, and defend yourself and others against attackers in a variety of situations. Based on the proven strategies and techniques taught on campuses and in metropolitan areas worldwide, Self-Defense: Steps to Survival is both practical and immediately applicable for men, women, and teens regardless of previous experience. You'll learn these skills: -Assess your surroundings, notice warning signs, and remove yourself from potential harm. -Use the power of your own voice to thwart an attack. -Recognize warning signs of violence in an intimate relationship. -Resist and escape physical and sexual violence by strangers and acquaintances. -Free yourself from an assailant's grasp. -Develop an arsenal of strikes, kicks, and defense techniques for countering physical attacks. -Defend yourself against weapon attacks and multiple attackers. Don't live in fear! Self-Defense: Steps to Survival will change the way you approach everyday life, giving you the assurance that you'll be prepared for the unexpected. See all the titles available in the Steps to Success Series.
How would you manage if you were attacked today? When you least expected it? Do you wish you knew how to defend yourself or more importantly what to look for if a would-be attacker is moving towards you? Knowing a few tricks and moves to get you out of trouble could save your life and this book has been written to give you no a bullshit approach to help you. This is for both men and women to defend themselves. 12 Reasons to Make this Book an Essential Part of Your Self Defense: -- How to Avoid an Attack Altogether -- How to Deal with The Fear Factor -- Controlling your Adrenaline and Nerves -- Be More Switched On -- Set up for Max Impact -- The Best Form of Self Defense -- Using Natural Weapons -- The No No's for Survival -- How To Build a Secure Wall -- Finish in the fight in One Punch - where to strike to give you time to escape -- Signs Before an Attack -- If it All Goes Wrong - what to do! Violent attacks, muggings, robbery and rape are unfortunately on the rise. You only have to look at the newspapers, news channels or more commonly the newsfeed on Facebook to see another meaningless assault on some poor victim. Worse still you may see a video of some being attacked and passersby's refusing to intervene and preferring to mind their own business. This puts the average person in no doubt that if something happened you would probably be on your own. However if this sounds like a would-be attacker has everything in their favour then they can think again. I'm here to tip the scales back in your favour by showing you what to look for and how to defend yourself. In many cases it will be about spotting potential danger and removing yourself, or executing one move to allow you to escape the situation. These are not complex martial arts moves, they are fast attack or defense strikes to hit in the right place, to give you enough time to leave the area unharmed. On top of various moves I teach you how to control fear. I go into the reality of a fight - and into why certain moves wouldn't work in "real world" scenarios. In essence this is a information-packed book to help you avoid confrontation and if need be get the upper hand on any encounter. Curious To Learn More? Check out 'Self Defense; Self Defense For Men and Women' to learn the secrets of smart self defense. You don't need to spend hundreds of dollars/pounds on various martial arts courses. What you need are some easy to remember 'go to moves' to get you out of harms away. When you have the tips and tricks in this book you will know what weakness to look for in an opponent, and how to avoid a confrontation altogether.
Get street-smart. Unleash your inner warrior. Forget everything you thought you knew about self-defense. Those graceful martial arts moves that are so effective in the movies are likely to get you killed on the street. In fight-or-flight mode, you won’t have the calm thinking and fine motor skills to execute them. You need a simpler approach with a few fundamental moves that are easy to remember and perform yet devastating to an attacker. The solution? Self-Defense For Dummies, your guide to avoiding attacks, neutralizing attackers, and protecting yourself and your loved ones. In this book, you discover a self-defense system that works in the real world, where armed criminals target the most vulnerable and don’t fight fair. Discover strategies to make yourself a hard target, as opposed to an easy one Heighten your awareness of your surroundings and potential threats Sharpen your self-defense instincts and respond proactively to impending danger Master hand-to-hand combat basics and defend against grabs and holds Learn how to use weapons and defend against them
Discover how to "stand up" against trouble by developing the necessary physical and mental skills of martial-arts masters. This book is intended to help children gain the understanding and skills to resolve conflicts nonviolently
In his latest publication 'Street Smart', Patrick Baas examines the psychological and physical aspects of street fighting, and the various other forms of violence. He describes in detail how troublemakers proceed. What are the motivations of the offenders? What tactical understanding do we require when reason and communication no longer helps? Will those who threaten with violence eventually act out? Do you know how you will react and why your body protests so fiercely? Will you fight or run? What's the most sensible way to escape? Imagine you end up the middle of a group fight. How does nature resolve these issues? This book also scrutinizes numerous misconceptions about self-defense, martial arts, aggression, and violence. Supplemented with statistics and safety tips, 'Street Smart' is a must-read for anyone who wants to be seriously prepared for the various aspects that encompass street violence. Author and martial arts expert Patrick Baas is working as a company investigator, a self-defense instructor, and he coaches in conflict handling, assault, and aggression prevention. He previously published, 'This is a robbery, ' and 'Stop the thief!'